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tv   Washington Journal Rep. John Rutherford  CSPAN  May 8, 2024 11:55am-12:00pm EDT

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members will also consider allowing mining waste to be stored on public lands. and a measure adding a citizenship question to the census. starting in 2030. as always, live coverage of the house on c-span. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more. including charter communications. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one of the best internet providers. and we are just getting started. building 100,000 miles of new infrastructure to reach those who need it most. >> charter communications supports c-span as a public service. along with tse other television providers. giving you a front row seat to democracy. st: welcome back. we are joined by representative john rutherford, republican of
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florida who is a member of the appropriations committee. welcome to the program. >> good to be with you. host: the president gave a speech about anti-semitism saying there is a ferocious rise of anti-semitism in this country. do you agree with him? guest: i do. in my own home in jacksonville we have seen an uptick in anti-semitism. i've seen that over the years. but i do have to say i don't think i've seen it at the level it is today. where in jacksonville they were literally projecting anti-semitic messages onto buildings with some kind of laser. i've never seen anything like it. hanging banners over the interstate overpass.
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they fill up these little bags with rice and put anti-semitic notes inside and then drive down the street and just throw them on people's driveways and they pick it up going what is this and they read the note. there's just all kinds of hate out there. host: we were talking in our first hour about those notes, those messages, are they anti-israel, so against the war in gaza, against israel's policy , or is it against jews and advocating violence against jewish people? guest: it's advocating violence against jewish people. the ones that i was dealing with didn't have anything to do with gaza because that hadn't happened yet but these messages were up recently, that -- that -- they weren't calling for
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violence but it was very derogatory language. host: and your views on the campus protests that have been going on? guest: i think law enforcement and these college presidents, if they would understand you have to get on this quickly whether it when it starts to occur on your campus. the president of the university of florida has handled it magnificently. the president of the university of north florida in jacksonville handled it very properly. host: tell us how? guest: you make arrests very quickly. host: people can protest guest: people can protest but once they start to pitch a tent, than they need to go to jail. what the university of florida did which i thought was interesting, they said anyone that got arrested would also be
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trespassed from their property for three years. what that means is if you are a student, your college career is over. host: and you think that's proper? these are just young adults that are trying to say that they are against the war in gaza. guest: they are inciting violence and many of them as you know are not even students. they are actually from outside the community. some are in the community but -- i think that's one of the things we have to get to the bottom of, i don't think -- this is sort of the summer of 2020, the summer of love they call it when cities were burning across america and all the rioting with the black lives matter, the antifa, those things have to be stopped quickly otherwise they just continue to spread like that. host: back to campus you think there's a role for the national guard or do you think it should
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