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tv   Democratic Leader Jeffries on Marjorie Taylor Greene Motion to Vacate Vote  CSPAN  May 9, 2024 6:51am-7:00am EDT

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continue to be. we have important work not only to keep the house majority but to grow the majority. that will be necessary to help save this country. and the work that we have to elect a republican president. we're on that as well. in this moment, the country desperately needs a functioning congress. that's what the overwhelming majority of the members in this body demonstrated today. i'm proud to serve in this position. it's not one that i aspired to. it's not one that i ever expected to have or planned for. but it is the honor of my life and career to do this. i will do it as long as this body will have me do that. we have a great vision for the country. we're not deterred. we have many problems to fix. and i'm going to tell you what you all have heard me say many times. i believe in the goodness of america. i believe in the future of this country. i believe as reagan said, as he reminded us what lincoln originally said, we are the last best hope of man on earth. by god's grace, we'll save this
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country. i'll keep fighting every day to make sure happens. reporter: mr. speaker. vote, miy leader hakeem jeffries and house speaker johnson spoke to reporters. mr. jeffries: good evening, everybody. our decision to stop marjorie taylor greene from plunging the house of representatives and the country into further chaos is rooted in our commitment to solve problems for everyday americans in a bipartisan manner. we need more common sense, and less chaos in washington, d.c.
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marjorie taylor greene, an extreme maga republican -- and extreme maga republicans are chaos agents. house democrats are change agents. we will continue to govern in a reasonable, responsible and result-oriented fashion and put people over politics all day, and every day. questions? i issued a statement in connection with what happened today, the vote to speak for itself. it was a vote of conscience. it was overwhelming. it was decisive. and we need to move forward as congress to solve problems for everyday americans. reporter: obviously the majority
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leader -- did you talk about that? mr. jeffries: have not had a conversation, no. earlier today at the statue unveiling. reporter: would democrats ask for any commitment on priorities you have to help on a vote? mr. jeffries: house democrats will continue to solve problems for everyday americans, to put people over politics, as we once again did today, and to make life better for the american people. that's our commitment. that's what we've done from the very beginning of the 118th congress. that's what we're going to continue to do until the very end. reporter: the speaker came out afterwards, he reaffirmed his commitment to conservative
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ideals. do you feel you might regret this at some point? mr. jeffries: no. reporter: do you feel the speaker owes you anything? mr. jeffries: the only thing we ask of our house republican colleagues is for traditional republicans to further isolate the extreme maga republican wing of the g.o.p., which has visited nothing but chaos and dysfunction on the american people. we're just interested in making sure that the house of representatives can continue to work in a bipartisan manner, isolate the performance artists, the pro-putin wing of the republican party, and the maga extremists, so we can get things done for the american people, the hardworking taxpayers, and for the constituents that we are all privileged to represent.
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in the people's house. that's a question for republicans with respect to his leadership in terms of the democratic house, we're going to continue to get things done for the american people. nothing more, nothing less. solve problems for hardworking american taxpayers. nothing more, nothing less. people over politics. nothing more, nothing less. reporter: leader jeffries, if congresswoman greene brings this up again, what will you position be? mr. jeffries: haven't given it a thought. reporter: [inaudible]
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mr. jeffries: we are going to continue to operate under the premise that we need more common sense and less chaos in washington, d.c. we simply want to do our jobs, get things done, make a difference in the lives of the american people, solve real problems, like housing affordability, inflationary pressure, make sure we address the challenges at the border, and then go battle it out in november. as long as house republicans continue to peddle chaos, dysfunction and extremism, and as long as house democrats con to solve problems for everyday americans and deliver real results, then the american people are going to vacate the
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extreme maga republican majority in
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>> coming up an "washington journal," your calls and then stef kight talks about the asylum system. and the will discuss hse leadership gop issues with republican congressman carlos gimenez and democratic congressman adriano espaillat. >> the yay's i 359, the motion is adopted. without rejection, the motion lays on the table.


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