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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  May 9, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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it's almost like they feel like they have to put on a certain number of witnesses and so why not have this reading moment for the jury? it's a case that truly is 1 of the most bizarre i've ever witnessed in my career. >> john: already jonathan turley good to have you with us, sir,, we will like you -- likely cu cap -- pop up later in the network. appreciate it. the countdown now to michael cohen that stormy daniels will have on the stand. i don't know if karen mcdougall will get called. >> i don't know if we will get any more blockbusters, ethic we've seen the highlights already but i could be surprised. >> john: the cohen testimony we'll be so interesting i wish it were on tilt -- television i would love to watch. thank you for sitting in the past couple days. see you back at the white house tomorrow. thank you for joining us i'm john roberts. >> the story with martha starts now. >> martha: good afternoon
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everyone in martha maccallum and this is the story. what the story it is today. right now on the stand as you heard his madeleine westerhout. she was the former presidents former executive assistant at the white house. john was just describing her history with the former president she talked about the access hollywood tape and how there was a lot of concern at the rnc back then if they maintain ocean need to find another candidate and we know how that ended. it is now day 14 in this trial and a short time ago stormy daniels wrapped up her testimony after pretty bruising cross-examination by a trump attorney who try to portray the actress as an opportunist, extortionist using her trump connection to make money, prosecutors came in for the cleanup after that, reminding jurors daniels said she wanted an agreement to feel safe. unclear if any of this is relevant to what the jury needs to decide. no cameras in the courtroom as
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you know but her attorney posted this picture -- excuse me at -- earlier today saying he "couldn't be prouder of his client". judge jeanine was in the courthouse and she is here live coming up. former attorney back trump attorney jim trustee and others here with breaking coverage this afternoon as court is back underway for the afternoon session. let's check in with nate foy outside the courthouse. hello nate. >> reporter: hey martha. madeleine westerhout former president donald trump's former executive assistant is on the stampede she admitted she is very near his and she has never been in a courtroom she said. right now she is just going through sort of her day-to-day and her relationship with other witnesses in the case. you mentioned she was being questioned about the access hollywood tape being released
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and she said it rattled rnc leadership and recalls a conversation about possibly having to replace trump as a candidate if it ever came to that witch obviously it didn't. it comes after the cross-examination of tracy menzies it book publisher for harpercollins and also trump organization junior bookkeeper who served as former cfo alan weiss and burke's assistant she testified she sent checks from new york to the white house for trump design. you mentioned adult film actress stormy daniels wrapped up her testimony. trump lawyer susan necklace questioned her accountability. stormy told the court i never asked from anyone in particular, i was asking for money from publications to sell my story to get the truth out. trump's lawyers pointed out she ended up getting paid for the story to not come up. daniels agreed to an nda with michael cohen for $130,000. daniels said she signed it for her safety. former u.s. president donald
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trump again criticized the gag order today saying his lawyers officially challenged the order in court today. 1 of 3 major issues trump's lawyers will bring before judge juan merchan when the jury is let out early today at 4:00. the gag order is an issue and we also expect trump's lawyers to ask for in this trial yet again and they also reportedly have concerns about possible testimony from the former playboy model karen mcdougall. again that is at 4:00. back to you martha. >> martha: okay thank you nate foy. let's bring in jim trustee former particle -- federal prosecutor and attorney for john -- donald trump. good to see you. >> aloe martha. >> martha: how do you thank the cross-examination went? >> it's devolving into more and more of an unrecognizable circus. stormy daniels is trying to go out and celebrate like she had a great day of credible testimony but this is just not recognizable in today's world
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she was apparently asked questions about whether her boyfriend but she was insane, she started talking apparently about how she had communicated with the dead and made money doing that. ouija testimony coming out in this case. and look there are these thin reads of calling witnesses to try to establish president trump was a hands on guy and therefore he's going to know somehow it was fraudulent to say legal expenses when it should have said legal expenses nda. if that is the difference between crime and innocent there we are in a strange world. the last points made about what's coming up at 4:00 the mcdougall issue is a big 1. ethic the prosecution probably wanted to call mcdougall in the same philosophy of just throwing as much dirt as possible and the substitute for evidence. but the weinstein case of all things, curry weinstein, ribeiro emphasizes when you get into other bad acts that are not part of the charged scheme, you are
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in very perilous territory. they might have artie cross that rubicon but if they put mcdougall on the block themselves yet another issue. >> martha: that's an interesting point because we don't know yet whether or not mcdougall we'll be back on the stand but as you said the whole reason why the weinstein case was overturned they will retry it, is that there were too many outside, uncharged issues that were brought into the courtroom and the jury got to hear them. so do you think, you know, what do you think if you are in the prosecution's shoes where do you think they go next after madeleine westerhout? >> what they are doing is building space before cohen. you don't want to finish this case with michael cohen you don't want to have him right next to kind of spectacular circus -like witness like a stormy i think they're putting in some filler and stuff marginally helps them establish president trump signs off on checks and things like that. they don't really establish the endgame but they are better than going right next to a ridiculous
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witnessed. i think we're getting there and i think we will see cohen sooner rather than later. we don't have cameras in the courtroom i get it but of course knowing cohen maybe he will record it. he used to record his own clients so who knows. these will be a wild days and if they end up finishing with cohen animals nothing after that, you know, i would expect the defence turns around and says in light of that we are not putting on a single witness, let's go. >> martha: that's so interesting. it's own other things that this defence so far has been lengthy in the cross-examination and i have heard some attorneys say they would advise a more direct shutdown of why this doesn't matter and why that person is relevant to the case. why do you think that is? 3 hours cross-examination today with stormy cat that have been done quicker? >> yes, and i am a proponent of streamlining where you want the entire attention to be on cohen. you want this jury, in new york
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jury difficult place for donald trump. you want the jury thing of the case as a referendum on michael cohen. you have to believe him to find beyond a reasonable doubt any crime occurred. can you possibly do that as a juror. that is the battleground you want for the defence. it bodes in terms of the other witnesses to being very sustained. what we've seen with the exception of stormy i think has followed the course of basically friendly cross get in and get out spirit, okay,, jim great to have you. thank you so much. >> good seeing you. spit on you well. coming up we are joined by a judge after being at trial at the courthouse this money or who 1 in there today and her take away from the judge and here is another take on what happened today. >> i think you see donald trump and he was cursing yesterday and you could see that is -- it is his motivation to shane this woman and it's not working it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time
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alright folks for now stormy daniels in the books by this trial after more than 3 hours of cross-examination earlier today. they are now on to madeleine westerhout former assistant to former u.s. president donald trump during the campaign and into the white house as well. the courthouse is familiar to her but this time you are to observing, great to see you judge what is your big take away from today? >> first of all the first thing that occurred to me was i missed being in the courtroom. >> martha: did it feel weird for you to go in and like check-in and get your little yellow card and find us equally find a seat in the back. >> anyway the big take away today was that the cross-examination of stormy daniels was and i think i said it before, master class.
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she took everything that stormy daniels said and she tore it apart. she was well prepared on direct but not cross-examination. stormy daniels wanted -- >> martha: that's the sign of a bad lawyer right? you can tell your story perfectly but then they are going to press into every single hole they can find a you better be ready. >> and she was not ready. the truth she said she just wanted to get her story out and it wasn't about the money. but the reality is that she started making money you, serious money the day she met donald trump because she cashed in on everything from the nondisclosure 130, a book deal for 800. another contract for 120. another contract for make america hoarding again. you know, she goes on and on. >> martha: very profitable that 1. >> this is 1 of the things i thought was incredible, she said i've never sold myself to anyone. are you kidding me? you are the essence of someone who sells themselves to other
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people. she talked about the fact that even though she had been in 200 porno flicks and had written and directed 150 the truth is, you know, she was able to right and create and make up stories about sex. that was brought out on cross-examination. everything that she said about, you know, i just wanted to get it out it wasn't about the money, it was contradicted by everything else she said. >> martha: let's have a sound bite to that. keith davidson who we heard from last week, he was stormy daniels' attorney who handled this agreement between the 2 sides. $130,000 and we won't talk about this deal. here is what he had to say watch this is michael con. >> he said stormy daniels wanted this money more than you can ever imagine. i remember hearing or saying you [ bleep ] better settle this story [ bleep ] if he
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loses this election we lose all of the [ bleep ] leverage. >> martha: so that is her pressuring than he in turn pressuring cohen for the money because she wanted to be paid right away. >> that's exactly what i'm talking about. everything she alleged to put herself in a better light nor make donald trump look bad was contradicted by other statements she made herself. not of this was from other people saying things, it was thanks she was inconsistent with. her credibility has been totally destroyed as a witness. everything she said, there was something to contradict it. in the end when she talked about tarot cards and speaking to dead people i thought i was watching that tv show the sixth sense. she was not a good witness. >> martha: i'm always wondering as i sure -- i'm sure you are how is the jury taking this? what are they taking away from this because we can analyse and look at both sides. this is the senior legal analyst for cnn watch this. >> today to me was off the
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rails. the line of question we open the segment with about, you are in pornography you can fake stories about sex. all of that is useless, it is pointless. i think it probably turns the jury more in stormy daniels' favour. i think they completely lost the thread this morning with a cross exam. >> martha: he is arguing it was too tough on her and will make will sympathetic to her. >> absolutely not khaki is absently wrong there. if the jury is going to turn against anyone it's going to be on the prosecution. they are there to analyse and determine whether or not the people can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that donald trump committed 34 separate alleged felonies which we all know where misdemeanours beyond the statute of limitations and that they have to sit there and listen to this and make no mistake martha, that defence had to cross-examine that witnessed the way they did. they brought in something as far as i'm concerned if i were on that bench is a collateral issue that happened decades before the
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actual crime that is alleged. for them to bring that in and expect the jury to be subjected to that, we are and you know 1 of the jurors had in her hand and we already know that some of this is almost laughable, even the way she behaved on the jury and the way she looked on the witness stand. kai mean she was just very uncomfortable, she kept touching her face and touching herself. she looked like a train wreck to be honest with you. no 1 is going to feel sorry for her because she made a fortune from the day she met donald trump she new that was her gravy train and that's what they are talking about and that audio with davidson. and in the end, nothing that she said but connell trump in contact with anybody as it relates to the payment from michael cohen to stormy daniels. that is the issue. if the jury is going to be angry they will be angry they have to listen to this because it is nonsense. it doesn't relate. and this is reversible error.
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>> martha: dew you think we were just discussing this, do you think they bring in karen mcdonnell or do you think it's not a good idea at this point? >> i don't know back in fact i thought today it might be her there, i don't think so. i don't think she as anything. i think they know that with stormy daniels from their perspective they are probably thinking it was probably good maybe not so great. but there is nothing to gain with karen mcdougall at this point but who knows. they want to prolong this. you know, we see joe biden and florida all wherever he is with his aviator sunglasses while donald trump is in the bowels of manhattan in a courtroom listening to a porn star. i mean is she even a starkly i don't know. >> martha: i don't know. [ laughter ] i can honestly say i don't know. in terms of challenging the gag
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order we heard they filed a new bit of information to get that bag order appealed and overturned. that obviously, all of it is building the appeal case. if they don't do that now how do you think that side of it is going? >> i thank the gag order is totally unconstitutional. that they would gig 1 side and at the other. and that they would gag an individual running for president on top of that who's got first amendment rights. even at some point even judge juan merchan seem to indicate it's something i have to thank about. this man was a president and may be another president again. that signalled a huge, something bigger to me than anything else judge juan merchan has done. i think maybe he is hearing that is reversible. a lot of what judge juan merchan is doing is reversible. if i was in that courtroom those lawyers would have been at my sidebar as soon as stormy daniels -- >> martha: he is not a muscular judge in terms of, it yesterday at 1 point he said
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they should have objected more. >> they objected to every question. they objected to the witness. what he's doing their martha he's blaming the defence. he knows and he is saying to the higher court they didn't object all you have to do is read the transcript they objected. they are covered totally on that. >> martha: thank you so much we will see you on the 5. great to see you great coverage today. as we monitor the new york trial for donald trump, you can see the latest madeleine westerhout testifying donald trump had things brought to his attention. back-and-forth on checks that were signed and sent to new york and doing business here with his former assistant. but, you know, we are watching this remarkable turn of events and other legal battles have some hearing that maybe the president couldn't escape further trials prior to the election because of all of the movement that's happening in those other 3 cases. watch... >> meanwhile the documents case is delayed.
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meanwhile george, what's going on here? everything seems to be delayed and moving down the road. there even those who argue this manhattan case is not as big, it is not serious and he might get off anyway or not. >> martha: frustration there. so 1 of former president trump's attorneys jesse pinnell joins us with his reaction and all that next as busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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so we expect to hear from
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former u.s. president donald trump and current candidate for presidency as he comes out of the courtroom. the usually at this time they take a break so we will bring that to you live as soon gets underway. a big day today, stormy daniels wrapping up her testimony she is obviously a central person in this case in terms of the larger narrative. it's the picture that she released with her attorney looks happy. earlier today the former executive assistant at the white house testifying under subpoena. she said she was nervous and had never been in court before. of course is not the only legal battle the former president is dealing with in this string of indictments which we watched over the past year. the judge in the classified documents case tack this is a look at the roster. classified document case. that 1 has been postponed. it was set to begin this month saying both sides are still
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battling over both sides of the motion. the federal elections interference case is on hold while the supreme court considers the immunity claim and we expect to hear something from the court in june. and the georgia election interference trial could be delayed as an appeals court is considering the former presidents pushed to kick willis and the whole mess in georgia really set that 1 way back as well. the judge ruled they can stay if the prosecutor stepped on. you're member all this drama that happened in georgia because of that relationship they had in the past. let's bring in an attorney for former president trump not representing him in any of these cases but represents him and others. good to have you jesse. >> good to be here again martha thank you. >> martha: let's talk a little bit about these delays.
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there's obviously a lot of consternation in some corners about the fact it looks like this cut might pass and buy a bit before the election. adam schiff says the supreme court delays at the trump prosecution he then appointed cannon. now in georgia the courts would delaying justice and effectively denying it says adam schiff and here's hillary clinton from this morning. watch. >> justice delayed is justice denied. and the people in our country back to looks as though will most likely go to vote without knowing the outcome of these other very serious trials. these are vary serious charges against any american, but someone who is both being a president and wants to be a president again, that should cause any voter to thank not twice but many, many times over. >> martha: what is a reaction
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to that and what are you're thoughts on these delays that continue to push things further out? >> what you are seeing is the left releasing the quiet part out loud which is that they've been depending on these cases not for some sort of pursuit of justice but in order to impact the 2024 presidential election. now that you have courts and judges that are taking a deeper look at these cases and not moving them as fast as these left-wing prosecutors want them to move them, the left is ringing there has because of it. it takes a lot of golfer hillary clinton after everything she's been through to say justice delayed is justice denied because in her case it was both. but what we know for sure at this point is each and every 1 of these cases was so unprecedented that once you start to take a deeper look at each of them, they start to fall apart. which is why each of these cases are either on hold or in the case of new york are completely
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falling apart as the case proceeds through the litigation. >> martha: so, you know, we can go back to the case on the real estate valuation where the former president was supposed to pay $500 million. on that case was able to pay a lower bond and there is now a story that says another attorney spoke with anger on an gave him sort of side advice. he said i actually had the ability to speak with them 3 weeks ago and i wanted him to know what i think and why. are really want him to get it right. he had questions about certain cases, why is that not allowed and what might that signal for the real estate case? >> martha that is something that's absolutely prohibited in our justice system. if someone wants to make an argument to a judge about a case, you do it in the courtroom and you cannot go behind the scenes and start making arguments to the judge that is
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incredibly improper. and let us remember this is also the same judge who bragged about his handling of the case in his high school alumni newsletter was hemming up -- hemming it up on the bench for the cameras when the trial started. this is a judge who has every possible opportunity and has settled himself improperly. quite frankly he has no business being on the bench if he's going to make communications about a case the way it appears he might have. this is a very serious accusation against the judge. >> martha: what is your best estimate? when you look at the best cases as to whether or not any case but this 1 is likely to happen before the election? >> none of these cases should proceed, not only before the election, none of them should proceed at all because none of them have a proper legal basis. so as we see right now for instance in the florida case
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where a judge can and is properly, wants its presented to her that the prosecution effectively was the 1 who mishandled classified evidence is taking a hard look at a bunch of the issues and is doing the proper thing, not allowing the prosecutors to engage in a rush to judgement where you just take president trump because they want to get it done before an election pair you have some judges who are properly saying we're going to slow leaves things down set -- down and do it right. if you do it right everyone should be thrown out of court. >> martha: thank you jesse could deceive. we have guests discussing whether or not the campaign of trump is giving biden a boost, next at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor
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all right this just breaking it looks like hunter biden is
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going on trial on gun charges in delaware next month or 2 weeks before his trial on tax charges is set to take place in california and appeals court denying his bid to throw out the court case and the hearing is set for tomorrow. no word on whether hunter biden we'll be there appear he's pleading not guilty in both cases after a plea deal with the feds fell apart last year. we all remember that it was pretty germanic. and his lawyers say the agreement should be an effect but we don't have a final word on that. we are waiting to hear from former president trump here they usually take a break around now so we'll see if he speaks if so we will take that. obviously all of this is coming pretty dramatically in the time he has to go on the campaign trail. now we've got a new poll out of wisconsin which is a bit of an outlier. most of them are close and
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wisconsin but this 1 shows a pretty big jump for biden up 6 points. razor thin margins in the past 2 elections in wisconsin. biden in 2020 and trump in 16 where the winners. both by 20,000 votes, in that neighbourhood. but now, biden is ahead by 6 in this new poll. as i said it is the largest arjun we have seen in wisconsin polling so far. so the head-to-head gets nearly wiped out when they at these third-party candidates to the race. it is up to 17% of the vote ringing it to 40 and 39 for biden and trump. let's bring in our guests. all our fox news contributors, great to have you all with us.
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obviously wisconsin is a big battleground state, it was big obviously in 2016. trump swept wisconsin and michigan and pennsylvania and it really brought down that blue wall that existed in those areas. a lot of discussion around wisconsin has to do with the economy. 1 of the things a former advisor, robert i will ask you about this, david axelrod feels biden is making a mistake when it comes to the way he's talking about the u.s. economy. here's what he had to say after the cnn interview biden sat down for last night. watch. >> they are experiencing it through the lens of the cost of living and he is a man who has built his career on empathy. why not lead with the empathy we i think he is making a terrible mistake. it may not be, if he doesn't win this race it may not be double trump that beats them, it might be his own pride. >> martha: robert, axelrod has
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never been scanned on his criticism of this president. pretty much goes at him every chance he gets. what you make of that? >> while david did a great job for president obama i'm glad i am the economic guy and he can be the pr guy. i thank the reason president biden is doing well and wisconsin and he is now often michigan and arizona, in wisconsin he just announced a microsoft ai plant and in arizona the multibillion chips client that came from the inflation reduction and than in michigan he is being the biggest supporter of any resident with respect to unions and getting wages up. so i don't think it has anything to do with what we are seeing with the nonsense in the course. ethic at all has to do with he is going on offence and acting like the president as he shut. >> martha: in the interview though biden said all the polls
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in the economy are wrong. basically denying that people are feeling what they're feeling when they speak to these holsters about the economy. i think that's what axelrod is responding to their. >> on a politician of either party says all the parties are what they are saying is all the people around so the people he to listen to me. know this is how you get to be out of touch and that is the problem. this is why inflation is such a killer. as any economist would tell you, is great -- inflation comes down any consumer would tell you the prices of everything keeps going up. that's the economy we live in today, the price of housing, rent, food, gas it isn't going up as much as it used to but it's still going up and it is way up from the day joe biden took office. that's the pain real-life people are feeling. pay no attention to one-day movements in the polls, 7
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battleground states. joe biden won 6 of them last time double trump won only 1 of them. all 7 we'll be closed -- close from now until november p. rec pay little attention to a one-day fluctuation here there, keep you're eye on the 7 battleground. >> martha: absolutely. jason let's look at this because it is interesting, there are a lot of comparisons both in the place we are in history and the presidency with reagan 1980 election against jimmy carter. it's always interesting to look back at what was going on then. here is what reagan had to say about carter and inflation. watch... >> mr carter blamed opec for inflation and blend the american people for inflation, he is blamed the federal reserve board for inflation. the symbol of this administration is a finger pointing at someone else. mr carter seems to have forgotten and not to have learned at all. inflation hurts people. >> martha: jason what you
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think about that? >> he was 1 of the greatest communicators. donald trump is probably 1 of the best retail politicians we've seen p. joe biden is not able to communicate. that interview on cnn, keep burning that enkidu interviews joe biden. tell us that he inherited a 9% inflation rate from donald trump tech that wasn't true. and when asked what his greatest accomplishment was to drive down the economy, he took the bank fee, you know, $30 down to eight dollars if you bounce a check. that was his go to line. this is the president of the united states campaigning for the presidency and that's what he is talking about. he won't even goal on a super bowl ad basically and talk to 100 plus million people is not able to mitigate like a reagan or trump ear is still give the democrats an advantage though i really due because i think they're better getting out the ground game.
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trump might be right on the issues but if you don't have a ground game you're not going to win. i think democrats are much better getting out the vote. >> martha: a lot of people think exactly as you due on that and so much for the realtime fact checking over there for the 9% inflation rate when he came into office p. gentleman thank you we will be back with you in a bit, thank you for joining us in sticking around. we've got another big story we want to get to this afternoon involving president biden's rafah redline for benjamin netanyahu. >> if israeli forces stand alone, israel will stand alone. i say to you we will defeat our genocidal enemies. never again is down
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president biden insists his commitment to israel is "ironclad" but then he says this in an interview last night. >> i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah and deal with that problem. will continue to make sure israel is secure in terms of their ability to respond to attacks. >> martha: here is prime minister benjamin netanyahu today watch ukraine president volodymyr zelenskyy weird united and determined to defeat our enemas -- enemies and those who want to destroy is. if we need to stand alone we will stand alone. >> martha: that spring in our guests. he was just at the pentagon and
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white house but is here speaking for himself serving on some advisory committees and all our fox news contributors. great to have you with us today again. robert, this is vary reminiscent of what we heard with regard to ukraine. we are going to give you defensive weapons not offensive weapons and we see what has happened in that environment. the president said after october 7th that he would stand by israel and israel said that their goal was to eradicate hamas. now they are sort of at the last door of doing that and he says we will not help them. what do you say to that? what can you share with us about what you understand? >> so just speaking personally here because this but the last couple days at the pentagon and i have clearance so i want to be clear on that. first of all he is absolutely standing with israel or we have to separate fact from fiction.
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he is ironclad on the security of israel, look at what happened when iran attacked with missiles and it was the u.s. shutting down the missile avalanche into the israel alongside the iron dome. number 2 we are talking about munitions that are indiscriminate. these are 2000 pound bombs going into urban areas and it's clear president joe biden has made it clear he doesn't believe those should be used in those types of populated urban areas. it doesn't have anything to do making sure israel can protect themselves and overtake hamas. are would also be clear that we have not stop any supplemental financing. so i think we are taking things out of context here. absolutely it's an ironclad commitment that we will support israel and continue to supply them the weapons. but with respect to rafah, president joe biden has been clear they have to be targeted.
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>> martha: but he is okay leaving hamas in charge of gaza? >> i would totally disagree with that which is why, you know, their conversations with saudi releasing hostages and making sure president joe biden has been clear on his 2 state solution which would be the palestinian authority taking over in some way in the future but we know they do not accept that. we know president reagan paused and giving supplies to lebanon. george hwd paused with giving supplies to the west bank. this gets complicated because it's a multiyear war but indeed no question u.s. stance by israel. >> martha: standing by israel and defensive posture is 1 thing, standing by israel to prevent the next october 7th which hamas has been clear they want to carry out again and again does not require going
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into rafah and rooting out the leadership of hamas like we went after al qaeda and basis? >> and like we didn't stop at the belgian border in world war ii we continued on to get hitler. i suppose joe biden would've said stop at the right don't go after him. i don't know where he will go on this issue. first, if this is ironclad he is about as ironclad as a limp noodle. he doesn't remember in that bite you just played when he talked about how he protected israel during the missile strikes from somewhere in the middle east. he doesn't even remember the name of the country. what does he want to do? he wants to protect gaza. he wants to protect hamas in rafah and let hamas survive. how can you do that? israel is fighting for it's survival and president joe biden is fighting for michigan. >> martha: so obviously there
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is a ton of political pressure on him in this issue. they basically said the protesters are winning with the white house so keep going. here's a democratic michigan representative. >> i've been waiting for the war on not know how many people have to be slaughtered in the hands of genocidal maniac benjamin netanyahu he should already be at the -- >> martha: jason. >> president joe biden clearly puts politics before getting rid of the terrorists. that's the fundamental problem is that he does put politics first. he's being pro- hamas. hamas wants to destroy, kill every jew they possibly can and here, israel is on the attack. they're going into root out the terrorists. if you're not going to support israel in doing that then you're not serious about killing and taking care of the terrorists. that's where they are and that's
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where they're going to have to go. israel continues to take it from iran, they take it from hamas, they take it from hesbollah. and if you're serious about ridding out terrorists than you have to go get them where they are. they happen to be in rafah. >> martha: so who's going to take out hamas robert? >> say it again? >> martha: who is going to take out hamas? >> it has to be israel. under no scenario do i support hamas being the neighbour of israel just to be clear. absolutely the idea that jason you're a better person then to say president biden's pro- hamas but we will leave that as a political slip. that's insane to say and you know you're wrong. >> no i don't. i don't buy that. wise slowdown? why not give israel, wyatt micromanage israel? israel is on the offensive and they're not letting him finish the job.
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that is not ironclad support of your best ally in the middle east. >> martha: if i was interviewing president biden i would ask my question question. who is going to get rid of hamas? thank you gentlemen, think you will continue this conversation as we move forward. a live look now at the new york city courthouse where we expect to hear from former president trump when court wraps minutes from neil: now we will take you there live can be a tremendous tool to help you achieve financial security. here are the benefits. stock market growth, protection against market losses, compound interest and no annual fees. sound too good to be true? if you have at least $100,000 to invest, get your investor's guide and see if it's right for you.
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