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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 9, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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force a showdown with billy the kid and the regulators. his dolan's posse of corrupt lawmen and hired guns cornerepa thed the regulators inside a house in the town of lincoln. the battle rages for five days. dolan's men set fire tohous the house. the kid and a few friends barely escaped with their lives. >> outlaws and lawmen. right now, you can get it on fox nation. we hope you'll watch it. all right. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for making the show possible and being yking s withn please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever. that's an of hannity in the meantime. good news. heare troubl trouble break. >> gutfeld. he's standing by with a greate show. >> put a smile on your face. thanks for being with us. have a great night
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. yes. and that. oh, okay. happy wednesday, everybody. okay. let's get to the jokes. presidential candidate junior claims that a while back, a worm eight part of his brainik came true, which led to memory problems. when reached for comment, the worm wh said. >> he was just trying to level the playing field. ying i kid. that's somethingel joe bidende will never have to worry about. a brain according to stormyg tos daniels testimony yesterday. she donald trump with a forbesto magazine in a secret hoteld rendezvoustr. steve forbes claims that counts as him having.
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>> but forbes magazine denies saying it's all just a rumor. >> but hey, we're getting it straight from horse's mouth. in a related story in court, trump has been holding up one of stormi's shoes for good luck due to due a rise in youth crime. >> the makers of the swiss armya knife are offering a new version without a bladrm e. i know a swiss army knife without. on kn a knife. so nowif we're transitioning. . what's a swiss army knife without a knife? fiu're lefs itt tweezers, a nail file, a toothpick. why not just renamck whee swisss bottom of a handbag? >> you calle armd army knife. s knife is in the name.
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if you havwiare the namemy k ofe thing in the title, you can't get rid of it. what's next? swiss cheeseththing in. >> what are you going to just sell the holes? the launch of boeing's starliner spacecraft bound for the international station was scrubbed on monday. apparently, boeing wants to focus on what it does best, killing whistleblowers, earth, wind and fire. member phillip bailey is 73 today. >> i don't want to say philip is getting ol bd, but hen wants to change the band's name to earth, wind, fire andts, balance of nature. >> citing consumer health concerns, florida governor ron desantis has signed a ban on lab grown meat. >> that's great. now, where will jesse vacation ? after weird interactions with ballplayer caitlyafter wen,
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a veteran sports columnist, has been banned from attending wnba games. >> surprising many as they him to be punished. m to thank you. thank you.y and finally, whoopi goldbergwo. she's done with relationships and all her . now is strictly hit and run. well, unless the other guy seesu her first, then it's just run. all right. monologue trump notches a win as libs sit and spin. a federal judge has postponed trump's records trial cla indefinitely. >> it was supposedssifie to stat later this month. but like my vacation plans with kristi noem, that ain'taint happening. >> you remembe r that case? the sham trial stemming from the classified records investigation cooked up by jackm smith. the trial should have started may 20th, but duite to the myrid
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and interconnected pretrial issues, judge aileen cannon put the whole thing on hold. translate that case is imploding faster than my implants went scuba divingen . and that would happen. it would? yeah. and our instincts as to why are correct, the judge's decision to postpone the trial comes s just days after jack smith's own prosecutors admitted. s that evidence was rearranged after the fbi's raid on mar a lago back in august 2022 said the feds, quote, there are some boxes where t som the r of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scanne withid. the government acknowledges that this is inconsistent with what government counsel previously understood and represented to the courtusl >> that's a lot of words for saying wr e are even former obaa attorney general eric holder admits the whole process has and
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simply not been on the up and up. and that's coming from a democrat ung from a demo who w howard spraguear. and here's a revelation. atiothe infamous crime scene pho of the raid may be doctored than joe biden's education. >> what i think about it. >> they admitted as much in recent court filing. remember, it's the picture the liberal media shovedg reme n our throats. all the classified papers laid out neatly on the beautifut laie drab carpeting. documents labeled top secretetih with distinct classification levels showing just how evil and connivinision leveing the bg orange godzilla really was. >> dashboard set top secret material. e the only thing is those papers labeled top secret were cover sheets. they simply slapped on there for the photo op. ly slappthertop secret cover sh. what is this? t. smar >> hey, guys. we don't want people to read this better put top secret on it. yeah. while we're at it, be sureon it.
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to put don't peek. awesome toy inside on your kids christmas gifts. >> as julie kelly with the classified was first to report, the court filings conclusively demonstrateemonstra that the government used cover coeets to deceive the public as well as the court. the photo was a stuno wat and o that adds more fuel to this dumpster dumpster fire case. >>th ir true, it was more stagedn than a kill me book signingin in the stands. >> so once again, it's team biden lying to the american people to imprisog n b his chief rival, because if you can't beat him, put him behind bars. >> you but of course, there's nl fooling. >> the new york times, they published this piece justl days after the raid. quote, how the picture of top secret at mar a lago cameo about. yeah, it was jusant one of the dozens of left wing headlines touting the authenticity of a phototiciy that was about as legitimate as those pills. i ordereout otd canada. >> i actually got shorter now. i didn't go to law, but i know
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evidence tampering what i see >> at's how i framedtamperin o.. >> bout time. yes. >> of course. as predicted, the trump dependent media is melting down over the trial's indefinite delay. it's crazy. it's crazy. a 12 year old then went with her mother to take a kid sayio court day as a lawyer, somebody would have come up with a better ruling that she's come up with. >> it's bizarre. i guess she's either ill equipped, extraordinarily ill equipped, or she just doesn't care what the world thinks of her. she's right now looking like everything she's doing, she's doing to help donald trump. nog she'el forbid there's some y right there at the end. >> he's nod tribbee hot mad eyer the alleged tampering. he's mad that the defendant may
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be helped by the ruling. >> now, a normal person would be outraged that the governmen t may be framing an american citizen. but in joe's mind, the outraget is that this citizen might get justice. piece of advice,ages this joe. >> you start rooting for the law to get a get away with bad thingy wis. you might be the bad guy. morning joe has now becomemo the bonnie and clyderninme of insufferable dip. so while that florida trial is put on ice, the hush moneyscu trial in new york took its scheduled weekly break todayle r so what are all the players up to? well, stormy daniels tookk th the day off to hit the beach. some beautiful horses >>ti and here's what theou j judge wauss to. how well, how. >> well, yeah. >> meanwhile, here's trump.
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see, it seems nothing can get orange godzilla down. >> cockamamie crime. every faux felony, every trumped up charg e. ile bi meanwhile, biden's being hidden in a crate by the ark of the covenantden a a, but it's all sg to unravel. just like the plot. a st a stormy daniels movie. why would there be four pizza delivery guys? so you notice a trend here. >> they told us the laptop fake, but this photo was real. >> they told us spyingt li the trumps was fake, but russian collusion was real. they tolttinghe fd us inflations fake, but those job numbers were real. how comey to lies only go one wy to help one guy and hurt the other? and we're supposed to be too dumb to notice? well, maybe if you're mornin e ifg
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joe, let's welcome guess. hey. so one guess we couldn't pass over host of the ben shapiriro show. ben shapiro. he looks like he spends a lot tm of time in police lineups. >> comedian jim glory, her exes say she's the one that got awa y with their silverware. "new york times" best selling author and fox news contributo r and his crocs are actual crocodiles. >> "new york times" best selling author, comedian fod former nwa world champion rmtyrus. ben, welcome to the show. i think people forget that you k actually are a lawyer like not only are wildly successfula podcaster, what do you graduate
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law school? >> 27. yeah. how old were you? i was 23. >> yeah. so. well, you beat me by a couple of years. a >> i didn't go to law school in case you didn't get that joke. all righi t. >> what do you make of these developments in the last day? the th oe develoe the delayed ca and what what's going down story? >> stormy daniels? >> at the , with the delay case, i haven't seen democrats this upset about delay since se was biden's drug dealer late. >> but -- but, i mean, the case is a mess. they have to hash out all ofs ic the classified materials, w what they can actually see, what anyone is allowed to see. al, perfectanlay makeshay is sense. usually it's the defendant who's the one demanding a speedy trial. wh when it turns out that he is not, in fact, demanding a speedy trial, then that doesn'tenrnr he's as much a concern for the court. obviously, donald trump wants this thing pushed beyond the electionnald trus push. h >> he's had a really good week in court, despite the fact gr csobviously stormy daniel was testifying about all sorts of unpleasant things. >> right, exactlt she way. >> nothing, nothing from that stormy daniels testimony was that interesting.g: nothi t. >> i mean, like separate bedrooms. who doesn't do that, jim, huh?
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>> of course. i mean, that's why my marriage is in work, i guess. yes, i know. first of all, the government with these documents, they're basically they're basically use propths. k right.e if you think about it, that's how desperate they are. that's like a comedian. when a comedian isn't getting laughs, then he resorts to props to get laughs. toyou so basically, like the hed of the fbi is carrot top. dare you besmirch character? my character. s th but i'm saying actually you use props. yes. that's how bad they are. yes,o bad t th but can't if they fake the photo the old fashioned way to use a i. yeah. you know, they actually printed it out and put it around the document. yeah. >> why do you why. thatn't understand. i think that says top secret and you put it, i mean serious silly. >> that would just make everybody look at it. you kind of answer your own question there. gutfeld it's made tv. yeah. this whole thing is made for tv. they're not interested. l actual they wanted everyone to see a picture of top secretda
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. this is all the evidence we have. just like the core thing isn't co we stilletual d aren't sure what he's tried with. you know i'm saying i didn'te'sn pass bar, but you better tell me what i mean before i show up in court. i'm not showin butg until i knoo exactly what i'm being charged with. i mean, any of those surprises'm . and so that's what's going on right now. but it's all for what the nameg for wha . yeah. convicted felon. it's the trial. the it's for the media. t all these investigations are for the media. they're theyhem need a well,d to that's not good enough. we need the people need to see top secret see they need to see rush and it's all for the media because they're not going to win in thwie debates, stan, because there will be no debate. because why would the president besmirch iden is we're using t that word so freely today, besmirch the name of the bid president by doing what? debating a what? convicted felon. so this is all part of the thing. this is all the media. the only problem is, is that someone ha e tos to start writing a script for joe scarborough. he is horrible at his job. >> he's so bad like that that, you know, it's like a 12it's lik
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year old. >> then why does that pop in your mind first, joe? there'iss some other questions t should be asking. you know, kat, what did you gain from this? i you'll remind me the top secret thing at that time that you put private on your m.likepu dream >> j and i read it anyway. >> you did. weren' >> but once you realized you weren't in it, you were devastated. yes,t devasta i. >> because this actually taught something. welld , actually, that reminded me of something that i've always known. and itmething lways kn actuallyd in me from a very young age, which is never, ever leth is the fbi come between you and t the ones you love. if one other person was raised a similar way. so but because this is more than just what's going on ine courthant, right?ntry w this is also what's going on in this country where this thing'hs this photo. we're tearing people apart where if
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you don't look loo at this, how could you still vote this way or support person? and then you have the other person becomes irredeemable to you. and people are fighting in real life over things that government bureaucracieopl narratives like whether it's this or whether it's what happened for years durinitg covid and i would love to see everybody kind of say, okay, let's wake up and realize that this is the problem. and at the very least we let ittear u tear the rest of us apart. >> that is a great way end this segment. very astute, very s students. up next, a scouts ploy to erase the word boyha. wi one job. i just want to feel protected, i just want to feel protected, especially for thosethapid dry h moments. always discreet projects like always discreet projects like no other always that locks in your heaviest gas quickly. >> up to zero leaks. always discreet. the protection we deserve. there are certain eras in american history that define us where fortunes were made,
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is the effortless energy that gets you in the zone. circle available at walmart drinks circle icon the low cand stop pouting. they took the boy out of scoutinp pouting after 114 y,
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the boy scouts of america announced a name of amer changen effort to emphasize inclusion. >> now they're simply scouting america, which sounds like something al qaida is doing. the organization claims the name change will reflect their, quote, ongoin changecg te commitment to welcome every youth and family to anlcyouth eh america experience, the benefits of scouting, bescouting commitment to inclusivity. so now scouts can earn merit badges in hairstyling for drag queens and prope r etiquette. now, this move didn't just comee out of nowhere. the pandemic lockdowns hit the boy scouts like joy baker's in a booth at sizzler. but that made no sense, including that line. if there's anything could help kids during that time, it would have been regular outdoor activity. e dive plus, it would have been a nice diversion from all that pain and suffering, namel andytervie the interviews between chris and andrew cuomows and.
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>> over the years, more than 80 thousand men say they were sexually abused, scouting.i i guess the sandusky merit badge should have been a hin sh >> oh, but why this?even mor a solution to punish boys even more? the last thing you want to hear before puberty is here's a bunch of girls that are taller than. her girlsyou still is. >> and the boy scouts alreadyo opened up to letting in girls a few years back, even though girls already haard their scouting program. but when everything is the fault of the patriarchn scouti y young, men need to be taught that the worst thing you could be is a young mast cann. >> gone are the days when we wanted boys to be trustworthy, courteous, obedient, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. not we've w replaced solid virts with fake virtues created by faklid virte people.ity in diversity, inclusion, equity. if there was a badge forclobabll that it would probably look like this. >> all right.
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yoar, tyrus, you were a boy scouu t. >> yes. so i go to you first. why? how you how do you respond to this change? >> i alway rnds it's -- it's ner the cover of the milk. it's the spoiled milk in it. so if you're going to makeg to a change, make it tougher for to become scoutmasters that besm . yeah, that would t yeah, that probably woulhat wod be first line of business. yes,ne i like i said, i was into 316. i remember my my scoutmaster, mr. crews, and we did our members a lot of like teach camping and doing outdoor activities and teaching you how to survive andinu ho, and would be questions that, you know, the young men would ask and stuff and i don't know if that would necessarily happen with girls present because you're going to want it and you're going to sees the the girls are going to want to impress the girls. >> and, you know, it's just ofah, that was the timgie like e are so afraid of raising men in this country. mm-hmm. i countand like, the boy scouts a good tool because what was it really used for? >> it got youn s itg men patriotic
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and got them prepared to. maybe they might have tohave that ultra sacrifice one day by joining the military defending this tha . that's what, boys, where you saw old lady crossing the street. you did the right thing. that'sy crossing what it was ab. >> now, over the last, i think 6000 girls in the last i think it was like ten years or whatever it is, have become eagle scouts. sif it's a situation where there isn't a girl scouts club in their areagirl sco and, they join the boy scouts. i think that's fine. but you don't need to take the name boys of america. there's the girl scouts of america. the boy scouts of america. you wantl f amer to call it the scouts. fine. but that doesn't changeo the problecall theine thatm it'g the catholic church and change it to church. but you're still not taking ch of the problem with the priests. >> so keep the name. the so but clean it up. >> your scoutmaster, mr. cruz, was his first name. tom. it was tim, ironically. oh, all right, jack. >> you are not afraid raising>>g men in this country. >> yeah,re. you were a girl scout. >> yeah, i was. i for how long were you a.
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girl scout? all the way through. junior is actuallyg were a my mt from camp to work today. oh, did you? yeah. there'i haves not a lot of posiv to having your chest be the same size it was when you were ten. huving sh. but it's. it's great for your graphic it's. ection >> yeah, that's actually part of the reason why we need. to get the new apartment is juse we're running out of space for all my graphic teerenning ous. i yeah, i was a girl scout. i loved it. i did i but i would have maybe wanted to join the boy scouts if i could. yes. you know, you would have completely polluted i.t. >> absolutely. yes, you would be. >>u would be a problem, i think. >> yeah. well, it was also a problem y with the girl scouts but ifor t k i tyersu know, i loo i could not agree more. thi i mean it's like now people are all outraged about this. there are bigger problems than the boy scouts. and i think that that your shirt about don't what? >> how did you put it againe pe don't let the be scoutmasters . yeah like that should be a
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t-shirt. yeah. no peds and scouts. yeah yeah. all right, jim, are you dressed like scoutmaster l and you look like you're about to go out in the woods and bury somebody who owes you money. k, i got to domunity some community service somehow, so i don't loo k like one of cha those pop up characters in the guess who game. >> i don't likand gueshoe. >> i do. yeah, but boys are different. >> are different. why are we doing this? i don't know. but you know what? get rid of the girl scouts. that's fine. let them join the boy scouts. they don't have to be pressured about those stupid cookies anymore. you know what i mean? i gogot bot boxes of them for l. last five years. the neighbors bother me. so good. you >> yeah. they make you fat. girl scout cookies make you fa f you fatye and you take a lot. i almost poke my child. you justify getting fat because. oh, they're just girl scout
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cookie.s. yeah, i got to support and all that. look, we don't want to change your name because all the sexual misconduc chat that's had before 80,000 kids have come forward late r on and got paid for them. they should just change the name that we don't touch. boy scouts of america, then we know, okay, that's not going to go on anymore. then. ironically, still look like a boy scout. hang >> what do you make of this change? well, as a person who just hit puberty, the thing that wasbout amazing about this is that the ceo of the boy scouts,r he came out scouting inc or whatever they call themselves. now, it sounds likthlselves ne a service that you get on the street here in new york where you have some who comes up to th e mom and is like, here's a card for kids. you get a head shot later. yeah, scouting case americans.s in any case, the ceo came ouabt and said it's now going to be about authenticity someone can be their authentic selves. the entire design of the scoutst was to train you, not to be your authentic self. right? because you know who yr . rtuall you go for virtually everyone. y e like i have an 11 month old baby.
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>> he's completely authentically himself and he drools and i mean, that'slike b what babies do. >> and everyone is authenticallyabdo and. the whole purpose of having institutions like the boy scout is to train you inin and skilld sets. and so now what do you do? you just sit around and like, stare each othersc s a and bedae purses or what? >> yeah, basically. oh, i love bedazzling. o >> does that make me less of a man? so there's some other issues there. but no, that would not be the one issue that pushed you over the the thatr e you can bedazzle all day. gutfeld thanks. i want to bedazzle my gun. i don't even know what that. means. >> i think the audience is starting to turn on me. all righ wilt tot. t time >> when be the first time or the last? so stunning maxine fearsrs red hats are comin )g. >> look, things may seem fine down there, but you need to watch out the diseases. >> i'll be okay. it' does this look okay? ohs prevent, how do i protect f with the new scott's healthy? >> plus lawsuit steal
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maxine has the chills, folks v in their heels. our video of the day comes from msnb tc, where democratic congresswoman maxine waters accused trump supportersi of training in the shadows for a violent attack if he loses. >> watch. i'm going to ask the justice department and i'm going to ask the president to tell us whaty they're going to do to protect this countryarg to against violy if he loses. agai about all of those right-wing organizations that he's connectent t aboutd with who arg up in the hills somewhereupwh and targetinerg, you know, what communities they are going to attack. we communities t need to know nn that he's telling us that there's going to be violence, if he loses, we need to know what his plan is and how we're going to be protected. >> you know what you should do? call smollett. he has a lot of history fighting. inary ra
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>> imaginary racists. jim, are you upset that she told everyone where you hide out? >> it's amazing i mean, she's talking about hills. i mean, trump lives in florida. i means tr, is the hills in floa is the closest thing to hills like space mountain at disneliky world. >> yeah. look, maybe i'll give her. yeah's 85 , she's 85. she's old. maybe she was past a bedtime 7:00. she put the rambo movie on and she fell asleep. thought she was watching the news that rambo was in the hill is going to come down, just fight. everybod y. >> that still was the best want first blood. st 1the first one was a bad app. >> never. i never recaptured that magi.c cat. what is it with people named w waters and bad hair? e di is that why we did this segment? it's segment was built around me insulting jesse watters as most are. yeah t, i. i mean, i would she says i want to know more.
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i couldn't agree more with that part. what led. you to sayt that because i've heard nothing about this heard yeah i mean am i missing something? i've heard nothing about peoplei in the hills. >> in the hillthe hills, she sa i've been to like 40 cities within the past year for my toular. e >> never heard a murmura mu of people in the hills and anywhere, let alone people in the hills, training for a national takeove aloe r. >> i mean, i just it it just it so calmly say something like that. i as if i'm supposed to know what she's talking about. dot supposed you think she means that reality show the hills? remember that? i do remembe ing she'r that.. i was kind of underrated. i had limited influence, thougfh ,in the wake of it, but you were never able to leverage that pain. >> if she's looking for violent political mobst sp, it's in heri party. >> is that maybe why she's saying this? she's leading itng it?>> sheeavo waters, i mean, you're from l.a. and l.a., you remember duiotsythe riots, she literall called it the l.a., the l.a.
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uprising. right. she actually touted it during blm. she wad raisins telling people e station, go out and confront people that you don'ns ct. i mean, there's no more violent person in terms of rhetoric in congress than matchinnomore g waters. but like, i'm just wondering, is it is it a bunch of is it like charlieis iof sheen and pak swayze? he and the wolverines, they're like, come down to theof and they're going to take care of business or something like, what the? >> what is she talking about? >> i just i don't know. i don't know. yeah. i mean, i live in the hills>> il kind of, but i mean, you know what? >> well, i live in a by >>a hill . i mean, my driveway goes up. a little bit and, then it comes down. >> does she mean beverly hillsbe ? >> she didn't say getting on an elevator doesn't countrllls.. >> what if the fbi investigators, if this was going on.king a >> yeah, detroit. weren't they supposed to look, they were looking at the militarymilitaryer remember, the investigating the military. >> well, maybe they're too busy at the copy machine. >> may get copies of the top secret documents.
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set it time to go look in the hills to see what's goine hi what'g oa iris, what?t' what do you think? what's worse thing? >> about what? i don't know. training in the hills of my homies is not happeninomieing.g >> you live in the hills? shut uillsp gutfeld. you said too much. okay, let's say i am involved. >> all right? i said we are training on the hills. whwhy woy would we wait till afr the vote? we lost a track now. yeah. why wouldn't go in there? >> have you made the election yet? well, we don't care. click, click. hey, this doesn't make any sense. but she doesn't t. th >> okay? this is what maxine does in the hair comment. that's not fair. ot faiit's not hers.t >> she doesn't know who owned it before her, so it could have been a crazy personbe. you have no idea. it's just facts. it's facts. okay? i don't think. my hair isn't that soft and curly and i'm miseducated. so, i mean, it's genetic thing, so we know she's off, but they just say this.
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they wish wet were in the hillr training. we're not. we're working. we don't burn down our citiee t >> we don't attack because wee e have to go to work in that state. so we would love to have t the freedom on the weekends to hang out and shoot guns on a shoo. ut just be outdoorsmen. but no, we have to work. soen bute ha sorry. >> but yes, i think i thinkuitew you dispelled it quite well. yeah. secret sigell.n. >> it's right here is a. >> all right. coming up, columbia's hating won't get jobs as claire. what does it take to get your best night sleep start with sheets so soft they transport you at bolen branch. we use the rarest on earth and a transformative weave that unlocks new levels. softness wash after wash. so the sheet starts out soft and gets even better with time.
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their explosion of student disruptions and antisemitismoll do you think this is faire to all of the columbia law schoolschool? i mean, it's obvious. not everybody was involved. but is i likeverybodt safe for n >> is it just a good call on their part? i don't think it's a good call. hate to disagree publicly with judges. yeah, i guess of are in front of one some day. but no, i don't think it's fair at allfront . t also i mean, i think there's lots of people that go to columbia and also but it seems likeh. i actually did some research. >> no. yeah, i told you not to do that. >> dow you're not supposed to do that on the show. no, but it'sthat on only about% of grads, according to recent data, have gone to federal clerkships afterwards. >> so it's not they usually go to these big law firms anyway. >> but yeah, i don't think i it's -- it's fair to say no one from this whole entire don'ai do this because of things i didn't like some of the people doing. >> except, though, ben, tou know, it sends a message to those. >> but then again, like, i'm tornrn. e messag i like that this message is being said. but at the same time
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, how we d know that it's those guys that are doing it. >> so we don't w it's it's unfair and also good. it's it is unfair to a bunch of columbia law grads who are not participating in this stupidity. but it is very for the columbia brand to be degraded in this way. if you worked at enron, you mayt not have been involved in the scam that was enron, but you're not going to be hire od your net job if you put that onjob your resume. right. columbia's doing right now is burning outif you putt on own and they richly deserve everything that's about to happen to them over the of the next ten years. so it's safe to say that both ta of you are correct. >> of course. yes. just thought i'd point that oute to iris. do you think it's fair? s is justiceright th is ben right that it's like it's good for columbia to geodt >> well, that changese. my revolution speech for. speaks i was against it, but they both made really good points. i'm anti-gay good po grouping. i hate grouping, but something has to be done to columbia.
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but i feel like it needs to be great. like there should be no federalr funding to the university at all. >> you want to make a statemenay ? you want to make a statement because they're doing. i followed tim's lead on this one. soresearch let's say the average student body is about 30,000. yeah, it's like less than 1% of students actually in the quad. they don't have enough to get their numbers up for their so-called protest. so they have to brin for theirgs in their own people. so, again, the school is beingnd and passed off as these angry students. but when actual studentst are pulled aside, usually freshmenwh and about it,n answer they can't give you an answer. they just know, oh, we're here justnocidee. s they're being filled from the pamphlet protesters. so when he says no, i'm notumbi going to hire anybody from columbia, that needs to be across the tim i do agree with that. but at the same time, though, start pointing out the individuals thise oute indf you said if you had a disclaimer, the following names of these studenta disclasg eligible after what we sawibr their behavior on the line
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that get s more of a message because then someone who's about to do that. well, i don't want to end up liket joe over here and get exposed because they're hidden behind that blanket of these group. it's like when they say, you know, we're going getting a job here, oh, it's only 5%. but if we start pointing these individual terrorists out becausa job.% we terrorie they f you're hamas, you're a terrorist, you start pulling them out. it'll be a bigger grander effect. and more people like, you know what, i need more than a mass to go out here. maybe some common sens e neede. >> they won't. mm-hmm. jim, your current girlfriend, a freshman at columbia. am i right? and she's also fro m the country of columbia. >> no, you're wrong. she's still in high school. are she's got that. did she get accepted? she did, yeah. shmean, she's going to be a sophomore next year. she might graduate in threee years, which would be good for me, because then i could say, well, she's at college. >> yeah,beca it's okayusshe's i i believe in this. yeah. i wish. >> question is, are youplanni planning to be a boy scoutng?
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>> yeah. this i actually if this me feel good because i finally have something in common with these graduates. yeah. neitheething in commowith ther are so going e a federal law clerk. eartlly. but i love how the university president saying all notices are going to get jobs. yeah. good luck. mm-hmm. i hear applebee's. >> and olive garden hire. it's a good luck. did you see that ceo who said he would hire those protesters ? ben, that guy. i think he sells, like, pills . >> he does? yeah, yeah, yeah. when soft and his stock prices plunge and boy, did pull a , but it's kind of nice that boy. this audience just doesn't like going to. do you know that guy? i did not know that guy. don peah, we're all of that to. but don't know him.seems >> that's correct. yeah, that was the same. ad might have.y woul it seems like somebody would advertise on podcasts, but likve
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,man might be the kind of person who would. >> he's one of my advertise myy podcast tonight. n >> i seeot him cra that crazy a. >> the pills work that i'm going to get out of this segment. ment segment. ment up next, democrat gov who shows. black kids no love. >> imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food fresher get our families safer, and our our families safer, and our planet cleaner to help us getge. there. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solution s, these big things can happen. >> a a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance? no. but we. life insurance. john, i'm trying to find we can afford.
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w 1-800- 963 1931 we got another
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clip. you it's video of the day. hey, hey hi to a second. our second video of the day is a beauty. it comes from new york's favorite frozeze n faced failure,vide governor kathy hochul, while speaking a conference about thee importance of computer education, she still had enoughc job movement to stick her foot in her mouth. >> roll itot . right now we have, you know, young black kids growing up in the bronx who don't even know what the wordnx computer it >> they don't know they don't know these thing s. >> well, she has since tried cln to clean up the damage by saying, quote, course,that i know that black kids know what computers are. that's why they keep them. see, they really didn't say tha that. tyrus, i better clear that up so she doesn't sue me. is thit upot sus another exampln
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bigotry, of low expectations. >> nexamplo. >> this is what happens when you take the teleprompter away and the real you shows up.u have >> usually you got to get a couple of shots in. t you. >> you know, she got comfortable we're all around f friends here. >> she forgot about the camera guty because here, listen, let's just forget the continued on.r e they've never heard the word computer and things like t that. >> one of those things-up that would be my follow-up question. yeah. what else don't weques whate do. box thi >> yeah, because those those shiny button box things. and then i got this thing in my pocket. it keeps ringing, but when i pick it up. but don't say nothinps ringiig e lorry load of i can't dribble it and shoot it, i just don't know what i'm goind shooi don'g coulknow, ben, you know, i think we could give her some consideration for hyperbolomconside, but we know e
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would never do that for any of us. like ir anf we, if we exaggerat, went over the line, they would e tht, be done her with it. the big problem for kathy hochul is that she ran out of peopl oute above her to. have sex scandal so she could fail up. >> right? right. ther to actuallyce e go. >> so unless joe biden somehow gets caught, you know. yeahlsto biden s. >> then she stuck. yeah. which if he did, it would be.. thanks to roman. all right, kat, should. all >> should kathy deflect this negative pr by perhaps killing an animal, at least to have a friend to talk about itt it with your sister? but after she said it, she also. she she said they don'er she sao >> you're kidding. they don't know these things. which to m me, if she if she, my really does believe this. th why didn't she
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bring it up sooner. >> yeah, she thought was a whole pearl of black kids that don't know what computerldh is. >> yeah, she should have ran on that. she really thoughtave ra if y that was the case. >> could it be., jim that it's her. s? >> who doesn't know what a computer is? and that's why she. becausand e i think young kids w more about computers than she does. so maybe she thinkcomputers tha >> a computer is something else. yeah, could be. i mean, look, she mayb.ould be. >> she did the research. i'm sure a rich white woman from buffaloe hangs out in the bronx a lot, goes into black people's homes and talkson a little black kids and answered that with a computer. yes, i'm sure she's done manyti. that many a time or tooo closely. she's betting that a bronx is watching a yankees game on tv. >> yeah, but you know,woma it's funny how this woman says this, then what kamala said aboutys this,, georgia, thk people don't have id, so they can't vote. right. d'stheyand then biden says,af african-americans, if you don't vote for me, you're norican't b. >> but trump's a racist. yeah, trump's a racist.
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do you remember when biden also said poor kids are just as brighsaidt as white kids? yeah. and again, you get a couple it drink>> agas in museum and it comes out, but this is who they arethis i. >> and to be fair, she probablya never saw a real black child up close before because, you know,e they always got the hoodies on and they're lurking. >> right. it's called in buffalo. so they get the bodies on death . >> but she did like that little guy in diff'rent strokes. all right. r.i.p. gary coleman. don't go away. be right back. >> there are certain eras in american history that define where fortunes were made, rules were broken, and legends were born. this was an age of outlaws and. lawmen now by businesses down here. some are heroes, some are villains. and that's where the fun
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