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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from berlin tonight from inside gauze, or reports. it is really bombing in the city of ruffled, is really impatient to say that they are going to press the head with their plan defensive in rasa. and this, despite a warning from us president joe biting that he could stop, some weapons of shipments, tips is real in bates, also coming up as relations with the west of worst and over ukraine. russia marks the soviet union's world war 2 victory with a military parade in moscow and human rights. campaigners accusing soothing these
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militias of ethnic cleansing and dar for they say a good amount to join us on the board golf. it's good to have you with us on this thursday, and we begin with reports that is real and come off. have ended their truce negotiations in egypt. and just 2 days ago, both sides had resumed talked. i mean, hopes of a breakthrough, but that optimism has now receded with israel, vowing to push ahead with an offensive on rasa may remember off of the city and southern guns of which is sheltering over a 1000000 displaced civilians. now the united states does not want this to happen, as president biden is warning, the us will stop some weapons exports to israel. if the attack on rasa takes place,
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a limited operation just short of an invasion. and that is what us officials, a cooling israel's actions. and rafa this footage, released by the israeli military on wednesday, shows troops pressing forward with it's offensive on rap a israel says it's part of its campaign to eliminate from us. we are continuing on our mission in rafa as part of the williams because the last 4 and the last 4 battalions of come up so that we will destroy them. he's ready full size of order. the evacuation of more than a 100000 palestinians from pulse a rafa ahead of its operations. they've been directed to places like me was the where it's quite a make shift. 10 camp is being set up. the when says the site isn't ready to shelter people. these really minute tree has closed the rapid border crossing. it now controls all routes in or out of golf. in response,
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israel's closest ally and main lexi supply of the west has pulled some width and shipments i want. it's also reviewing on the military aid secretary defense lloyd. austin told lawmakers at a hearing that was briefly interrupted by pro palestinian protest is going to continue to do what's necessary to ensure that israel has a means to defend itself. but that said, we are currently reviewing some near term security assistance. shipments in the context of unfolding events in rasa in the united states is still pushing for a seat by a deal multiple. a mouse agreed to a proposal from egypt and cut out this week. but israel says it's the mountains have not being met. now that is ready, full series have entered rafa hoax for a potential polls in the fighting or hanging the balance. well we spoke with sam rose. he's with unreal. that's the you when we leave agency for palestinians and he
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gave us an update on conditions inside rough. i mean the situation and rough uh today is as difficult as its been since the 7th of october, people uh, faced with constant showing constant bombardment. so some very distress to a very vulnerable population, both inside and outside of the evacuation zones. we have about one of the hot 1000000 people inside ross. so we estimate that a 100000 of them have already up 280-0000 of them have, have already moved getting what they're, they're experiencing so right desperate situation. a very scatterbrain from level population that wasn't the same roads are speaking with this earlier, but i'm joined now by lower blooming felt she is a middle east analyst and she served in the us state department as a senior policy advisor for that region and she joins me tonight from washington dc, or it's good to have you back on the program with this you as president bite and
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says that the united states will withhold more weapons if israel mounts this ground operation in rafa. i'm wondering how big is this stick? i mean, is this enough to make is real back down? i mean, from biden's point of view, this is like our friends don't let friends drive drunk moment. he's taking away the keys so to speak. for an attorney. yeah. whoa. you know, he's standing on the side of the road and saying, i still gotta get home and we'll do it with or without you, as you know, oh, you know, he is really is have abandonment issues. natania spoke about that. right to that point on holocaust memorial day, he gave a speech this week where he said there were times when did you spend alone in the world? no one came to our aid and we will not be defenseless again. so he's really driving hard natania along this period of holidays. they call it the days of all which start on holocaust memorial day. they take you up to a memorial day for soldiers right up to the israel independence day. so he's kind
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of working with that calendar to make a political point, which of course has military implications. yeah, the military implications here biden has said that the united states will not withhold defensive weapons, like those used for israel's iron don't. for example, i'm, could that change i, you know, of all the bad case scenarios and believe me, i'm contemplating them. i don't see him pulling back on defensive weapons. i mean, even with the with so again, remember, remember we're talking only about a pause on our offensive weapons. you had senators lining up republican senators, you know, basically saying that the president is, is a banding, a key ally. and it could have implications for other allies around the world. mean the world is watching other countries. if we're saying, you know, we're going to put a dent in this iron clad alliance. what does it mean for other countries? can you rely in america? are they that dependable state? and what about the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu? he says it is real, will stand alone if it has to. can it really the stand alone? i mean,
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how far can it push this more without its most important ally to regulate? the idea is real. defense forces are heavily dependent on the united states for weapons. i mean a 3800000000 dollars of year a dollars a year they receive and military assistance. i think from the right here, he's kind of channeling mackie of alley a little bit and he's, he's just saying to himself, you know, you need to treat your enemies generously or destroy them altogether. because if you injure them only slightly, they will come back to different to, to seek revenge. and if you don't, they won't be able to. and i think he sees and why, really, as a kind of fight to the finish. and maybe he's hoping i don't know in his calculation there, present, abiding might even be the us present in a couple of months. yeah, i want me to pick up on that. and what is at stake for joe biden? domestically right now, particularly if he holds a red line with his real i know it's
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a very tricky pivot for about him because he has been the most pro is real president and us history. and he's been accused of, you know, being genocide, joe. and then you have the folks who, who were happy with his support for israel saying, you know, hey, you are way to go, joe. and where are you now? they're saying that he's kind of a, you know, he's 1st was talking about the 2 state solution and now it's a 2 face solution. there are 2 biden's, the one who gave that tremendous speech just a few days ago that the rise of anti semitism. and then the joe, by that who said no more offensive weapons, i would argue that he's more of a father abraham figure, and he sees both past syrians and israel is as his children who are fighting. and he, he's a man of tremendous empathy. and it's just hard on him to watch the images coming out of gaza where it were so many civilians are dying and he cares deeply. i saw him wipe a tear from the corner of his eye when he talked about visiting israel and the days and the aftermath of october 7th and seeing
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a picture of it is really mother burned to death. while she was tied together with her daughter, i mean this is real and i do think that a lot of this summer, somebody, he does, he is motivated by politics, but also by the personal as well. it is a very good point. we want to remind our viewers in your best selling author. you've written a book about revenge for, for acts of violence. so i want to ask you, what strikes you about the weight is real, is pursuing. it's more against them. us for the attacks of october, the 7th. so i think was really interesting is you know, immediately following october 7th, president biden said, you need to learn from our mistakes enough gattis, dan, and not, not kind of follow our path, but what he seems to be getting for now. if you watched his interview on cnn, he said, you know, we wanted to get been logged in and we can help you get sent to our son. an interesting way to present it is advocating for personal revenge rather than military retaliation. it's an interesting pivot. it's an interesting point that you
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bring up. um you were a policy advisor to the us state department on middle east and the peace process. so let me ask you, do you see a path for the end of the war in gaza? and do you think the 2 state solution still has any life left it? well, i think it's gonna take a lot of diplomatic finance. and frankly, a lot of emotional intelligence this war. it hasn't been a world war, but all of us the whole world has been at war emotionally because of the, the impact of social media. i think one way that you can get these rallies to kind of look more toward a 2 state solution is rather than framing it as an opportunity of normalization with saudi arabia, which of course is important right now. i think they do want to just club or somebody if you frame it in a fight against the wrong. and you know, talk about this kind of coalition of coexistence to push back on the axis of resistance. that is a point on her, on the horizon,
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i can see these really is amy for right now, given their emotional state. and you have to take into account that has to be in trauma as well. it is unprecedented. and so we need to kind of move forward delicately. laura bloomfield, joining us tonight from washington d. c. lord, we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you. a part. let's take a look now, some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. the death toll from flooding and southern brazil has risen to a 107 rescue teams are still working to bring people to safety, re lift less rain. storms have hampered their efforts, and more bad weather is in the forecast. dozens of people are missing. government have killed the southern hair. dressers in pakistan's, volatile lucas, dan, providence. all the men were from one job. providence. no separate has been willing to start and have often shown workers from one job as part of the campaign to force
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them to lead. lee say that they are investigating a boeing, boeing 737 plane has skidded off the runway in senegal, 11 people were injured and the international airport near the car was temporarily closed. boeing aircraft were evacuated into recent similar incidents in turkey. russia have celebrated the soviet union's victory in the 2nd world war with its annual red square military parade. in moscow, russian president vladimir putin use the occasion to lash out at western powers warning them that most scale will not be threatened. the parade comes just days after rush to announce new military drills with neighboring build. a roof involving the practice deployment of tactical nuclear weapons. a sea of uniform bodies all waiting for one man to arrive. vladimir putin freshly sworn in for
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a record breaking 5th tongue as rushes president of to watching soldiers parade through the on seasonal may snow on most goes red square boot and returned familia territory. warning. the west, the russia was ready for the conflict and even nuclear war. but i see it, we did deal with your russia, we'll do everything to prevent global confrontation, visibility. but at the same time, when you pause, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. and that's just gonna take, you just use our strategic forces are always on the alert. once again, he also use the backdrop of the survey unions victory of a nazi germany to justify his current war in ukraine. suits and has repeatedly based as the accused ukrainian government of being run by neo nazis. some watching in the crowd were clearly in agreement with that long time. lita square is driving now for victory against fascism. we are directly involved into this and we have the 1st one because we must always learn from the past and remember what our
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grandfathers did for us and that we must do the same. now the fruits of pollutants efforts to twist the pulse in his favor will also one display at the end of the parade. where once he was joined by jim and chancellor as an un secretary general. this, you know, western leader came to lay flowers alongside russia's president arguing to pull in now our rush analysts konstantin, eager in pennsylvania. it's good to see you get to these military parades. they can be almost like performative art, if you will. and i'm wondering do events like these, do they still bolster support for the war among russians? it is difficult to side. of course, people like these shows, they remind the majority of russians that there is a still a great country. it is old, designed to inspire pride, although frankly speaking uh,
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some of the weapons that we show and especially ed croft, we're old, even when i served in the army in the late stages of butts of this whole thing is lots of the point of so much in spite of the population which is largely indifferent or rather tries to keep its own counsel, it is a way of sol uh, impacting the old site world. and that's quite interesting. for example, of one of the independent russian websites investigating websites discovery, then it's been out now on reference social media in the last few hours. that is a 3 offices that we see sitting behind 13 of those, the 2 pos in a sold on key. evan 2022 and one of them definitely belongs to a unit that has been already accused the whole crime. so i read the symbolism. oh, we're not going to surrender. we're going to do whatever we see we want to do. and
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in this respect, it is very much and in your face showed the fine school is parade and all that symbolism that that is attached to it. when i ask you to about the connection with bella roost denied, letting me put, and it says that there is nothing unusual about nuclear drill, was taking place with bella. rosie announced that earlier this week, what's your take on that? as well as close? it is unusual, it's not every day wherever every year that have drills that in the the use of nuclear weapons. and here is very specific technical, nuclear weapons i. e of those that are not allegedly going to stop the world war 2, but just something that's going to take all the nerves in this way. any of poland, lots of yeah. maybe 10, that is of course, bundled lose spreads. is that tutoring is using recently because frankly speaking,
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she situation is not the right of us approved a massive aid to grade. the west seems to be intense in all before we came in the arms race. so she results the usual tactics that is nuclear buckman. yeah, nuclear blackmail that certainly gets the west attention. that's for sure. it used konstantin egrets because the thing is always thank you. thank you. the campaign group, human rights watch is accusing parent military forces in suzanne of ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. it says the rapids afford forces and allied militias of killed thousands of people in west star for hundreds of thousands have been driven from their homes and civil war broke out into dan last year where human rights watch. it says there's evidence of genocide we want to warn you. our next
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report contains and images and content you may find disturbing. the aftermath of an attack in laguna west are for a place home to them as a lead people's a new report by human rights watch says ethnically targeted violence is forcing them from their homeland along with other non arab communities. the student's army has been at war with paramilitary groups since april 2023. the report accuses the rapids support forces and allied militias of ethnic cleansing and war crimes. one man describes how he survived an attack last year. i don't mean to be the last. what tribes we have from the way don't if you want said massive leads and they would kill you immediately? no, no, it's not. i lied and said, i'm not massively. they challenged me, so i told them i'm from the ball,
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go try. and then they brought someone to talk to me in that language and i replied, because i know how to speak it. number one, i dropped them out. so then they let me go to i dont know. yeah. and he fled to neighboring shad. we're more than half a 1000000 sudanese have taken refuge. another survivor here says he was buried alive by the rapid support forces. they took us all the living and the corpses. after they tortured us, they dragged us into a car. then fluids from the dead bodies began dripping into our eyes on to our faces and lips. we had to spit it out. human rights watches warning their indications of a possible genocide in west are 4 and they are calling for immediate action. we're calling on the un collaboration with the african union to urgency emissions for the mondays to protect civilians into their new place incident to date and the safe for
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civilians. they say the world needs to wake up to what's happening, as experts warn sudan is at risk of breaking apart. well, i want to get some analysis now with latasha in ali with the american university washington college of law. he is an expert on sudan, and mister elliot is good to have you with us tonight. what has to be done to pull sudan back from the brink? and thanks a lot for the question. and also to knows that i'm a legal advisor at the la road wattenberg center for human rights and a call. i'll start off with a live lives report into bridges of the units i convention in is under for which we concluded that the our as have has committed a is committed committing to genocide in uh, west uh for i guess the masai people um but um, with respect to the question on the ongoing atrocities and go for and the recent
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report by human rights for us. i think they've been seeing this adventure for quite some time. this is, this is lily sort of the kid a trust that is repeated violations by, by the same perpetrators, you know, since early to thousands. and therefore, i think, um, the, the, the only way to respond to this is who have really admitted in international intervention. especially in situations where there was imminent risk of genocide like another flash of north star for were you you say international intervention is needed, but when we look around we, we don't see the african union, for example, the how, how did you explain this? this apparent lack of action from the african union or from other international actors. and i think im sorely i think the the, the, the lack of critical response from yeah. so communion is shameful.
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and i think we are speaking of it genocide situation. amazing or uh, you know, legal report. right. uh, this is speaking for our loan book uh, center for human rights record. and therefore, i think that is supposed to not only be, was not on the expect from the african union, which was uh, you know, uh expect these ponds from every country. this is an a nation, a duty to prevent them punished for the crime of genocide. and so i think it is literally a sponsibility of, of all the states. but certainly, yes, the african union beatrice, you know, the, they, they, the heaviest as possible it on this because the atrocities and the crimes that are worth speaking about are in dial 4 in africa. and sadly, they haven't been, the union is the union of, you know, many autocrats of human rights abuses. and therefore, i think we can, that will expect
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a lot from the african union in image. you've been part of this report where, you know, you claim the genocide that has taken place and yet we're not seeing an international response that you think we should be seeing. does that trouble? you mean, what does it say about using the accusation of genocide to mobile lies international responses. i mean, you know, as i said, this is really, you know, saying full, you know, response from the international community. and i think, you know, you know, given the ceiling test, someone is, and this source that we hear from, you know, displays person. so what you would use an eastern chad, you know, to see the international, the, the in difference and, and that's and by them and actually in community it says a clear message to the victims. you know that the silence is actually on the side
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of a price or on the perpetrator rather than, than the victim. and therefore, i think it is really a devastating message that we send. not all of the victims of a trust that hasn't been assigned enough for, but all the victims of atrocities elsewhere as well. and so i think um, again we say it is not, of course is already too late, but definitely there is a window for the international community to correct the, you know, it's past and that's, yeah, we understand that more than half a 1000000 have fled from west or forwarded chad in just the past year. how big is the risk that this conflict could the stabilize the entire region? we are up. so let me see, some of the, you know, is spill over in other places in your area and there, that's where i saw early in this i region and therefore i think, and we actually work, i guess, is split over for
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a while since last year that you know, and i think we did, it must immediately add to curb the violation the abuses. right. we see that the, our staff is recording. um, you know, fighters from neighboring countries like chad or even from libya or from central african republic and others from a major and the light. and so i think there is, um, you know, we're quite see we're seeing quite the, the, the spill over of this, of this competition that in, in other places. and i think it could be even walk this traffic if the national command does not intervene. t um, you know, to respond to that. i'm going to trust it, isn't that for right now, we'll see this more likely in other places as well. but before we've been out of time, i just want to bring up this point and get your response. and you know, sudan has a long history of tribal conflict in 2004, the un imposed and open ended arms embargo in the door for region. that is still in
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place today. why has that embargo not been expanded to cover the entire country with this conflict? clearly is not only limited to dar for well, i mean, i think that's a good question. i think, you know, part of the fundamental measures community is not all expending the arms and be able to cover the rest of saddam. but enforcing the one that is that existing at this point in time, right? like the, you know then, and that's what could have failed to do be, you know, doing for us this and by going talk for we see many countries, including the way sending supplies, the lovely aids of the are a safe and the live. and therefore, i think definitely is a good question and i think yes, there is a good need to pause and expand the honest and bible. we're talking molly joining us tonight from washington d. c. we appreciate your time and your valuable analysis. thank you.
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thank you. appreciate it. i or you're watching the video is coming up. next is your news africa with eddie and brent golf. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news. i hope to see you then
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the the view will tell you the we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use that for and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on
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