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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 8, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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faith, i'm a man of family. just not to let one mistake define myself for the next 12 years. >> bill: well said. brian, good luck. we'll keep track of this and bring you home soon, i hope, okay? thank you, brian. thank you for your time. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: double overtime thriller at madison square garden, the rangers win. >> they score! >> dana: almost midnight and with that goal he became the first rangers player since 1933 to score in five straight playoff games. new york leads the series two games to none. peter was there last night and came home after the first overtime. >> bill: they missed that,
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right? rangers have a good team. a good series. well done dana marie. >> dana: we'll get to this. >> we need to go to the basement. grab the dogs. >> dana: severe storms and multiple tornadoes causing significant damage across the midwest. forecasters are warning the potential for intense weather activity appears to be higher today including powerful long-track tornadoes. we have to all pay attention. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning. i'm bill hemmer. violent storms leaving behind a trail of devastation and destruction across the midwest and ohio valley. multiple tornadoes hit southwest michigan causing catastrophic damage. governor whitmer declaring a state of emergency. numerous severe storms expected in the hours ahead from the southern plains and ohio and tennessee river valleys. >> dana: robert ray reporting from oklahoma where an ef4 trend
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essentially flattened the entire town. tell us more. >> dana and bill, everyone watching, it sure did unfortunately. this is a storm cellar or shelter in a town of 1,000 people. joy king spent a half hour down here. she survived because of it and we'll hear from her in a second. now what we're dealing with is one fatality here, multiple injuries and dozens of homes in destruction. people going through their homes trying to salvage what they can and most of this area is still under a lockdown as officials say there is one person that is missing. unclear whether that person has left and didn't tell family or friends or god forbid underneath the rubble. let's hear from joy king, who about 9:30 at night as the tornado ravaged through her on monday. i talked to her about her experience. >> i felt pressure in my ears
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and it just got really, really loud and the cellar door blew open. we have the chain to latch it and i had it latched to the bolt in the floor and it just it off and stuff blowing in there and i got in the corner the best i could with my little dog. we're alive. we're alive, thank god we're alive. >> literally alive because of this. to illustrate the weight of the storm door she was describing that blew open off the chain, about 100 pounds. it doesn't shut anymore and you can imagine it going back and forth as she was down in here for over a half hour and the winds 165 to 200 miles-per-hour were ravaging her town and her home. she came out to see full destruction. she is alive, thank god as she stated and so many other people. one person is dead here and we have to remember that is a
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person that born, lived, loved, learned and laughed. no matter what it's a person this small town will be reeling for some time. a lot of destruction. let's hope the heartland gets a break here soon. >> dana: robert ray with important and courageous reporting. please give them all our very best. >> bill: three minutes past the hour. federal judge postponing trump's florida documents case. we may not get a good idea until late july and maybe not tried until after the election. trump's attorney standing by if studio. let's get to dana marie mcnicholl live in miami on the news. good morning. >> good morning, bill. the original start date was may 20th in florida. both the prosecution and defense told the court the case wouldn't be ready to go in front of a jury this month. today we're 12 days away from the may 20th deadline and we now hear from the judge on how it
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will proceed. late yesterday in a written order the judge said because of the classified issues and the multiple pre-trial motions it would be inconsistent with the court's duty to finalize a new trial start date at this time. to challenges for scheduling trump is in the middle of a hush money trial in new york right now and also the sensitivity of the classified documents at the center of this case. trump pleaded not guilty to mishandling classified documents seized from his home in mar-a-lago in 2022. during this case the documents have to be viewed in a special room called the scif. soundproof room protected from electronic eavesdropping. it has caused delays in the cause. preparation takes more time. she set a series of pre-trial motions through july 22nd to work out the legal issues. the case is moving forward even though we don't have a new trial start date. this afternoon there is a sealed
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hearing scheduled in this case. unlike the trial in new york, the public or media doesn't have access. bill and dana. >> bill: thanks for that in florida. thanks. >> dana: joining us for more is trump attorney alina habba. thank you for being with us. last hour we had breaking news about the fani willis case, an appeal, the trump team asked for the appeal and it's being granted. other than that, what's going on? >> what happens in georgia is you have to ask permission to file the appeal. that was granted and now they will hear it. the appeal is based on the decision that said that look, it's either you, fani, or your friend who you hired and paid millions of dollars. he excused himself from the case. our argument is basically it doesn't right the wrongs. there should be disqualification. this case is selective prosecution and persecution at its best and now we get to be heard on that. >> bill: at a minimum it slows it down in fulton county like
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everything else. not everything but most cases have been. >> like most cases. >> bill: in florida the documents case. when will this judge hold the first hearing or do you even see that in the forecast? >> the judge reserved and didn't give another date but there are other issues that have to be handled first. one mainly, what just came out here, we have found out that jack smith has his hand in the cookie jar. he was intentionally taking evidence, not telling the court that he had basically taken classified document covers, put them on the wrong documents because they were sloppy. he put it in a footnote. when you put that in a footnote as a lawyer i don't want to highlight it and the people read it and caught on and our team is strong there and they are looking at this closely and judge said hold on, we have a lot of other things to do before you try to pressure me like you
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pressured many other judges into having the rush trials before the november election. i like to see when a judge does the right thing and even in georgia when the appellate division is taking up issues that need to be taken up. in new york when the appellate division takes up issues in a timely fashion. that's the kind of law and order we need to see more of in this country. >> dana: yesterday's testimony. you can't talk about stormy daniel's testimony. judge merchan said about the defense complaining about the testimony, he said i agree, it would have been better if some of these things had been left unsaid. they were already said in front of the jury. >> this is the problem here and the judge did try and put guardrails with the prosecution and say that these are the guardrails. let's just go back to basics here. this is about books and records keeping. this is about somebody in trump tower who registered a legal fee as a legal fee payment, okay? that's it. a payment to michael cohen, who
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was an attorney, to reimburse him was a legal fee. that's what this case is about. president trump was in the white house and they are trying to make this a very salacious, you know, it is a complete extortion situation and they are using their hand for the biden administration to slow him down so he can't go on the campaign trail, two, get headlines that they think will damage him. the judge was trying to prevent that. i thought the prosecution completely disregarded the guardrails. didn't care and why we moved for a mistrial yesterday. >> bill: i don't know if that will happen or not. we talked about the possibility of that under this judge's jurisdiction, let's say. turley said yesterday on "the five" you can't teach a cat to walk backwards, a great line. but what the judge said is i will give the jurors a limiting instruction or a limiting charge, which tells them you can't consider what was said by said witness at certain points.
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in trial, we're not talking about just any trial here. we are talking about a president. how effective can the limiting instructions be for jurors? >> i think they are useless. i think they are completely useless, i'll be honest with you. it's band-aid but you can't fake the injury was done. you can't unrung the bell. pretend i didn't just say that. you aren't going to -- there is no wipe out eraser that says i have not heard that and no limiting instruction, you will follow these orders, look. we have to be realistic about human nature. this is part of our justice system that needs to be tweaked. some things are antiquated. this is one of those things. there needs to be a remedy when people disregard the parameters. >> bill: the judge blamed you. the judge blamed trump's
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attorneys. >> let's remember what happened there. the judge said in the courtroom that these are the parameters. they had many side bars that i can't speak to where they discussed those parameters. they thought the judge would enforce those parameters. said to control it so they stepped back because when you are in front of a judge in general let me be clear. you can't be inappropriate and upset the judge and try to do your job and be an advocate. you don't constantly scream, yell and punch and then says guess what, you should have objected more. what are you to do in that scenario, right? we did make objections and many of them, as we've seen in courtroom time after time again are completely overruled. they are not sustained. look, this is an art, not a science. when you are in a courtroom no matter what the reporters are saying as an attorney it is a craft. you have to sit and listen and read the room and the judge and jury. if you constantly object and the
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judge is constanting saying you are overruled how does it make you look to the jury? you have to look at anything. an unfair assumption if you ask me. i will be there tomorrow. >> dana: thank you for being here. >> bill: house panel is looking at potential bias within npr. the tax funded organization accused of mishandling major news story. the ceo is ghosting lawmakers. >> good morning. call it national no show radio. the house asked the ceo but cited a schedule conflict. there are allegations of a left wing slant. >> it was interesting to see him call them out for their alleged liberal bias and the fact that
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there was not only a dearth or complete absence of conservative views. i would like to see a reforming of the process. >> former npr editor berliner wrote a scathing essay ripped how they covered the hunter biden laptop story and approached the campaign of president trump. some republicans have wanted to kill funding for public broadcasting. most democrats defend it. >> public broadcasting belongs to everyone and i think it should exist. i think we should improve it. i think it should be used for teaching in more ways than are currently done. so i just think there is a role for that in our media frenzy environment which we live. >> npr receives some federal money but get help from washington and use that money to buy programs from npr. however, public broadcasting has its defenders on the right.
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among them a member with a past in broadcasting. >> i think it is a valuable service. in rural states it is important. 0ing them out because we have ten years of going the wrong direction is an extreme step i wound support. >> marr is willing to testify another time. old tweets from her reveal she holds liberal views. >> bill: thanks, we'll see what it goes next. >> dana: biden administration decides to eliminate sending some ammunition to israel. will it handcuff or closest ally in the middle east? >> bill: vladimir putin throwing another american behind russian bars. what staff sergeant gordon black, was he lured to russia on shady grounds? we'll speak to his mother later live. >> dana: anti-israeli protestors railing against the u.s. and the west.
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>> bill: we want to take you back to capitol hill. a hearing that features secretary lloyd austin is there so that's the chairman of the joint chiefs now speaking. the opening statement he has given followed by questions and we'll figure out what we're learning about things like the middle east between israel and gaza. perhaps a little bit more information what is happening with ukraine and the support that we're giving that government to fight back against putin. stand by, a lot to get to and you have a big threat in the pacific, too, the china. stand by. more on that coming up. >> president biden: we must give hate no safe harbor against anyone, anyone. my commitment to the safety of jewish people, the security of israel and its right to exist as an independent jewish state is
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iron clad. >> dana: he delayed a key shipment of weapons to israel. let's bring in retired general and fox news senior strategic analyst general jack keane. your thoughts about the delay of these weapons? >> certainly it's a huge contradiction when the administration is trying to say publicly that they are locked into supporting israel with everything they need and there are two issues here, one is the obvious one, they are holding back bombs, mortar ammunition and tank ammunition. we can make the presumption that israel needs that. they wouldn't be asking for it. the administration won't discuss what is being held back and why. so we're left to speculate. it seems pretty obvious they are trying to use it as leverage with the israelis. remember, the president has publicly disagreed with how
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israel is conducting its operation in rafah to eventually clear it. they would rather them not conduct the operation at all. when you look back on it he uses the term safe harbor in his discussion over the holocaust that you cannot provide that kind of safe harbor to people who are going to commit genocide, well, if we don't clear rafah, if we do as the administration would like us to do, do nothing, doesn't that provide safe harbor right there in rafah for the hamas who have already committed genocide and whose intent is to kill as many jews as they possibly can? so huge contradiction here with what public rhetoric and also what the administration is actually doing. >> dana: congresswoman tlaib is very pro-palestinian and said immediately our government sent
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the israeli apartheid regime with no conditions on up holding human rights netanyahu continued the ground war. they gave their consent for thieves atrocities and our country is actively participating in genocide. there is a lot of loaded language in there, general. >> yeah, and most of it is factually incorrect. the rafah operation is a much smaller city than gaza city, than other cities that israel has already cleared. and what they have done is they are using the land block system. they have 270 land blocks. rafah operation at the gate right now is in block ten to 16. while it is not heavily populated this they told the population to move out of there so they can conduct their operation, which has been completed. and they've told them they have
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two encampments,, 40,000 tanks, medical care, food and water and putting out, as i suspect as the operation begins the unfold further which i think will be much more deliberate than previous operations to protect civilians as much as possible, they are going to use that land block system like they did in another city and tell them to move prior to them conducting an operation, which tells hamas where and when that operation is going to be conducted. that is unprecedented in urban warfare until i saw it unfold here with this gaza operation earlier in the campaign. and to say the intent here is genocide is just not true at all. sinwar, who is in control of gaza from hamas perspective, he is talking about the martyrdom of the gaza population. those are words that he uses. he would gladly accept another
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ten, 20,000 civilians killed. that's how diabolical and sinister they are. they believe that puts words into the mouth of the congresswoman you just heard, international condemnation rise up in protest and it strengthens their hand in the negotiating table when they are dealing with the israelis. so the genocide is being committed by hamas and we have got to keep pinning the rose as to what is really happening here and the absolute misinformation that is running around the world on this issue. >> dana: general jack keane, thank you for the clarity. we appreciate it and see what happens and president biden will be giving remarks -- an interview tonight. we'll see if he is asked about it as well. thank you. remember this, bill? president biden suspended special envoy to iran is now accused of keeping classified material in his cell phone and personal email account. last year the biden administration quietly put
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robert mali on unpaid leave and suspended his security clearance. top republicans on the house foreign affairs committee say the classified materials were later accessed by a hostile cyber actor. those lawmakers are pressuring the state department to provide more details, including whether iran was behind that hack. >> bill: waiting for it. maybe that is the answer. drama. ♪ okay now you heard about the met gala the other night filled with glitz and glamour and a.i. that's today's hemmer celebrity news. very intriguing. ready? katy perry did not attend and nowhere near it. you would never know it by this a.i. generated photo circulating of her on the red carpet. that's not a real photo of katy perry at the met gala on the upper east side. even her mom fell for it. mom, the a.i. got you, too.
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katy perry says she was recording new music in her studio instead. >> dana: that's the only way i would ever go to the met gala. if it was a.i. and i didn't have to go and they could make me look like that. that's how i would go. i'm all for technology now. forget the other concerns. >> bill: do you think you'll ever be invited? >> dana: no. >> bill: i would go. i'm curious to see what's going on inside. there are no pictures or video once they get inside the museum. >> dana: who knows what goes on? >> bill: if you get an extra seat we're here. >> dana: get gutfeld to go. that would be something to see. >> bill: he would bring a camera. >> we cannot remain silent when our symbols of freedom are desecrated by individuals who clearly hate our country and hate our way of life. >> dana: anti-israel and
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>> dana: tiktok suing to block a mu law that forces its chinese owned parent company to sell the app or face a ban in the united states. president biden signed the law two weeks ago citing national security concerns. he is still posting on the app for his campaign. peter doocy live from the white house on that contradiction and what's next. >> tiktok is suing the attorney general merrick garland saying that they don't think it will be possible to server ties with the parent company, chinese own bytedance in 270 days. the most interesting part of the lawsuit is where tiktok lawyers tried to shine a light on what they see as president biden's hypocrisy. his decision to continue to
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maintain a tiktok account undermines the claim that the platform poses an actual threat to americans. the bulk of this legal filing is about first amendment protections for tiktok users and white house officials don't speak for the campaign in wilmington where tiktok is operated. this is how they were answering a question about president biden posting videos. >> we have been very clear what this law is not a ban, a d di vestment. i want to be mindful. it is in litigation and i don't want to speak for it. >> why is he still on the platform? >> i would have to refer you to the campaign. >> when i asked campaign officials in delaware about it, they think posting to the account before there is a required divestment or eventual ban is consistent with the law. that's how they are reaching voters. that's what they will keep
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doing. >> dana: we'll see what happens in the briefing room. we'll watch for you. >> bill: police in washington clearing out anti-israeli protestors at george washington university after they saw weeks of chaos. they had an encampment there. now the mob is widening its -- they burned an american flag, vandalizing a world war i memorial. steve hilton, founder of golden together pac and fox news contributor. steve, hello to you. nice to see you in studio. >> great to be here with you. >> bill: play a clip of eric adams in new york saying i'll give $5 grand of my own money to find the people who desecrated that monument and then he said this. >> in spite of the unpopular notion that people don't want to say it, i want to say it. i love america. i would not stand by while people desecrate memorials for those who fought for democracy
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and human rights. the same rights that they are calling for. they are desecrating the lives of people who fought for that. >> bill: he ain't wrong. >> it's fantastic to see that. you can tell it is from the heart. and the reason we know that was that when you did that press conference, you covered it the morning after the action on the campus in columbia. he was clearly very moved by that moment when nypd officers took down the palestinian flag and replaced it with our flag and it is fantastic to see a democrat, actually, speaking so clearly. that wouldn't have been at all surprising years ago. but for some reason it becomes surprising now to see a leading democrat speak like this and that's a shame. >> dana: another democrat. someone getting a lot of attention and popularity is senator john fetterman. he goes his own way and on the bret baier last night talking about hamas's p.r. war.
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>> it is working against peace in gaza and hamas is convinced they have won the p.r. war and they keep seeing all these kinds of protests across the nation on these campuses. we can't ever forget they are the ones that started this and the ones that broke that cease-fire and did the most terrible things to babies, children, women, tortured, mutilating, systemic rape. >> dana: the moral clarity is so obvious. why does it take someone like john fetterman to show people the way? >> isn't it crazy? what he said. they were the ones that started this. it is so lost in all the coverage you see on other channels. even the language they use, israel's war on hamas as if they are the aggressor. it is extraordinary. >> bill: the message should be hamas governed gaza for 18 years and this is what you were given from that time. >> exactly.
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israel is acting in defense. all the while this is going on the rockets are still coming in as we've been reporting from hezbollah in the north. this is an absolutely -- the lone voice among the democrats that is speaking with moral clarity is stunning. >> dana: we want to get to this story not about israel or hamas but our own kids. i grew up reading. i love to read. we're facing a serious situation. scholastic reports only 35% of 9-year-olds are reading five days aweek compared to 57% of 8-year-old, what are the consequences for a nation that doesn't read? >> an absolute disaster. all the science and research everything shows that reading makes a massive contribution to your ability to function in society in terms of not just literacy but operating in the world. that is just collapsing before
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our eyes. unfortunately the thing before their eyes are not books increasingly but screens. i saw this report and there was doubt as to whether the screens were -- no, it is very clear. if you grow up in a world where books are all around and they are in the house and part of life and adults are reading as well, then you learn to read and you can flourish. if it's a screen from an early age and we're seeing that more and more in families, that is not -- >> bill: it is the screen and also the covid pandemic. >> i'm not sure about that. parents have -- not just what goes on in the school. parents have a responsibility to raise their kids in an environment where books are present. >> dana: do you get a sense across the country that people are worried about early childhood education? we talk a lot about student loans in college but early k-12 kids. >> all the research shows when some of these things are set for life. if you want to make a difference on some of these issues we talk about, crime and poverty and
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skills and jobs and all of these things are set early in life. the family is so important. how we support families and set the standards that we expect parents to follow. that's incredibly important. >> bill: you should come around more often. nice to see you in person. great to see you. thank you. >> dana: a u.s. soldier joins the list of americans being held in russia. is the biden administration doing enough to get him out? we talk to his mother next. plus teenagers assaulting other teens and hoping the video goes viral. is social media fueling these attacks? >> it becomes a popularity contest in the school. it increases the violence within the school. there's a simple test you can take—from anywhere. try to lay your hand flat against a surface. if you can't, you may have dupuytren's contracture. talk to a hand specialist about your options, including nonsurgical treatments. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo!
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>> dana: undocumented migrant is accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting an
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11-year-old girl in florida. he grabbed the girl's hand and told her to get into a van near her home last thursday where he allegedly sexually assaulted her. lopez confessed to the crime but released from custody. court date not until 2027. outageous. >> bill: it is 15 minutes before the hour and also one week since russia arrested another american. this time a member of the u.s. military. staff sergeant gordon black, 34 years old. he was stationed in south korea and traveled to russia to meet his girlfriend. gordon's mom joins me now from cheyenne, wyoming. my best to you. don't know the last time you talked to your son but let's get into this right now. how much did you know of this supposed girlfriend in russia? >> about a year and a half ago he started seeing her.
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we don't know much about her, you know. except he was seeing her. >> bill: did you know that he was going to see her, melody? >> yes, i did. i begged him not to go. >> bill: what did you say? >> i said please don't go. i don't think it is going to end well for you. i told him i had a really bad feeling about him going. >> bill: why did you have that feeling? >> i was worried more then than when he was in iraq for some reason. >> bill: your hunch was right, unfortunately. have you followed the stories of the others, evan gershkovitch from the "wall street journal" and britteny griner the basketball player. >> yeah, i've followed that. >> bill: is that what gave you that feeling? >> no, just i guess a mother's
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intuition. >> bill: especially with that war going on. i get it. i get it. >> i told him i don't think you are supposed to be going there. did they know you are going there? you know, i'm not sure -- >> bill: those are all good questions. now we're wondering what was up with the girlfriend? russian authorities claimed he stole money. that's the charge. and you wonder whether or not he was set up. what do you think about that? >> he was. i think he was. she was trying to ask us for money. >> bill: i'm sorry? i did not know that. >> she was asking us for money. >> bill: did she email you or did she speak to you on the phone? >> she texted us. it was over facebook. she wanted me to set up another
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account and send money. >> bill: how much money was she looking for, melody? >> what's that? >> bill: how much money was she looking for? >> $6 hundred. >> bill: that had to be a red flag? >> yeah, it was. >> bill: do you have any contact with your son? >> no. no phone call, no nothing yet. >> bill: how concerned are you, melody? >> very. >> bill: who is there with you? >> we are tired and worried. >> bill: it could be a long road, i think you are aware of that. you said you have been following the stories of the others. who is there with you in cheyenne? >> my husband, martin. >> bill: okay. you give martin our best. i know your son has a child and he was trying to get back to texas eventually.
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we hope that happens. this is just another case of putin putting americans in jail. i wanted a final thought on now that the reality has hit you. >> it's -- you know, i feel sorry for all the other ones that are there also. you know, the other americans that have been thrown in jail there. i think putin could be doing a lot more. i think he could pick people up off the street at their convenience. >> bill: has the girlfriend reached out to you on facebook or have you tried to reach her? >> no, she is putting up tiktok videos of him now. >> bill: that's what i've read. melody, my best to you and your husband, martin, in cheyenne. we'll follow the story and hopefully get them home.
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>> thank you. >> bill: thanks for your time today. >> thank you. >> dana: video violence going viral. why kids are attacking kids and posting it online and how social media platforms encourage this troubling trend. the proper annuity used correctly can be a tremendous tool to help you achieve financial security. here are the benefits. stock market growth, protection against market losses, compound interest and no annual fees. sound too good to be true? if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you.
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let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at >> harris: the judge said former sex worker stormy daniels had too many details. legal experts say all that extra tawdry stuff was on purpose and it is backfiring on the prosecution. a judge just put a very different trump trial on hold. democrats law fare efforts continue to crumble. a deep dive also into president biden's raging border crisis. my special round table border in crisis comes up next hour. right at the top of the hour "the faulkner focus." see you then. >> bill: see you in a couple
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minutes. harris. a disturbing trends of teens attacking teens and posting videio on social media with the goal of going viral. many times they do. douglas kennedy has more on the story from our newsroom. good morning to you. >> online algorithms encourage user participation. unfortunately they also may encourage user violence. this is where it all went down. they basically lured him here to assault him on camera. >> right. when he came home with a broken nose i was devastated. >> last year a group of teenagers invited michelle's 15-year-old son to derby park in hu hudson falls. see developmentally delayed and went in a spider-man costume and many recorded it on their phones. >> it led you to blame social
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media companies who are basically rewarding these kind of performtive assaults. >> absolutely. it becomes a popularity contest in the school. it increases the violence within the school. >> we've recently seen a spate of recorded assaults across the country. including this student in winston-salem, north carolina slapping his teacher twice in the face. these teenagers running over a bicycle rider in nevada and, of course, the savage beating of kaley gain almost costing the 15-year-old missouri sophomore her life. social media companies meta and tiktok both say they prohibit content that encourages violence. it's a response that is not receiving many likes. >> they are definitely encouraging dangerous content. we see it every day. >> bill: emmy is from a florida law firm with dozens of lawsuits
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against social media companies for promoting this kind of dangerous content. she says all have algorithms which reward and encourage users to create and post violence. >> the companies know that content on social media that elicits a strong response with drive user ingaugement. that's the goal of the algorithm >> it means more profits and they need oversight and restriction. >> that's how they are developing if there is more restrictions, maybe these kids will learn something more positive instead of going in the direction of violence. >> she fears without restrictions youth violence will only get worse. back to you, dana and bill. >> bill: really important story. thanks for doing that and we'll stay on it with your help. >> dana: there is a lot there,
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douglas, wow. before we go, bill, the sky is the limit for a group of australian women all female skydiving teams shattered records. they aassembly of god two formations in one day. a total break sequential. on the second jump they broke the record for the largest australia women's star formation. >> bill: they're pretty good. >> dana: the only way i could do that is through a.i. like the met gala. that's pretty good. they are braver than i. >> bill: all women. all women. good for the women. >> dana: of course, you go girl, you know it. i will see you tonight on "the five" as well. we'll be here tomorrow as well. harris faulkner is next. here she is. [shouting] >> harris: hate and violen


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