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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 10, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the, this is data, but the news live from through live reports all these right of the bombing in the city of rough or official side, the pressing ahead with a plan to offensive in the city. us, president biden wanting to washington could stump some weapons shipments if he's route invite and she was born death because of a genetic mutation. but now doctors have given her the ability to hear using a groundbreaking medical procedure, researches believe that could use the technique to treat the host of, of a disease. the,
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i'm anthony had walk into the program. israel's military spokes person says the army has the munition, it needs to press the head with it's offensive in the city of rafa in south and gaza. us presidential i bought and has one does that washington could cut some weapons exports to is ro, if the offensive goes ahead, fearing massive civilian casualties. the when says tens of thousands of people have left rafa looking for safety. and for most, it's not the 1st time they've done so seeing the fighting and rasa. they can find a family is once again on the move, the heated to come, eunice, but fear what they will find me a ton unit area. say there's no lights there. they chose to go to con us almost okay, so it's a safe place, but it doesn't have any water or any food or drink or 8 or anything. we don't know what to do. sizes itself with israel had previously labeled rasa is
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a safe zone. more than a 1000000 people have been sheltering. mia now it's israel salacious battle zone. it's is the city is a strong hold for him. us militants. tanks patrol easton district and is strength escalating thing with children among the victims of the sort of in the israeli army struck us with 2 missiles without warning. this is the criminal act. 8 people were murdered. among them were little children who had nothing to do with any of this. you had you say the restrictions on the i making life even was israel has shuttle off the vital rough for border crossing, leaving supply warehouses virtually empty and bringing hospitals to the
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brink of collapse the most important elements. literally all these human guaranteed issue, fuel fuel fuel that, of course, also for you right here age that also saw moments and that of that. so i want to stress again it off to all the major a precious including hospital ration, big old journal health. and so our estimation is that the hospitals only have fuel for $2.00 to $3.00 days. the united states has repeatedly warned israel against a full scale offensive and rougher and has halted some deliveries. israel the remains defiant and shows no signs of giving into international pressure. middle east analysts, laura blumenfeld told us more about the different positions of the the is riley.
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and us latest. and i mean from biden's point of view, this is like our friends don't let friends drive drunk moment. he's taking away the keys, so to speak, for an a 10 yahoo, you know, he's standing on the side of the road and saying, i still got to get home and we'll do it with or without you. um, as you know, oh, you know, he is really is have abandonment issues. natania spoke about that right to that point on holocaust memorial day, he gave a speech this week where he said there were times when did you spend alone in the world? no one came to our aid and we will not be defenseless again. so he's really driving hardon to turn yahoo on this period of holidays. they call it the days of all which start on holocaust memorial day. they take you up to a memorial day for soldiers right up to israel independence day. so he's kind of working with that calendar to make a political point, which of course has military implications as many list analyst laura bloomfield talking to us certainly that. all right, let's take a look now some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and
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thousands of pro palestinian demonstrators protested in the swedish city of mount not against is ralph's participation in the eurovision song contest. israel is represented by a 20 year old thing. it didn't go down to protest the site should be banned from the competition because of the boy, gaza. golden has qualified for the events funnel on saturday. the french president of them is a lensky, has dismissed the head of the state. got no success that has been named yet earlier this week or 3rd, he's arrested senior officers from the service, accusing them of plucking to assassinate zalinski and of the top officials gave claims they will be working for russia. russia, meanwhile, as celebrated the sub unions victory of nazi germany in world war 2 with its annual military parade in red square. presidents letting me put and use the ceremony to lambaste western powers, accusing them of risking another global conflict. a wants that moscow would not be
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tripped. the russians living in berlin also celebrated may, 9th, as victory of a nazi germany day. but the c, a police were adding force to prevent the spread of any propaganda backing the ball in ukraine, sharing the same ground. but fire accounts in ideology ceremonies, invalid mocking the soviet victory of a nazi germany, have become more political than ever since russia invited ukraine and thoughts were in germany. and we think that the instrumental ization of this historical remembrance for today's war against ukraine is wrong. unfortunately is russian symbols with band around the commemoration. and yet some were on display there's my country's flag. i was born there. i was raised there almost the this black as a symbol funded position from fascism. also present diplomats,
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including the messages from russia and it's a live bella race, as well as the russian orthodox priests. around $900.00 police were on hand to ensure public safety with only a few minus scuffles. monitoring the commemoration tried unions in argentina have quoted nationwide strike against the austerity policies of president harvey and i the action of a broad public transport to a standstill with hundreds of flights olsa canceled argentina is experiencing a severe economic crisis, and malay has slashed public employment too, but used to be met with one form of civil 7 affected by the cops for the past 15 years, gustavo diaz went to work every morning at the argentine meteor logical service 1st, as a technician. and then as an archivist, but then his department was hit hard by budget cuts and layoffs. diaz is finding it
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hard to reinvent himself in the labor market at the age of $56.00 and said he's lost his sense of self worth. and we'll go back under 3 of our seal destroyed or not the because one takes a sense of belonging from a job. ben is here. dozens of employees were dismissed from the media, logical service, without severance, pay in the midst of the climate crisis. their work was important, the status shouldn't go out for them. i collected information from all the weather stations, incorrect and weather books, and did all the all kind of thing and correcting the information helps along with statistics. the layoffs have come in the middle of a recession. with industrial output and construction, both in a slump, the costs of hit sectors, ranging from social security, family services, agriculture and education to industrial and labor policy. president
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malays chief economic adviser justifies the costs as a measure to help the country reduce its considerable budget deficit. which means a wants to bring down to 0, but the recession means less tax revenue making that target harder to reach, even with significant cuts to the budget. like on the level, the number of public employees of the national government is excessive. so given the delicate fiscal situation of the state to collect a debt in the last 20 years, the number of public employees of the national governments has doubled. i don't see is making any cuts in essential areas. and the number of layoffs is too small to affect overall employment. you see dro, glad that ot is a researcher at the latin american economic research foundation. and the university professor, he says argentine is proportion of public employees. the total workers is not out
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of line 6 out of $34.00 countries in the organization for economic cooperation and development about bigger public sector by population. they don't have the model number that suits the size and functions of the state. we want to go back to rich countries. we're in the middle of the table. we're little bit up from the middle. lots in america. when you look at colombia chalet pair root argentina, as in the middle of the range compared even with present or you're required or with another case, we're not far off. suddenly the government's promised to cut deeper. has many public employees worried if they will be the next to go? south korea, we're setting up a new ministry to boost the declining population. the. the national both right is the lowest in the world. numbers are still fully despite family friendly government policies. the population seemed to have by the end of the century, many south korean women complain that must choose between having a career or
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a family. a human kim? is it a tauriel director of the korea pro i us information service based in so she says much of the current official policy on both right is misconduct to there have been a lot of different types of government incentives, but i would say that many of them are targeting wrong things, a lot of the state of centers focused on maybe providing better paternity leave maternity leave for people who are working these days. it's very different from ages ago when women use too many women used to knock work after being married. it's usually both husband and wife, they, they work and so the government instead of mostly was on trying to tackle that. but it also has to really handle the issue of load marriage rate as well in early thirties in late twenty's these days. and people are really not looking at marriage
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and child care of childbirth as something of a thing that they would do in their late twenties. some society changed a lot, but the government incentives not to not really tackle that part of the changing social norms when it comes to parenthood itself and marriage. so i think that's why i'm despite many of the students that as it's not really working. but there happened other incentives such as a little bit of an increased support for things like ex, racing for women to retain the possibility of having children even later in life. that was young men came to the editorial director of career pro. well i, british talbot who was born deaf canal here. thanks to a ground breaking gene therapy research, a site. it mocks. a new era in the treatment of difference. i prefer she might not be a musician yet, but also having her hearing restored opal to not hear the music she plays on aided
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. she was born completely desk because of the genetic mutation, the effective surgery that took just 16 minutes amazed her parents. when the timing to coughing, all that was it was, opal has a mutation in a gene which should allow cells in the, in the air to communicate. with the hearing of during the surgery, she received an infusion, which contains a working copy of the gene hom, this virus is used to carry the gene to its destination. what viruses are designed to do? what that purpose is is for them to put the genetic material into cells. and so the, with this attenuated that into virus, we can drop a tiny little packet of genetic information into the cells. and that will provide,
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could change. that is a lifelong, we think the treatment can only kill deafness that is caused by this defective gene . good research as think it can also be effective against other genetic you base to seizes. for other people and her family, the, the treatment has had a big impact, allowing them to enjoy the little things like a bedtime story. stealing they taught to rely as underway in france in the build up to the summer gains. my sight football legend basil body kicked off the 1st leg the day after the flame arrived on the saving ship from greece. the torch bears included deep writing jim smith, the official transcript, and the french and the ice, the tony pocket. of the next 2 and a half months, 10000 people will carry the torch across the front and it's august east here. right? that's open now after the break dw business reports on why i staggering energy
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consumption could spell serious trouble. don't forget and get most stories on a website, a, d, w dot com and now youtube channel as well. i'm asked me how to, lynn, let's say. so the thoughts of who the, not just another day so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day.