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tv   News  RT  April 26, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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the, the, the china says nato is directly involved in ukrainian prices and it's field in another one of the asia pacific region. and that is acceptable for day g. made while a deep video publishing to show the philippines president, calling for an attack against china. so we'll look into the potential dangers of artificial intelligence technologies. and i'm this, the international, the keys of the british government up both of the following policy undermine human rights of the world, political game, the copies of the latest trends shaping the world right now. bizarre, the international i a michael question that is either judging,
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paying his met to with the american top diploma and the blinking who is currently on the visit to being in an attempt to solve this thinking ties between those 2 world powers. while a china as foreign ministry savvy, it's hypocritical for the us to reasonably condemn the normal trade relations between neighboring russia and china. they find you get tired talking while you're on the one hand, the u. s. has launched a large scale built a new crazy and on the other hand, it has made endless accusations against the normal economic and trade relations between china and russia. this is extremely hypocritical, any responsibility the old nato bears and irreparable responsibility for the crisis . the alliance must reflect on its role, stop shifting, blame, and effectively take practical actions to resolve the crisis political, the old one to come to to all right, let's cross live to archie crispin. and to show that the basically who is joining me right is how that is good to have you join me that that was
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a very strong rhetoric from beating how the usual rectory weeks like this from china. highly unusual. china is known as being incredibly diplomatic, very us say, well, the fence in regards to one of the things keeping it so idea is close to his chest . so the only did that we've had the chinese foreign minister, while the us secretary state is in beijing meeting together, essentially cooling the us out for being hypocritical is 14 mazda. if i have to say it with diplomacy to and this is almost likes of smacking somebody across the face and you saying he is doing this terribly well. what he was talking about there is the fact that a b, u. s. has been consistently moving china, a boxed it's trade relations with washer. it's been consistently wanting china. the china shouldn't be supplying weapons to russia as part of those traits to go stations. it's even said that it's going to put sanctions on chinese banks if they continue to have that trade partnership. let's not forget the rusher and china
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share a massive food with each other. they all the neighbors being the asian continent and not the same time as a labeling all those warnings that throwing on those rights to china and chinese banks and organizations to want to continue trade with russia. the us has just passed this for an age bill that's going to send some $61000000000.00 worth of a that includes weapons and even weapons to crane. and for china, that is just the pay to me. i'll pay pope receive us, and us can say your don't live to do trade with russia. you're not allowed to sell weapons to russia, but we can give weapons jean crane and we can trade with whoever we like a. so yes, really highly unusual statement from the chinese foreign minister. yeah. but isn't this what rocks it has the insane for so long may to of participating in the conflict? that's why i mean, the russia has been pointed to the fact that the nato has
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a military devises on the ground in ukraine. we know from the last few days that it's a message that the us has admitted that it sent long range missiles to ukraine without telling anybody about it. we know the front so said, but it's got, it's miller treat sizes on the ground and there's even being talks of sending even more. they to military presence in 2 queens. so that's something we put time and time again. now at the same time, the antony blinking has been meeting his toy and his counterpart in aging is also meeting taking place in cosmetics. don, this is the shanghai corporation organization, and this is why we've seen the chinese defense minister meeting. he's come to part from russia. we've had a we've heard from shaw who, who is the russian defense minister, talking about the fact that the instability, the russian we're seeing at the moment on it's west and from this is with you. price is locked down to nato. let's have a listen to the side. richard. i want to emphasize that that was not awesome
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because dave, who came to us, gave it to our borders. this once again shows that western nurse can not be trusted . does that, but now we're being told that the pressure is not stuff can be grain, but again, we're supposedly attack the countries on the line of the russian federation has never threatened me. if i don't have the political more military interests and the look, we're slightly protecting our political story, the oh, we will need every effort to maintain. so this is to do it today. and the balance of power is in the world. go to the united states on the countries exactly 1st, that are heated and is now deliberately prolonged to combat assuming drainage that's occurring in. yeah, so essentially what he's saying that is there is this a pattern that so much that wherever we see nate, 2 forces over us, which obviously is the biggest contributor in 10, is the funding to nato. spend its money, send its money, send its weapons, its military assistance. we then see pensions in that region. i mean,
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you could say some form of molten colonialism where we saw in the past western countries going in to parts of africa, parts of east in asia, and taking move at this time. it's still sort of doing that to the end of the colonies of oh, wait, wait independent countries, we just helping you with weapons. so yes, then what he's saying is that the us nato allies, they funds money into countries, and then we see tensions arising. and we have seen that time and time again, and now what are the issues that could have contributed to tensions between the united states and china? yeah, it's interesting because on to the blinking was old like we are friends, we go, you know, great partnership. we're talking about this, so the economic abilities of working together and the reality is there a massive issues between the us and china, and these have been going on for some time. but in terms of what's really bubbling right now, you know, the social media aspect talk incredibly popular. this is
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a chinese social media app and it's taken over the will young people in particular, love this app. the us has now said it wants to find that app it will. ringback find that out because it doesn't like the messages that are being spread. it says that take tool is also taking information from people. but this is a big catch. have us to say we will button it if you sell it to a weston for your company. so that's a big issue joining that, that's what want celtic talk, it says it's not going to. so we've got one big issue that we've got issues over intellectual property rights. on the one hand, the us is accusing china of stealing them. and yet the only other hand, it says we essentially will to steal you intellectual property rights, protect talk. i'm then we issue surrounding taiwan. taiwan is an island just off the south. if i at all with china, it's part of china. it seems end of the one china policy as being cost of beautiful country be us. the said it of knowledge is by, in fact it said that just
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a few months ago. however, at the same time as part of that for an a package that i mentioned during the web, that money's going to craig, it's a $8000000000.00. it's also being put aside for taiwan on the south china seas. that is more us 8 and weapons moving into, ty, won't so in the us saying, we have real legs that taiwan is part of this one china policy. but we still going to, um, its the chief in case you just solely to enforce this idea of the one china policy . and then in addition to that, like, because really this is just a post of so many issues, pensions wise in, in the south china seas. this is an area where china has a huge amount of islands and land. and then we've got us saying it's now going to hold joint nature exercises in the region with japan and with the philippines. china has said that is a chain to creating a war. so in the, in the pacific region is not happy a tool, the only day that us could have this naval presence right to and explore that. yes,
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we know us as got enabled presence in the islands, guam, which is in the south china seas, but it's a very small island considering to the land that china has. this'll be like china deciding that it was going to do defense patrols with its huge warships around the coast of hawaii. can you imagine how the us would react to that? that's we've also got in cuba. exactly. so, you know, these are some of the big issues at the moment. the idea of the antony blinking is in beijing saying everything is hunky dory. it's not on china is being pretty clear right now that it thinks the us is to blame for these reasons. reasons and these issues, all right, we will wait to see how these these cut out to thank you so much out of the bad skating for bringing us up to speed with this. thank you. the previous lead time use for in manage the one you directly want to blinking, that the us must be more respectful of china as silver g.
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china is concerns are consistent. we always call for respecting each other's core interest and urge the united states not to interfere in china's internal affairs. not to whole. china is develop in fact, and not to step on china's red lines on china, sovereignty security and development interest. why that's a cross live to our to contribute to college, john college. good to have you join me right now. let me space you directly to the chinese president region ping calls. i'll call for a china us partnership instead of a rivalry during tulsa. it's the us secretary of state onto the blinking up. what are the main topics of your thoughts of the she didn't pin set the plan, it is large and not the family. they both china, us, you fax. this has been the consistent position of china, of 4 of you know, says president, she met with bite me in san francisco. yes. you're right,
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it stays is not. we're ready for when, when relationship with china for, for us, it's all a 0 sum. you lose. i with this why, when long he met with blinking and he's stressed that china is legitimate development rise. i've been all reasonably surprised and our court interests are facing challenges while he's talking about is united states is placing these on reasonable semiconductor band on china. and this is good seen pregnant to cripple china's technological progress, of course that you know, to find out us us a plan as blinking is visiting beijing wild way. the company that's most sanctioned by united states just roll out is new flagship form was funded. person made in china components, but it doesn't mean united states will not keep trying in us commerce. secretary jean armando has said, we have to, uh, you know,
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we have to expand our sanctions for the fact that lincoln is in china and pressing china on an issue of china. russia trade at the same time was united states congress just approve $8000000000.00 funding to tie one to use or weapon purchases . um, you know, it doesn't jive with the stated one china policy. they supposedly us have a firm is committed to, you know, you back to 191979 with us in china 1st normalized relationship. president carter has set us and recognize that 51 is part of china. lincoln. again, we affirm that position jet at the same time there's are selling weapons to tie one, you know, confucius says less than to one's words, but watch their action in us words and action that are not consistent. now the
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tie, these foreign ministry set nato is ultimately responsible for the crisis in a new crane. why those china whole this position? well, 1st of all, it's quite ridiculous that late and just prior to his visit, he spoke a senior, the g 7 meeting. it's really key what's called in china are responsible for supporting russia of china has a legitimate normal tre relationship. who's rushed to this is the ukraine issue has nothing to do with 5 and china did not originate, uh, was not a originator of the ukraine conflict, nor is a party to it. the united states is the one that's just $61000000000.00 worth the web deals to you credit. and yet, last united states. so boxing, we're in the praying against russia has failed, is try to ship lanes, traded ship lanes through china. and china will not take back. now the,
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the foreign minister told blinking that the relations between china and the united states had step allies. but that negative fact of web build in yesterday is how talk to us about the 10s relation between china and the united states. as well. so when president she met with president by the san francisco, there was supposed to be a reset of the china, us relationships follow what, what follow after that is more of the same us has continued to creating publication in south china sea in the time when the straight us, i sent it's a green beret, special forces to ireland, just couple miles off the chinese coast and united states conducting military exercise with the philippines and japan aim towards china. in the most recent naval exercise, they selected a target to be made in china ship,
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and they advertise that we are targeting x ray. these may shit i, you know, this is, these are actual complication. even though blake can claim that he is here for why a lot. well that is going on, us is increasing, is military, this is squaring up tensions on long, tightest prep, or are we have to leave here now cause our to contribute to thank you so much for your insight in this. thank you, igniting pensions in the region. that's not just being done by american officials pushing for the philippines to be ready for a potential war. it's also being done by ai, a trip competing to be the voice of the philippines president has a face online where he seems to be supportive in support. taking up arms against china. i saw the thing, listen, don't do monthly. so try not home. do you know if there's on
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the web at the bottom? i think you like the bully. it is come to the attention of the presidential communications office that there is video content posted on any popular video streaming platform circulating online that has manipulated audio designed to sound like president ferdinand monk of june. yet the audio deep fake attempts to make it appear as if the president has directed on force is open for the pains to act against a particular foreign country. no such directive exist, know has been made. we ask everyone to be proactive in exposing and fighting against missing information. this information and my information lets us remain and be more mindful and responsible for the content we choose to share in our shed digital spaces. now as a, i has the, the live between fact and fiction. this example is not a one off events that has caused political enough to fray our to is mar and uncle. sort of a has more on this the world is approaching dangerous territory as a, as
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a technology is increasingly being abused to settle political scores or achieve. so it's an objective. the amounts of missing information being spread online has which unprecedented levels. but now we can't even rely on what we see or hear ourselves because that too could be fake. and it's all because of beats like pictures, audio clips and video messages. this is what it looks like, ladies and gentlemen, and now our great national anthem view chart do do, do, do, do, do the short democracy is a positive thing. more pressure then you want to put a hello everyone. it's a president, trump, and it's really, really made. it was funny at horizontal, the realization hit that a good way to change people's perspectives and perception of reality. and this will be utmost importance now,
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because roughly half of the world's population is expected to go to the polls in 2024, a very dangerous tool in the wrong hands. bows to make you sit around the world are worried about how deep fakes could be sleeve, inflamed, divide and weak. you know, societies less than least deep face can be easily employed for personal, professional or political gains indicate simple additions. they are used to spot as political campaigns to discredited opponents. and in a have a polarized world. the face of its will forward and interference and subversion, and it's affecting every corner of the world. most recently americans, new hampshire, were flooded with phone calls. whether you was pressed and for example, well, they thought it was the u. s. president, it was actually a robot made to sound like joe biden. discouraging them from voting in the primary republicans have been trying to push non partisan and democratic voters to participate in their primary what
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a bunch of malarkey. we know the value of voting democratic when our votes count, it's important that you save your vote for the november election voting this tuesday only enables the republicans in their quest to elect donald trump. again. your vote makes a difference in november, not this tuesday. the problem is that you can guarantee that everyone will know or eventually discovered that it was fake, especially when it spreads online like wild flyers and india is well aware of this problem and is brace itself as it holds its biggest election in history in the world's history actually political parties, there have already been accused of use and be safe videos in the past. like this one, for example, shared by a local political party show and administer, asking people to vote against his own party. and there was nothing anyone could do . but watch the number of views quickly climbed to a half 1000000. of course it was a yard generates
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a though it looks completely real, but to normal walter would not be able to distinguish volts. he had started when the video was posted and there was no time for the opposition campaign to control the damage. what's troubling is that now political parties are openly using deep faith technology to sway voters like this video. again, we're to extremely popular. bollywood actors claimed that prime minister movie failed to keep his campaign promises or address political economic issues, and that people should vote for someone else. neighbor and pocket stone also saw a surgeon deep face ahead of a general election a couple of months ago with amazon con being shown calling for a boy costs over in slovakia, assuming the conversation between a journalist and one of the candidates may have decided the parliamentary elections there last year, just 2 days before the vote. an audio file when viral online. and it's the kind of that was discussing, bringing boats and raising the costs of beer. to that all the i'll put the final
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nail in the coffin, who knows, but what we do know is that regulation is necessary. the use calling on tech companies to tackle the fakes the us congress is talking about it. and pretty much everyone who understands just how dangerous this is spots. it's a work in progress. and 2024 seems to be a trial run for just how bad things can get before they types. and this was for real before it's too late. if that's even possible, of course. so we'll discuss these dangerous developments with a panel of guests. the missouri aspects of these deep face is you know, less and more, but not supposedly benign news reports about conflicts about so, you know, there is conversations that might have occurred between journalists and politicians like marine to point to talking to these other things. don't get picked up very
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quickly and you know, it is, is it mixed? but i mean, is that there's a good tip of me, okay. on the one end, you've got a very pretty benign aspect to people using it who don't having a similar tongue and perhaps helping them. right. so sometimes stephen janitors and the other and this is much, much more on the far is huge g. it's a good players who want to change the news, can change outcome life think, you know, will somebody running up to this election now in america? i think we're, we're only the best now of something quite major. so the amount of times of something monumental happens, which is based on the faker reports. so you to the general strange and wonderful new hopes that countries can come to get out. so i agree to come on. oh yeah, i can be used, you know, across the board us been given the but unless mitchell of technology to the i think it because i mean because it made it difficult for me but you know,
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with the bus outside of the renewal because in some countries by on out for a box, and it's quite as the opposite about police. it is almost always what are from the united nations or from what i do apologize is a regarding the use of technology. i know because it closes the pauses for you, for your money to of the old. because if this persist under use not being done to check this, then it could become very dangerous. and where governments, uh, the euro, or back drone on top one. simply because the seen before, population information, so it'd be what started for entertainment has today and become a public nuisance. and especially during the time of the election and then the veteran goes to 1000000000 deep level of traits can really many land people. people think it towards this body of that party. so yeah, it is, it is a big,
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big challenge. so they don't all kind of, lot involved with the today, the cyber space and the what it doesn't need to be think with it as a nation stands where they're just there that goes over that. it is of the kind stuff read that it is the hacker. so everyone per day is that so this on the screen to now it is had and is and, and that'd be great. yeah. that as it is impacting the society. and the only way you can but half 5 feet deep creek area is using the identity at over to guys in our local authorities, say even more bodies have been discussed, does not off hospital any con, units off the id. a 4th is left to be area about 400 bodies have been found in a mass grave on the grounds of a medical complex in solving gaza. while the un has expressed concerns describing the discovery as quote, how refined and they've been conflicting account accounts by eas, rolon guides us forward is about how and when the cops were buried, that move,
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while in the us college, students had been voicing their support for palestine a mass protest for several days now that some of them have been confronted with foss treatment by the police. the at universities all across america, students have been putting up, tends to camp out in protest against they have not been support for ease. well, they've been demanding an immediate cease fire in ms. law. i've emory university in atlanta, a professional was a literally the taste this video shows when the woman was tacos to the ground by the police eye. witnesses said of the officers where behaving like fashion. are these ready prime minister
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big a minute then? yeah. who has described the outpouring of us students so the dire do with palestinians as reminiscent of support for nazis before the 2nd world war? what's happening in americans college campuses is a risk that you submitted mazda of taken over leading universities. they call for the not elation, a visual that talk to students that talk jewish faculty. this is reminiscent of what happened in german universities and the 1930. it's unconscionable it has to be stopped. it has to be condemned and condemned unequivocally to add to a correspondence. kaleb mauppin visited one of the protest caps and spoke with students and all the participants to find out what they think about how politicians and both of us unusual are viewing their support for palestine. the university is and student organizing has been the backbone of every single move in every single
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movement for progress. and so i know that the efforts that we have going on here today are, are going to make an impact. when media chooses to center the encampments and, and kind of just lose sight, a little bit of the fact that this is all centered around the, the, and the genocide that's happening that's murdered over 40000 people. and there's a 200 and, and 3 days now, maybe 202, i think that's, that's where we kinda leave some of that. meaning i think, but i think that there is still ways to hold on to that. we are had as use as you is people just say the, the, the for the world that design is people the so called state or phrase real. they don't represent jewish people as no way before. the, the upcoming of zion is, was those, the jewish people and the, and the post and, you know, leave them a piece for them, no problems where they make them. i'm another all the cost of, of the, of the,
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of the posting and now speaker of the house. mike johnson recently went to columbia university to give a press conference condemning the student pro testers. needless to say, he was not well received by those in attendance. the fair this, the day that the enjoy your free speech i have found that a lot of people are coming into these spaces to get cloud and to kind of capitalize off of what's happening. there is a lot of attention and momentum being built on our campuses. and i think i'm seeing very clearly that a lot of people are choosing to, to try to profit off of it, whether it be to villain are as us or to quote unquote support us. i think that there is a time in place in room for politicians,
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but i think when it comes to our talks of revolution, our thoughts of, of dismantling systems of oppression. people who are within the united states, legal and governmental systems are not, are not necessarily there in our best interests. and so i think it is important to, to be cautious of who are letting into our spaces and the time and place for those things. now i'm listening to national has caving claims against the british government accusing it of purposely undermining human rights around the world for self subbing political motives. there's no doubt in my mind that the u. k. will be judged harshly by history for its failure to help prevent civilian slaughter in gaza. the very minimum that's required from the government is an immediate hold to arms sales to is real and a strident an unequivocal call for a permanent cease fire by all sides alongside a huge scaling up of humanity. hearing aid to help stem masturbation, britain has staunchly refused to vote for an immediate cease fire in gaza instead,
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the stains of the un security council file. it's all i the united states veto is the resolutions. but among the british public, there has been the rising co rust of coal street and the u. k. u. case on sales to as well. and as those demands are apparently ignored, the u. k. government maintains secrecy about the weapons being said to the idea. do you think the british got the british people should know what advice has been given to the government on the off with what i, i was gonna say, no legal advice in, in the public se is always made public. and there are many good reasons why that's not the case. and these reasons in this particular case of persisted, don't just on the way i'm talking about the country, what killed you know, how to use, right? and that is why the prime minister had a very serious conversation with these riley prime minister about exactly that. if you know that a party is going to commit a war crime and this forcible transfer of.


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