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tv   Documentary  RT  May 9, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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art is visible, you can see the case number journalists have tried to look it up by attorneys tried to look it up. no one will tell them what it is. then they started coming out me in more silver ways, which was, you know, basically harassment death threats, particularly. it amped up when margery taylor green and representative mac k. it's asked me to testify and whistle blowers panel like i was going to talk about how difficult it is to be a whistle blower because i have been so targeted. when are they around? we spoke with tara who says people are being very supportive, since the cost and interview came up. this was quite different. seeing him in person, and it was really nice to see him. and he was very welcoming and we've been staying in touch. so it was good and i feel like some parts were left out. we talked for over an hour, the interviews only 23 minutes. and one of the things i had told him was my impressions of russia and how much i like to hear. when to the calls of interview, somebody is going to be watched by a lot of people. so what kind of response are you expecting to your interview with
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him? well over night it happened while i was sleeping and then so they entered a so i saw a bunch of reaction. um, overnight and call of course i've been getting some calls and whatnot. and it's all been really positive and supportive. because i think people are seeing the political weapon ization of the deal. jan f, b, i against american citizens and other citizens. one of the things i also talk about publicly is there are other people here under asylum. their governments are coming after them in a weaponized way the same way. the biden administration is using intelligence to go after americans. so it's not just me, it's january 6 supporters. it's people on the left with you who were group. so it's really important for me to continue to speak out and continue my legal action against the, you know, f, b i d o j, which i'm doing to many times the day about. so for me, but sort of do basically will be here. we will relate to stays updates. is it about 30 minutes? thanks for watching the see what
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you should do to choose. so yeah, i'm, i'm scared about orders only dealer, bob dot gov. i. the good i need says save. yep. give us a user. can use the image survey for us to create brand central thing. it's gonna show us what you want to change. give sure. when you come, are i paid for? what are you insured on the phone to put out the phone. if i gave you some of your background and that's why there are certain i'm with frontier to raise your bill to laura to visit with her. cuz you start to use tortures your portfolio that are just a sheet of moving things from home show you as i go on to federal m sister i was in dear leo, cory church the year one year or 2 or whatever i do,
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or cheever who i have so there's no my coroner's division here. there's you know, for june 53rd walmart, so 30 yeah. quarter fair. and towards judge award who died. i've got to learn how to share a crazy 15 at september of no similar stay. yeah. can i put in your land salary? you are, you will be up front, new the new year's new oven, s h u m s. our nation that can give a new runs here for mountain and narrow sheet of clear vermont probably get closer or north. definitive turn that i'm or paragraph. chivalry hit you, stacy, story the from them.
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right? yes. rush i measured for 30 to set. turn a consensus, practice 3. so the that the, that may have that granular that the model or sure name with in the shows it is set . i'm a frontier that won't be able to log out of shares for the sub solution for any kind of federal or system system that was indeed emilio courtney church the year when they are to have you or she were glad just by the by the last. so the know my really new only just here me is. dear lady, you have a shave, pass her chevrolet for the developments and then a new new me fact even with sheer one way to code and i've sent in my ear. no text . oh my goodness. okay, so this is the core and she lives here right now, and i sort of that so that, yeah,
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i just want to hear the go to the she was it was good cause what is your is your the, the hard time is good for you re starting and you're not going to silvers are listed as esl now 32 years now. k. windsor move. we're not taylor's or nose a ship the say who do you want? you should be too. so that is yeah. so we usually nearby you, me, general miles scan model is only the guy that i used to be id in may, right? the, the government, all the, give me
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a go 5 feet wide. should the image started to pick 10 roots and to the 30 notice to show us where that was. the truth is here for him when you come on sunday and there is fair to wait for the school in the city, they need some kind of spray step to that same, couldn't be a shot. and what a shipment has told me, of course, the changes that i have the over in the lives on the column. and then they sent me an extra $0.10 credit. and as i looked at the for the after show on the 1st of these little mess for that by saturday at chatter hill facility recorded square riley elizabeth were due to change weather shares. can this is for this young brown as yours, where they built their mission for the internet or sipping offense or pursuing what
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she's afraid of what's coming for specials, which are so same which you know, for on our board does not have come with us. yeah, i'm not sure through kind of so here's the preferred here's from which to me and brewing black work motion will phone call you i'm not sure to bring going to are sure i'm told we have to put it out the front cover as it was a budget, so as soon as january show vision really is for the letters are good. yeah. from zillow actually are produced by noon on friday morning industry. it is cool to ship when she interviews for pitts not to to, to insure so. so just as important trailer tow to ship bullshit was run the turn on monday, but you know, no, it wasn't really sort of vision immediate or for sure. as long as you did when the girls came waiting and there was something that gentleman scape ice got as we had
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to move to do with the up with the put all the data and say i'm going to the most that maybe i won't be able to i just like show, man, i need your label, portion control, label those. these control visual mark. i'm gonna put the tray or wait time to work or sugars for younger. got stronger tier to richard or that you are. can you peter sherry parker during the solutions to move or for them to the, to george washington to turn on the 2nd the where she
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turned it into a mental sound. good with our trip to the door. sure. it is way o'clock. hope that goes there. sure. sure, let me jump in order. yeah, sure. it will never go with the shit to want to hold fast. tim board is your so what i'm gonna throw someone to come and they're just getting really well because i was so they use the formula or reward who were in there. i wonder where you would run your former guy or yeah, it's just you to buy them for dear. we will a visual never visit required to ship some of the social media powder. show me how my guns. yeah, that was who was your russell? right. there was
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a little bit lower for me in the water is going to to for gnashing but on for social so i'm not sure yet, but full. sonya is a clearance. could you tell me the address here that you're going to get on the put on the show circle or later the homely or talk to your thoughts or if she has not, you know, shorter the video that is one way or or, or what from it is there and we'll get those out of school for production and where you're what take you to where you are just so here she says human student share for various company dish cuz they're out there were scam certainly georgia to have some more time. courtney or towards the default beverage or through the steam referral for the motor will start and then um. but what, what time does you guys know where's
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the waiting list for no extra letter i just send me literally collectively. well that's kind of cool to me cuz i see my really preferable style. it could be ready to come out and it took me a spivey and they were so sir, who's that happened to a less than an overlay in the one that says show more lamb this that are for the year for the were in nearly the events sitting in that simplest, effectively leaving my chip each month. sure. let me just number fax, a letter from the ship. so i would the best of the story and the last is the lead sanders and pay any more agreed to tell you name book the d test come suddenly and stroke that are those premier that the total for some of the things
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that are sort of an answer, sometimes i feel it's a new story on the screen to find them, you know, help our companies that's up to them and publish them on find that to me right here on assess what suspended that's a big children vehicles in the english medium, which was the test and then and then as you go from there to the custom work like what they said something as mentally the so that no, no, no mirror laughter near the cause i will cut my left which is . ready the one we're working
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on her voice, and the kids stay there her to say, hey, don't hear whisker for her to a choice. low point in the service. yeah, it's like a higher try to help the stuff cover the whole no longer come on during the sure you or courage your ways towards its 3rd. oh sure fish sure is terrible for him to dora but had you cool? yeah. for the top part, teachers can share your role works well for just enough. starting a new motor was the frontier of a real part of the changes do not fit the wrong name, but here sim just to check the 2 or 3 of them or cover. and if it is age, not to do is to ensure who know the roofing is julio horan professions k. who
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is now, she's tons, this is 20. now she's done 2 of your previous years. ok. young's room usable hope of him to produce furniture or the terms the kind of terms can be of interest to you know, still storage near the printer to terms to heads up terms and refresh will appear for the move to form for you was to the issue so in the room, the room to be shown to have more here is just the whole to turn to come, you know, still form or no history on this part of the over here we measure this dover. so who is it is for you
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to turn this tablo searches to the car cargo cover him. so when you say the test was done, what is present frontier was a really of this shit is whole the home or when they're going to hear their condition. chicago or she the
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the 9th of may is a venerated day on the russian calendar in march, the victory over fascism in europe. in 1945, tragically, the collective west, the globe. i tried to go to a shoulder pretty or somewhere else. what was your insured the further? shall i come? yes, there was cold here for here. i think on it. sorry. it was just for us. be sure to ask you who the from a solution for them are very up near officers, found the front desk and singles insurance show that it shows per force damage costs are 3 versions on your part because i mean the formulas is here from your computer start school with us. cool. yeah, that's fair. yeah, i remember, you know,
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a remote reset is for, for me or for the sheriff's quote for visitors and stuff for sure. because school failed. remember, she wears it up and there's a well but also very well we to be really clear and present 3 are the but also here for to as i told him, you know, it should sneeze for. i was just uh over. oh no kidding. yeah, miss just the whole day to punish you here for shares. key that has doors. great. yeah. does it prior to visit with the shop for his tours? no. well, yes, just for him to show the the, the for the technicians nurse who shared it. they're forced to perform the for the 0 whole 0. so for
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sure. for the most of the whole. yeah, there's a family is a business furniture i plan on crew are who are in the way. is that for you? i guess 3 criteria are so yeah, there's a whole you're going to put the route into the rest of the servers, separate them personally. so it is clear to you. i'm so social security is here last time here because scheduled, scheduled, scheduled schedules. are you sure? thank you guys. there are, there's only 3 charges should sources for the for the quarter proctors i you know, where's comfortable deal? but i want the use lube oil or sales call to me. ok. so what's the
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deal to this call comes over to the from, from hope so. yeah. so it's not in the present. no, no, good over here. where for sure. here's my, here's i should have said, i'm sure for what really isn't charles for good? i don't remember of dollars or he'll be to just go for it for the day and it was, it was quite different sort of present symptoms, tennessee exams will be the better surely for the cause of one and they are well, i've heard for us to sort of call with this, not that i did that yesterday about those a ok? pretty hoarding things already. what bill i'm calling because i don't remember the survey of the change or whether or not they've done right. no problem. show small was barely show people that goes over here one year. so the
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0 1st started to the new york necessarily did try to do to check or we know substantial install a new or is a more yeah. are you able to use new paint issue doc? for a 1000 years or more. yeah. for sure. so our nielsen canal shares, and if they're really tash a 0 plus polls for thousands because that's the way of slippery notions. theodore peer frontier guy that with that, this is sort of torture towards a, with a young lawyer over most of the 1st quarter to go pay as well. so she lives in your state of flagship because she can answer for the very 1st thing in the meeting. is at perfect and lower the lab issue of failure letter year pad or shift fluoride troops who can create them 1st. yeah, it'd be
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a mess you said to me when you're ready. let's use some work done to police right and didn't use to sort them over to d y. sorry, it just seemed it from the 2nd in the camera. i'm going to hear me and being in i had been an actor or near. i would do, i might need putting their death for shift they move yes, cuz our park i right. and then you're going to say yes, that machine paid for a living. i'm the parent letter saying and i sense a subject to their shame. whereas the belmont itself, sorry, again loveday to lydia clean and simple. assume that that it's and i was not and i had some so i look for everything spanish. i am with the problem that preventative is really i have left one or yeah. or the month because i like the way to
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depression by staying ocean that the laptop down the machine wash and those and address. sure. yeah. with that because sadly most is 1000 layer patches me right on the election for me. so i have a showing me yeah. i so then memorize them, the ship had read certain that visual and shared or the bodies much d. e. a doing pretty good. the storm. what exactly? the shape here was this through question holds the june,
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get in. is there science or dental, or was it was more meyer boots for us to clean it were dropped as usual. now i'm here, here's my muse or wait. another important us, we will come here. so washington has some great news to some of the story and will there were sure the commander, tory fritchie here for the credit score as well as the story. oh, here we go from there shall come. we get a chance when we all know or yep. lushu corner 0 waiting our question, of course, in a way not the nation. well, sir. all right, not going to live. no more a part you may have for come now here. right? yeah. the or a must see it for me, and that's for
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a but i sit there and i, she's in the, the funds from the printer to my agree is, are you, is it me in the paperwork it shouldn't lease. it says you need a one with the white by you little nice. navy said you're still in nature or that she h there's, you're a mess and they say, and then our color me, it is going to stay, you know, very the investigator, leverett, the word here has thought to cheer me or something or a little that is where i live in jail color, change ways to still in this to me as that from the, from the year. and i should just have let us know and the a sleep kid in bed for 2 months. and so there was some, i always let them know to the so i mean one for the winter is going to leslie not the nation was saying that suddenly passed or,
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and actually for the lc memory. nature of fact in new it's in for familiar. you remember me 3 chance i live on history here for her for poorly for the even maria, thank you. sure. center i was nearest from years only. it's 3 chips, 0 and the condition and that will give his arrow and she knew she has got to be done and i drove past, hear them on pressure. i little show you and i changed to a from, from a silver that is shamore only you were in was are they used to this? not that and when she age and attendance and you said new this year and she had somebody. yeah. and then talk to my you cemetery, and the really nice and that today and, and i've sat the to the media human was sent to me and i was here listening to my room that's work for the new the see my i'm was
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very are with my s m yeah mama where me. ok. you this the face? it was saying fitted. no. she can go as you. the amount was a $130.00 full show. familiar with the airport. you are the whole show. you're here with me. i pretty words if you don't really i wonder credential, we're sure for another shoot for quarter for your quarter orders to bills are here for the for june here, 3 quarter to there over here to run your vin through to their mom or so 3. yeah. quarter santori, georgia or the had the we know rush and that will be easy to do the produces
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0 not covered the views at fairly 70 for the see the summer 30 inch tax the let's see. 6 new again. the average in tell you that it's a 100 that, that, that i'm going to, let's see. and i said, no, i wonder, you know? sure. lance and i was due for a shipment piece i learned heavy into shares when she started her new phone and the rest, the february. i want to know i'm not for all of our programming of repeats. ok when you close your job. but he seems to me and then you're going in the register to rarely 2 or more lab there rarely have to to go to the started spreadsheet rush the previously, i know you're gonna call him the money. and the billing address for luxury where you see birth, see him. yeah, you will lose them as near covers
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a federal shan doing this and that's per share over in your civic center. so the was just cuz it is run through. it does super duty is it will produce your nursing facility starts to turn the vehicle here since $29.00. so when you come on you just care who big trunk was going. oh there's, there's just one for you. how old is this? just check the show. are busy the reset, the judge, i don't, i don't go to dr. kim but we're here, but we're just showing your discharge and match for murder. it just allow me to shift. i just ask you to shoot the salad trailer because this is
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the who seemed wrong. just don't you have to shave house after kids and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the the
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russian flying aces show up the bed frame is skills, polishing the jet. so the most goes big 3 day parade o box and all special coverage commemorating the trying opus so via people like me pretend, admonishes the west for this to thing. the historical memory of world war 2 and washing new nazi is people have bunches, a mockery of history and the desire to justify the cutter and follow is of the nazis a part of the general policy of the west. and it leads to insight new regional conflicts ethnic and.


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