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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 8, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> right. this is a ticked off, josh, this is tick tock, but there are glasses on. >> greg. try to love that. all right. okay, let's see e.the wiit okay, judge, let's have the wife do the sit there and let the guy do it. yes, i do it. i put on a pair of glasses. so how about you, mary? >> yeah, this is a different husband and wife story. womaa onen planned a one of a kd birthday party for her costco loving husband. she arrangedor familie for his y and friends to be at the store for multiple run ins duringg hea their shopping trip. he couldn't wrap his head around the coincidence, even when he saounde coinw his mama i to push a cart. >> eventually, it wat s s revead to be a surprise 27th birthday party with a cake cake, clown and balloon animals in the costco food court. >>t is that is pretty clever. >> don't think anybody dress up, for it, too. >> all right. that's it foe haver us.jesse have a greatwa night. "jess welcome to jesse watters. wat. time tonigh
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oh, the violent revolutionnalist continues. journalists catch a beat dows hn the cross-exam. >> boy, her responses were disastrous he. some of what she said might generate a little sympathy for trump. we're only halfway throughe sain cross-examination. >> it could get worse. >> js on stormi'st could parade like what game nowthe ma are you talking? i thought the masters was finished. pretty sure the supes was r bowl. and i watched that already too. kind of girl. not just go for dinner not j wi a game. >> women and sportand spors. >> there it is.>> l like, what are you talking about? does iik talkingt ever end? >> plus one. >> oh, the mass riders are out
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for blood. they started off hijacking buildings, yelling slurs and threatening violence. and now they're attacking reporters, slugging cops and stockpiling weapons. stons.over 2005 hundred protests have been arrested since the college takeovers kicked off. that's twice as many people arrested foicr keepi january sixth. >> for those of you keeping score at home, localnge. and sto police conducted late night raids in multiple campusesmpuses at umass amherst. cops in riot gear marched into the encampment and handcuffed >> hprotesters. >> who do you protect? who do you protect duty to protect? >> how might george washington
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university in d.c. has been occupied for protesters? occubout about two weeks. they planted foreign flags, desecrated statues, and calledrh for the beheadings of the school's president and boarde . riot squads were finally given the green light in the deain ded of night and flew back. >> they made the decision to breach the wannabe terror camp after getting some intel that protesterr uswere gathering items that could be used as weapons and plotting to break into buildingweaponans cops deployed pepper spray after getting punched. gethe squad calls that police brutality and says arab springng breaks just the beginning. >> students have been violently
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beaten without provocation. they have been arrested. and charged with disproportion and offenses. they have been wrongfully >>eared as antacidmiti, medic, free, free palestine, free, free palestine f, free, free palestine. >> i want it all the democratsao and republicans to know they cannot arrest their way out of this growing dissen knot >> mostly peaceful students who love jews. l don't thin k so.mas he punching cops isn't peaceful, and hamas headbandads are anti-semitic, the last time we checked. >> to be fair, some protesters have kept it civil, and we respect that. >> like the hunger i strike >> princeton, it has been almost 105 hours sincee our hunger strike has beguoun. it has been almost 105 hours since we've had any sort of. but today is also my birthday. this is absolutely unfaisolutel we parents and i, we
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are starving. we are physicall arey exhausted i am quite literally shaking right now. as you can seew . and we are both cold and hot at the same time. 105 hours is four days without food. da birthday cake.s that is a committed hunger strike and a great way to get rid of the freshman 15. >> not that she needs to. >> she looks great.o, pro in ohio, protesters graffititent the building. >> but when a contractor painted over it, they wouldn't pain. >> watch him standing in front of a wall. so we are allowed to express ourselves all over. oh, you're going to love this. thank me? a few dummieme a news? >> no, not the unit. calk to you over some of this. seems silly, but some campus caliphates are hosting seminars on hand to hand combatand comb s
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and talk to reprehensible. yeah, right. self-defense class for trying to. you have to have some coverage. whatever. but to show that i'm doing self-defense training where you touch your mouth. i'm sorry. not sorry, but you such walk on from the right on the what? l you just touched. i told you that. no, no, no, no.a' soefense coh, here.e he touched my heart. that's self-defense, not assault class. where you got to run a >> that was the ucla e so-calle self-defense class. but why are students being trained to fight if this is a peace movement at emory university in atlanta?anta drons drones call it what appears to be a battalion of students training on how to hold the line against riot cops. >> maxin t lde e waters, no relation,, to told us trump voters are training for violencld e't f in the hills. we haven't found any evidencoue of that. i but there was tape of guys in maga hat shadowboxing in the quader that would have played'v on loop until the election. the arab a antifa might looka ma
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goofy and weak, sprinting around with homemade goofy shieu in helmets like a renaissance faire. essbut these video are reminiscent of al qaeda training videos we watched during the war on terror.reme >> remember those angry, unathletic, skinny little men whmbo, with strength in numbers and a little s determinatiodn, can pack a powerful punch? they only have to be rightthnlye the campus caliphate growing and can be dangerousaliphate. sd >> like when they seized a building at columbia and held a janitor hostagcolumbiae. >> he's scared to go back to work. i was ready to go to work and last minute i said no, i'm not going. i'm not going. i got bad vibes fori sa some reason. and i said, you know what? and i called out late. i said, i'm not going. t feel ci said, i'm not going i. i don't feel comfortable. and then today i was i wasn on campus earliecar and theni i see the protesters again. and i'm like, i thoughe tht.
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they were gone. you know, they're still here. and then they saidey are , oh, well, they're going to plan something big at 4:00. and i'm like, all right, well,a i'm going home. right. i want no part of it. likepa of it, what are they sti? there? people don't feel comfortable g through a mob to punch in to get into campus. >> that's crazy. portland, at least 15 st cars were torched. look at that.rchist an anarchist group took g did it for the attack, so they did it in honor of the student protestersr of at the university of washington. black bloc antifa descended on an event hosted by turning point. fraternity brothers were turni the first line of defense challenging al qaeda antifa to a push upqaed >> the challenging anti bunch will push a contest. the push for this just unbelievable. >> never thought i'd see this and is being challenged by frat boys to do a show about strength. it's about heroes. and i feel like i never like dok this. i don't knownow, bro]
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>> i guess due to the >>allenging anti va didn't drop and give him 50 instea jd. they chose violence. >> wow absolute mele e. gabriel johnstone punches. gabriel johnstone punches. wow. the guy screams, wow. nice guys. wow. hi there. oh, wow. wow. >> this is untenable. >> investigative journalist jonathan cho is on the scene and if he didn't like that,is they put his home address on signs. so everybodye addres would knowe he sleeps. >> this is dale tripp. their girlfriend. don't trip this guy. look, this guy. >> oh, oh, oh.ld look at this. look at the shield. you've allowed the looney tunes to take over this entire campus. >> here's your address on it. i know. besides my address on it. my
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>> hey, look at my dress. try i know this is out of control. they're trying to dox me. id but they didn't have to waitve t for cho to get home. the agitators attacked f him and his crew. >> the second they got a chanc e . how did it get over five yards already? hey, give that on top of it. oh, come on. oh, come. which call on the cops right there. you have outside agitators likes antifa who are 40 years old. lou, there's no jo yeab herers. >> go back to read it. jonathan chose an investigative journalist in ptp, usa, frontline's reporter who joins me now. just out of the blue, didjust you hear anything fromciation
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the american association of journalists taking your side ,saying this has been an a unfair and violent attack on freedom of the pres vios? >> yeah, jesse, i wish? it's been radio silent. you know, aside from again my supporters with tp usa, yo and others on campus. you know, i'm pretty much on my own. and again,know pret as you saw, if we didn't have those courageous security guards with us, i tn would have been a far different outcome. >> how many guys were there part differe: how ma block? >> look, here's how it all started. i pretty much was in the quad yesterday, you know, getting b-roll video. pene and then i happened to stumble across one of the tents that said deatross oneh to fasct there was a big sign there. i started recording. then i started i to see one, five, ten, 15, 20 guys, all black up wearing black armor. they started following me. we started recording. we were trying to leavwe stae. e that's when the melee broke loose. this situation is untenable and out of control. and tea for the far left activists, the professionalar agitatorss. m
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have infiltrated a u.s. campuspf ,in this case, the university of washington in seattle. wash.o they have all sorts of padding and helmets. >> do they have weapons? it looks like they're wielding the umbrellas as a weapo looks aren. they have umbrellas. >>e. they hbear, mac i have no doubt they have knives. thank god we didn't see anything like that being pullead out. but ag but again, this is how they play all as a mob. they don't go one on one at us. they send ten, 20 guys on us u at once and we're totally outnumbere oncd 3 to's it's my two security guards. i'm on my own. look mo securds,, i was not insg at all. i was just simply defending wa and had to take off as usual. >> what is it about antifa that they don'. t want to show their face? >> you know, that's a great question. i mean, again, these are not students. the vast majority of the folks waw in the quad at the university of washington campus are older folkshrs in theirs, te
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forties, maybe mid-forties. these are professionals. pr to showobablyntse their faces. they probably have, you know, jobs at the local grocer hy, store, gas station or even starbucks. i have no idea. but again, theseo are also some of the folks that i did recognize who didn't have masks on. these are the folks i saw four years ago during the height of the blthw fo year in 2020. the same agitators are now herie on the quad. >> right. and every time they are unmasked not to be meaare unmanh it's just not the most delightful booking photo that i'vtful booe seen, to put t mildly. >> i'm glad you're okay. i'm the one that needs self-defense training. you see all of them out there in the qua d learning. >> i mean, this is you didn't expect this when you went into journalism thi, did you? >> yeah. look, let's just say i'vey cracked a few skulls in my day, so i'm going to be just fine there. but this going just is absolutey stuff. i didn't realize that after a 20 years in american journalism that i'd aml be doing hand-to-hand combat with these idiots in black bloc. k.they're a bunch of
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>> do you think this is getting better or worss. thie? get >> this is getting worse.ti and at the end of the day, the headline herat thee is the . dub leaderships th and administration failing to protect students and people walking through this publi pcafd space. if they're afraid to take action, then the governor, t, cl governor jay inslee, needs to come out here, call in the national guard and clearnationas place out. it is a woke cesspool no w infected with antifa scum. you cannot have people that don't go to the school 40 years old, dressed in allfaca black in riot gear with face masks and weapons, pitchinskg tents and assaulting people on campus and not do anything about it. that is absolute insanity. jonathan, i'm glad you're okayih . just keep getting this great video. it is. it's braveisreatit is and it's it's important. thanks for amplifyingg th the story, jesse. >> fox news alert. joe biden is currently withholding military aid to ourl
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ally, israel, in the middle of a war against hamasin the bea of political pressure from radical students. right no t now, israel is on the cusp of going into rafah in southern gaza, the final o battle of the war. hamas is entrenched amon g the palestinian civilian population, has nowhere else to g o and still refuses ret to return hostages or agree to a ceasefireur o. n cn and just moments ago on cnn, joe biden threw the protesters g th a bone, declaring that israel would never receive thesle american weapons if aid went into rafah. >> watch. i made it clear that if they go into rafah, they haven't gone in rafah yet. they go into rafah. i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal his with rafahth and deal with this and deal with that problem. it's just wrong. the we're not going to we're notth going to supply the weapons and artillery shy shells use tht avenue to shoot shells as well. yeah, artillerlls as wy shells. >> the weapons biden's withholding have already been approved>> jesapon by congress e
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precision munitions exactly what israenl needs to launchs smart strikes against hamas targets with as little collateral damage as possible. this is exactly the opposite of what biden declared israel's mission should be. >> remembewhlarer? >> do you believe that hamas must be eliminated entirely? >> yes, i do. it's now clear that now president joe biden's withholding military aid from an ally to help win an electiowt is the exact same thing democrats accused trump of doing and impeachede g him f. an stormy daniels, illegal aliens and swiss army knives ahead. there are certain eras in american history that define us. where fortunes were made, rules were broken, and legends they were born. this was an age of outlaws and lawmen, bob. by businesses come here. some were heroes. some were villains.
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at dog almost looks real. >> grow your business with freelance experts, fiber. democrats know they can beat trump in november, which is why they wanted to bury him with convictions beforis whyntec
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election day. but now their legal strategy is crumbling. the classified w documents caseocumen in florida has been delayed indefinitely. probably won't go tots has trial until after the election. and if trump wins, he'll just have it droppewins id. a big issue in the case is thatt the fbi brought prop ups to theo mar-a-lago raid to stageoo a photo shoot.t. >> remember the picture of trump's documents spread out on the carpe t with cover pages saying top secret in bright red blocbright rk letters.shot the fbi staged that shot and brought with them top secret cover pages, removed some of the trump documents sla and then slap the top secret cover letters right on top to. make it look dramatic. the media ate it udip. filin >> the filing includes thig snip stunning photographoh, smatte a smattering of highly classified u.s. documents with unmistakabl of dy clear, top secret and sky markings laid out on a mar-a-lago. carpet. >> this picture that you have up on the scree e upn right now ,it's very hard for the former president to say he didn't knowe
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that that he had these documents. >> i don't know how you would possibly make this claimnti don in georgia, an appeals court just sided with trump and willfn now rule on whether fani willis can be disqualified, which could be a victory for nathan wade, the lover boy, since that could mean he and fannie could spend some more timeuary together. >> and i 6thn the january six c, it's in limbo, waiting for a supreme court decision thisths summer before things can move on. >> c at this rate, all of theseb trials may be pushed back until after the election, whic bh leaves only one case. alvin bragg's case. and the democrats are panicking because it's falling apart. 's falapart.yesterday's stormy s salacious hearsay testimony wasm designed to humiliate the former president, but it turned into such a train wreck.s even the media is now admitting it could blow the case i up. >> the cross-exam boy, her responses were disastrous. i mean, do you hate donaldu ha trump? yes, of coursete she does. that's a big when the witness hates the person whose liberty the ist
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stake. >> that's a big deal. stormy daniels>> is one of those witnesses that tends to not just answer the question asked-t ,but add her own editorial. and that is a really dangerous n thing. >> some of what she said might generate a little sympathy for trump becausha maye for all of y was fascinating. and i'm sure everybody's fascinated, as was i. >> most of it's just not relevant. in case you missed it, that was jeffrey toobin offering legalg analysis. jeff toobin, who allegedly daughte impregnated his own colleague's daughter, refused to take a paternity test and theno ha bribed her to have an abortion. plo famous for getting caught pleasuring himself on a company. in s caln l. >> in some ways, this campaignag against trump mirrors, grover cleveland's 1884 election. cleveland a democrat allegedly fathered an illegitimate child a decadefather before he ran for president. and it became a rallying cry rad itar republican. during the campaign, rallies were booming with chants of mamr
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,mar, where's my poor? cleveland won that race by ad hair after voters dismissed the indiscretionsexu and eventually went on to become the only u.s.dsecutive president to serve two nonconsecutive terms 140 years later. donald trump's trying to achieve the same featal as flagged by o'reilly's no spin news. trump denies flagged claims madeim by stormy. >> and it looks like he's on his way back to the whiteo th house. >> chris kyes is aend attorney representing donald trump and he joins me now. all right, chris, what's goingtm on down there with these documents? well, jesse, i think what you're seeing is across isc the board, these cases are starting, as you say, to crumble a bit . rightly so, because ri. the rife with misconduct they're rife with with problematic conduct by the prosecution. lematic uct byyou have the docue where now there's allegations that the evidence,w there' the s this is a boxes case and the evidence has been mishandled.
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there's no question i was involved in the original proceeding challenginglved ioril the search warrant. and there's no question that those photographs were staged. w there's nand so now there's s questions regarding the the the the status of the evidence in the critical evidence in the case, th. have in the georgia case, you have an appellate court that's now ap a the what is,i th i think to most americans, obvious prosecutorial . sconductto so i think that case is is b falling by the wayside. and now this afternoon, there there are allegations, a report ,that justice engoron in the civil case that we tried last fall, that he's under investigation, under an ethics investigatio that hn because of inappropriate contact, what's called ex parte communicationsan. and so you wonder at some point syw much can the american legal system withstand. how much further are the democrats willinithstander aregh the envelope to to strain the legal system in order to bend it to their will, in order to try and prevent? donald trump from getting into h
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the white house? what really should have happened is what happened with grovenepener cleveland. we should let the voters's decide. that's why why there there's an election why there's. and donald trump, if they let the voters decide, i think voters dt biden is jesse worried about. >> he's terrified of it. and that's why's terri he's goio crazy. so, judge newt, he's in trouble. he's under investigation . bout fan and what about fannie fannie's now? e'about to be discovered by the georgia court of appeals? >> it looks like it. i i mean, certainly it's -- it's it's a welcome sign for those who are in favor of justice amei in america. it's a welcome sign that the appellate courca, it's this willing to undertake this investigation. that's certainly going to stall any triation. anyl. sig i think it's a welcome sign in the civil cas e that that you've got justice engoron under under some sort of investigation. apparently, this has been a judg e that has beent basi left basically unsupervised by the new york state court system for the pascaunsuperv t two years or more. and and certainly we needd
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a thorough investigation just like is apparently going to happeoroughion justn in geor and we we need a thorough investigation. georgia.the judge should be rec in a civil case. and it calls into question the integritciy of the entire o process. >> sure does. yet judge judy definitely needs more supervisionthe proc: the jn >> everybody can agree uponso mc that. chris cox, thank you much. and i didn't go to law school, but thank you. i know you're not allowedaround to take evidence. spread it all around and then brin g stuff from outsideon and slap it on top of it o and take photos that i know is not allowed. >> thank you so much. that's general. ot the b >> not the best practice. generally. not the best practice. yeah. it's frowned upo. frn in the legal sense. >> well, we just caught joe biden buying votes straight ahead. >> did you know swing is your favorite news programs for just $40 a month? >> my favorite news for just $40 a month. >> my favorite news for just $40 a month. >> $40 a month.
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>> too much of what's happening in our country today is noucs tp normal. donald trump and the mega-rich republicans represented extremism that threatensicans re the very foundations of our republic. but a new pbs poll showss po a majority of independents thin k it's biden who's a threat to democracy. >> and the media is very upset. . find it shocking honestly, i can't i can't make . sense of that number. >> i wish i could i wish i had some really great insigh i coul but i don't know if it's an outlier or not because the other numbers with independents and biden are going in the right direction. ence and aso that may be it.thin >> nothing's going in the right direction for joe >> he's trailing trump in every single one of the swing state averages one. with so many democrats bailing, the campaign needs a backuages.p plan. find more democrats. jow do they do that and where do they get them from? >> well, joe biden ordered
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every single one of his federal agencies to registerif you new voters. if you visit healthcare.goisit they try to register you to vote. the department of interior wants you to register to vote at national parks. teif you're in the free lunch. program, the usda persuades your parents are to register. and hud is trying to register homeless people.yo you see what's happening here, right? biden's using your taxning heree to register democrats to vote in the election. s toyou wait, jesse.nt he wants everyone to register to voto e. >> no, no, no. he's targeting people who interact with the federal, peop government, people who are depending on government assistancelee , families to getf food stamps, families and the free lunch program families that get free health care. >> homeless people. is this a demographic act that you'd consider traditionally republican? repui don't know. als >> maybe. it also looks to me liketo biden biden wants as many ballots floating around as possible.
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taxpayers, democrats, republicans across the country are funding a massive get out lk the vote project for biden. whether they like it or no or t just this week, biden's small business administration got bustedinistrat running voter vor registration drives in michigan. >> why michiga n? well, here's how they explained it. quote, this partnershi "thisp will help connect michiganders to vital voter registration informatiovitan so that more sms business owners can exercise ext to vote. it's not like michigan doesn't know there's an electionot lik.i every time they turn on their tv, there's a campaign athere'di and trump and biden visit everyk other week. where where do these voter registration drives take placeod ? democrats strongholds, not red counties. republicans in congress tried to investigate this and bring the officials in for questions, but the biden guys blew them off and didn't b even show.r >> fox news contributor and former counselor to president trump, kellyannlore
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conway. >> kellyanne, this looks shady, is it? shady.yes, of course it is. >> basically, joe biden, again, is weaponizing aspects of the federal government and in this case, just to undermine democracrnment ay and swing an n his way. turns out we are uncovering people, paying off others to sway an electioon. and it's not an album brags courtroom. it's on our college campuses. it's working with these nonprofit groups and, as you say, hitting people whercollegee they live based on the benefits bag to say,e and tryin gee, if you like this and vote for us, keep us in power. e we know why they're doing this. jesse. they for the same reason they're prosecuting an overlthey persecuting donald trump. they can't beat him on inflation, the economy, the bordermp. and security. ukraine, the middle east, crime, health care, you name boe the issue, the democrats are failing and flailing on it. but this is serious stuf lingfnd wit because it goeh s hand ind i of hand with joe biden's attempt to buy of former collegeme students and current college students jusrt week, he forgave $6 billion in student loans
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of 317,000 art graduate art youdents. >> e combine the get out u the vote program by all the government agenciesagenci on the college campuses with the student loan forgivenesese colleg s. presid you got a president not paying $130,000 to a person. i don't say star because that's an opinion and i don't sharey s that no basis to form it. >> but you combine that and, you know, watc andh as he here'l what's scary about it we won't know if all this works untilf ts it's too late. until it's too late. when you see all these shenanigans, the mechanics when y the process, the ballot harvesting, the early vote, the as you say, so many ballots floating out more ballots than people. and it's, creates chaos and as conundrum for most voters wheno, should i vote? where showboat? how do i vote? did i vote? vo vote? not d it creates such chaos and we don't know how things went into know care.tes or >> and you know, you're right. it's like as you're receiving the transactioe receivn for thef stuff from the government, they're saying, oh, with thi s, e he you take this and then maybe here's a registration form. as i regis
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give you this free stuff. you're exactly right. now, carmilla just said that from now until november, you are going to hear her talking a lot about the female anatomy. w >> listen to you know, i'm so fed up with this. it's sometimes because,someti you know, i'm on the road full time talking about this and other issuesmeroad f. t to when i went to their reproductive clinic, it wa reprt was a long day and press was there. and e ani said, let me just tels you, and you guys are going to have to be ready for this, ceady for certaio n language. and i said very loudly, ovaries ,fallopian to induce right uterus, fibroids, you know, what's the funniestfo thing for me at least? >> okay. well, at least i might learnkamh something about women following kamala harris. >> do you think the american voter is is ready to hearllopia about fallopian tubes for the next six months? >> no, of course not. the overplaye next
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their hand, ly fou they finally found something she can actually say. and even fornd somet more than e without a teleprompter. but seriously speaking, they'lbl overplay this they gave her. now she's the abortions are always with this russianan title to to break an issue. ha the way, kamala harris makeyh america's women feel smart. jesse, thanks for playing that clip. if for no other reason, i just feelp smarter right ar all of us women do.e thank you.ty i like the party. eaks republican party speaks to me from the waist up where my eyes, my ears, my brain fro , my heart in my mouth. ah, she wants to talk to everybody from the waist down only. and sh everybo the we proved prove >> all right. kellyanne conway, thanks so much and great job on hb e conwayo last week. >> and that was for thank you.: wo a lo nextt , you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about her at three in the morning any timewinutrient of day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soilthi from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worketally is d great for usd
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hypnosis join millions who discovered better sleep. >> download for free todaye ap slater the cbp one app. >> joe biden open table for illegals. big hit migrants have triedt to use it more than 64 million hemes to come into the country. >> here's how it works. migrants travel from all overd h the world to mexico and then download the app. they literallydownlohe app campt in mexico city and just wait for a reservation to break intmv the country.
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investigative journalist nick shirley went there to seee reworking how biden's border apps are working and who's waiting for us on the other sideo is wa. >> watch. inside the encampment one of >>r migrants had just received her appointment to go to the united states. so they just received through stp one app, they received lea their date to leave. and they're leaving today until seven. see that the number one is coming. >> looking back i drove status those territorial get me under the australian control. >> no, no no no. salah seat time. it didn't narrow but -- but i will operate in chameleon in immobility roles of immigration. i will know what exactly rumble e the simple honest that esperanza para la citail is a different kind of symbol. >> give them a window here
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statement attacking not everybody in the camp was happy to see nick walking around filming and they let him know.l, >> and. and do you hope that your will be better in the. united states or what youe with what's your plans? all right. someone just threw some alcohorl at me. >> these people are coming here with or without biden's app. to >> they already made it to mexico. with's a few more months? investigative journalist nick shirley joins me now. nick, what kind of drink waswhak that? >> ha, ha. even want to talk about that drink that was noti' very good. is that alcohol that they threw right at my back? oh, that's too bad . >> so these people are just making reservation means>> yeah, to break the law. >> yeah, well, basicallyll, tuad they're they're actually doing their best to follow the law because the app that joe biden ha bes the ls created hasm sign up once they get to mexicop and then from there, they canto go to the united states if they receive their app. but overtedstates 64 million pee requested to come into america. so that that's a pretty big back line for these migrants to wait waiting in mexico city. >> what ar. jesse: e the accommodations like? i'm probably pretty certain entr mexico's not thrilled with thee entire world just kind of waiting there before
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they come into the unitetingd states. >> yeah, the mexicans, they're upset, too, because they're taking. the resourcesg and it's all because joe biden's letting these migrants come and giving them the hope that their lives can be better here in the united states. and whilhope the cane they're wg inside mexico city or mexico, they're living in a horrible an situations. 6 to 7 people in a tent. ly and it's very sad, honestly, to see that all these people are coming just becausee. they have the hope of making to the united states. >> nick, why can't they just apply for asylumwhy t fromy have their home country? why do they have to go all the way to mexico, download an app to do it? >> yeah, i think it's out. >> create the chaos that joe biden wants these people that come to america and he wants them to come through an app. and that way it looks better. throd itg it look more legal for these people to come into the united states. >> yeah, i mea n, it's justn hi a shell game so it doesn't run his numbers up. me, i've b these people lik i've been here too long, i'm going nortooh. eah, t yeah. there's not a single person that's not going to the united statehe goings. n wait
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and a loint of them have been waiting for six months forever. x montand a lot of them told met well, if we don't get it, we're just going to go. we're going to acrose ju goingsy the border. >> they're not illegal immigrants, according to the white house. immi. e just newcomers negal >> and it's we're just you know, we're just making reservation for some newcomers. nick, thanks very much. you're very brave. next tim aery brave, just turn l and open your mouth and maybe you'll get at a cock cocktail. thanks, jesse. it's wednesday. >> time for cooler. let's bring in fox news host julie banderas. all right, julie, the first child,-- bande it's an importan. >> you know, when the little wife is pregnant, it's au wa big moment when you want to go to the hospital. you can't miss igo t even ifplayer it's the playoffs. >> defensive player of the of year rudy gobert missed game two of the second round to witness the birth of his chil two d. and not everyone's happyha about it. ppabout itas the baby bro is goe there when you get back.
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>> we hope care whatever you >> war you're about to do with the will. sweet nugget. i know you want to be with your wife and smile and stuff and you're good. nba health care insurance, right? is because of you play in it. so first child, not as important as game to second e round playoff game. >> all right. so i would notd round. do that i would not miss. you're in the second round. - e inyour team's never won a t. >> schedule a c-section. wait, are you freakin' kidding me dding me? what wou do you not? i mean, do you don't understand what would happen to you if that birth of your first born? what's the worst? get her third. what is she going to divorce me. >> i'm an nba star making millions of dollars. i don't thin, isheng ngk so. >> yeah. no, i mean, if you want a divorce or if you wantift e to losore all your, then sure,oa go to that game. >> that would be the stupidest thin bg could ever do to notor be there for. >> she wants us. she wants a girl. she wants a girl. that >> there will be that will remain there. it doesn't matter. you were >> i d you there for the birth of your child. you can't. the mother can't skip out on the birth. why should the fatheonthr? that it's a son.
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the son, when he grows up, would wantp, sun the father to a in game two. >> you should care to be there for the first born. >> all right. it's the playoff. the third. w what the playoffs mean. >> now, what is that? baseball. we'll talk about it later. okay. now, s fo it's playoffs for basketball and hockey there. >> games pretty much every night of the week, which is why you need to dvr primetime and girlfriend it.os. i'm getting tired of it. my boyfriend keeps texting me like, oh my boyf, wish we watche six tonight. like, we should watch the game like what game?i thou i thought the masters was finished. pretty sure the supeghs was r bowl.eady. i watched that already too. like producer. the super bowl is done. likee it's d now? what now, huh? for kind of girl not just go for a g dinner withoutam a game, without without the little iphone and little sugar screereenn. t r >> like, what are you talking about? does it ever end talk know how youho feel? no, i actually can't stand sports. so i mean, i don't. i do sympathize for all women who are dating somebody who is obsessed with sports. >> we all are. arean, don't you realize lifes. revolves around. no, football? not really.
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college football on saturday. then you got you got football on sunday. now you have it on monday and thursday. yeah monday an. then you have playoffsen in january, then you have the super bowl and you get a >>ttle respite littlrespite ann you have march madness. >> can't you just record it >>d watch it while we're n just you have to see a live screw it. >> then you know who wins, jess who it live. >> jesse nobody. watch it on dvdoesn't nobody.r.y that should they don't they don't understand. it's not like real housewives. un, everyone's going to know who won except you. >> oh, that's trueexcept y. ay." yeah. mother's day is sunday. oh boy, moms everywhere expecting some quality family time, relaxation, some gifts. only problem is, no one knowsnos what to get there. mom, what do women actually for mother's day, we want nothing. >> we want to sleep. just leave us alon e. nc we want we want privacy. and we do not wantd you near us. >> what if. what if there's a gift? is. is our flowers? s flowers are always acceptable, but it shouldn't be on mother's day. it shoul? d be at least once a month. >> i don't want a holiday for
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flowers. okay. that's annoying. >> so no flowers. just give me my sleeay for wersp. >> i don't even need you too ant feed me. i don't need you to do anything. just leave me alone. leave me alonehi, ju me. >> leave me the heck alone. okay? what i want on, mother. okay, i'm going to try that. okay? how that works out. >> try it. no, actually. and then i'll say. julie. ll hatu. me to do it.. this is not the advice for you. you personally. you need to get your out. ou personeed t get your out there, get ther flowers, make her breakfast in bed, and service her, and don't watch any sports service her. >> i think she means what mean by that bed, lunch and dinner and dessert thank you.>> jes >> go, julie. g you're not going to believe what the boy scouts just changed their name boy to right back. there are certain eras, american history, that define us, where fortunes were made, rules were broken, and legends they were born. this was an age of outlaws and lawmen here by businesses down here.
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d. so when i heard the boy scoutsg are going through a transitionto and changing their name, i was intrigued. >> they are takinge the boy out of the boy scouts, all in the name of inclusion. >> it sends this really strong message to everyone in america that they can come to this program. they can bring their authentic self. their authen be who they are and they can they will be welcome here. >> scouts of america. i mean, at least their name hast america in it. meanwhile, in england, the swiss army knife is transitioning as well. the century old pocket knife will now be available without a knife.e thanks to new englishu knife. cogulations don'lationt worry the corkscrew and nail clippers aren't going anywhere. >> so nork cliar boy in boy scos and no knives and swiss army kniveso ni. thi every time i think we take one step forward, we taketeps two steps back.
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oh, what water's window. oh, don't i have a window to share with you? >> it is such a good window.lmos >> i almost don't want to share itsh. >> but what happened was of my eye twitch, i accidentally bought decaf coffee, and now i'm just drinking decaf. jus so i'm off coffee.t just decaf. i twitch gone texts go from minnesota. >> did i just hear kamala harris explain the difference between a man and a woman? yes, you didn . although i know a guy who had g fallopian tubeuys and let's jusd say i tied him up into a nice pretzel. >> i'm waternto . >> and this is m


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