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tv   News  RT  May 10, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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a blood violence was never able to suppress the malagasy striving for freedom. the thousands of protesters gather and sweden to show their opposition to israel presents in the euro vision song, competition, crying hypocrisy over the double standards over the ukraine. and because the car play a double when it comes to the treatment for that reason, i think it's the progress reports we often we will like do the night before we houses down below we we'll start with the pentagon, suspending arms deliveries to israel and then neil how vows to fight on without american support we will advocate vigorously for an equal
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orderly multiple world and a universally beneficial an inclusive economic globalization will be in visiting serbia and then hungary. the chinese president says china is always open to expanding cooperation with states that put the national interest of the cross goals well and the total flight in don't yet city. in tribute to the 27000000 men, women and children sold as prompt as honors that last night and live during the great pipes you'll take walk civilians in the front line russian don't ask for public. celebrate victory to andrew ukrainian rocket and from the attacks which caused multiple casualties on the day of commemoration the live in the russian capital. this is our t international. i'm rachel ruble with the eurovision song contest in full swing and sweet and voices supporting palestine has been very loud. thousands of
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protesters gather to show their opposition to israel's participation. people receive assigns, calling to stop the genocide in gaza, pallets in, in flags and pictures of the destruction and death and the on play. despite the protest, sierra vision has resisted. busy to banners for him, those traders express their anger over the country. dissipation in the competition is horrible. what's happening in ga. so right now, and i think a lot of people should be demonstrating purchasing, especially now when you have slow but this ram to participate in your mission button, but not russia. and i think that's just the, it's wrong. it's rooted in racism. and so i'm a little behind, i think it's important to show that we're against this here. it's uh, double standard when it comes to the treatment of russian for that reason,
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i think it's the prophecy. we say, well, the democracy, not nobody is doing nothing. we're all watching children are all buying. people are dying. nobody's doing nothing. this can go on. there's no stop to this. people blame it, started, but we, we need to support each other for this. this, the people are here for your vision. trying to sort of celebrate, there's nothing to celebrate. it's an ongoing war. people are killing each other children or die in, in eastern rasa is really forces claim they've eliminated 50, how mos militants also discovering several tunnels in the area. so he's trying to go sions in cairo, failed 2 days earlier with him. austin, israel, unable to agree on core demands. the idea of has now forcibly displaced over 80000 palestinians from rasa in just 3 days. according to the you on relief agency with the total number of people in the area believe to be $1.00 to $1000000.00. the is
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really military attacked palestinian targets after taking over the roof of border crossing earlier this week, deliberately destroying them with tanks. the vehicle could be seen maneuvering in front of an i love gauze, a sign of the crossing, just for running it over is really won't pines or quarterly continued the bombing of the densely populated city. one of the idea of the latest strikes killed 8 civilians, including 3 children on the level of the residential building that brings the death toll since the october 7th, a mazda attack, to more than 38800 people. israel's main ally, washington has voiced its concerns over the operation in rough up the us as temporarily suspended the shipment of some 3 and a half 1000 bombs to the country. according to the pentagon spokesperson, a final decision on the weapons delivery is yet to be made. we paused one shipment of weapons consisting of 180-2000 pound bonds,
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and 170500 pound bonds. we've not made a final determination on how to proceed with this shipment and, you know, not going to get an i pathetic goals. and again, we've been very clear on our views as it relates to rafa and any ground operations there. and i'll just leave it there with us. support to israel, wavering, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has promised to continue the fight, even if his country is left alone. if we have to stand alone and we will spend a little odd reason, i already said that if we have to can, you will have lightly familial, but we have much more than they use and with the same greatness of mind, with god's help, we will win together we are determined, and we are united to defeat our enemy and those to seek our souls. in the wake of that moved by washington, durham and opposition is now urging berlin to follow suit the whole thing, its own arms exports to israel. the federal government must follow the example of
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the us and stop. arms delivers 30 immediately, only to national oppressions, a non symbolic of construct, the nathan yahoo governments from invading or far dominated the 2nd largest. i'm supplied israel up to the us and the for sures responsibility for the dust and gaza . the federal government must know do a blessing to prevent souls and civilian casualties and the full stop on exports. german government must stop its nazi. i'm critical cooperation. within that time you all government, nothing. you all phrases, the leisure rich, you population, these phrases i projects the rest of the policy of genocides against the palestinians. and the german government is due. so pausing. nathaniel, quite, i'm critics, me. so the mom of sending this out to you is good candidates in accordance with the peace movement. but until the german government photos is i, i think there must be more pressure from the peace movement. and that must be
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a 180 degrees to all of you to apologize for the british. foreign minister. this is david cameron has been asked if london is planning to stop sending weapons to israel as well. i just want to briefly take a listen to what david cameron said in response to that question. between the us us is a mess states to licenses you know, significantly less than one downing street is responsible for granting individual licenses to companies that do export weapons to as well. so what do you make of what david cameron just said fast?
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we see that as a lot of people, se, and what uh, let's say the less than let us do it in the moment in that role. if that would be really pressure. oh, well, let's say the whole entire. busy community, the united nations and the best of nations, which supply of costs if you do licenses for weapons back and production just support this role. so there shouldn't be that simple, frantic attempt to say we are not responsible. official be in attempt to really make crash on them. you know, the government to say follow the majority of people, follow the majority of the bones of population, which is bringing up a ceasefire of the month of stopping the genocide will wolf a which is going during the direction of the general side. so we'll put you back to
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the president of china has paid his 1st visit, the hungry and 20 years marketing, developing relations between the countries. she didn't thing and the prime minister victor or bond spoke with the news media and highlighted the mutual goals that help to achieve what's put to get this going to be like right now. we have a multi pull a wall doing done. and one of the main colon, so this new world order, who's the people's republic of china, you know, you place it pretty much a role in global politics and economy 5 on a more modern woman, you've joined the supports hungry and playing a bigger role in the giving you and promoting great progress in china, your relations will advocate vigorously for an equal and orderly, multiple world and universal. really beneficial and inclusive economic globalization of the 2 later is also known as the broadening cooperation on all strategic levels. from reconstruction to the development of infrastructure and the nuclear industry hungry is not only china as close as you ally,
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but all so an important trade and investment partner. the countries signed 18 agreements following the meeting. during his european tour, the chinese leader also visited france, president. she then received a warm welcome in serbia, the 2nd country of the 3 nation european tour. according to serbian president, alexander, of which the friendship between the 2 nations is iron class. we spoke to solve assemblage analyst for the survey and center for social stability. this has by, during, has always had close relations with eastern europe. and now western pressure can change that time because always had so been sympathy is the chinese and the serbian people have a great connection going decades back and the serbian people in serbian states in china. so i've never had any problems, any mutual problems between each other. so this was a visits not to start some good relationship with the wind over. so it'd be about to cement the already great relations and the strategic partnership that we have
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between the 2 countries. and the western media always tries a little bit to, you know, to criticize anyone who is cooperating with, with china. but it is interesting that they don't criticize so much their own governments because a lot of the west of nations, the presidency, was also in, in france, cooperates really great with china. we've also had years back a good cooperation in great britain with the germany. so when those kind of that kind of compensation happens, it's not such a big theme in the western media, but when a country which is not the parts of your opinion, you're not the parts of any military alliance has its own independence relationship . a small country with china that somehow becomes a theme and that's should not surprise any one. of course it is the, it is a matter for the lead send for the ruling can s is in all those congress who
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a wants to exert their own kind of influence. so such small countries as serbia is in the are always concerned. when we find partners that are more suited to us and does have a good relationship with us and that we do it independently. i think that that independent segment of independence, the cooperation with china is the most concerning part for them. mass victory day celebrations have been canceled in front line russian regions over possible publications from ukraine. despite that locals went to war memorials to pay tribute to their ancestors ortiz, steve. so we need took a closer look at how people in the don't ask. republic is celebrated the important day under rocket and shelling, attacks a big 3 day. hey, don't, yes, no. so i'm not celebration, no price for the people. so to pay tribute. so that'd be great to pay a motorcycle cover. okay. it is like, here's why a cost of safety to the don't boss defenders. memorial. even though it isn't light
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of today's advance, the, the understand how important it is to remember and celebrate the big every day. and because of this, you know, history is being rewritten, time of year, how concepts are being replaced. swapping a winners and losers, what i, every of blige, not only to remember ourselves, what happened in those difficult layers, but also the tacit onto younger generations loops. now you all could personally as the mother of 2 sons, i'm interested in us having traditional values. oh bones, no matter how pretentious it may sound. i like all of us remember. so the motorcycle club and residents of the desk in general, once a bus and the memory, oh, the events of those years to children and grandchildren. so this is for sure, i understand, you know, this is said to be the original t, $34.00 tank belonging to a tank, come on to friends, greek, of which he was killed in his eye for rosure region in october 1943 and his men
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brought his body and his tongue back to don't yet, which was then known as star lino. his body is buried in the city sent to just one of the many memorials to the heroes of the great bye to uptake war. what was your junction? you wasn't on the phone without the past, there is no future say the therefore we remember and we will build our future forward. we remember the seed of our ancestors, fathers and grandfathers. the children also need to remember it was that after all, this is our history. there must be a connection between generation. so to do the up on the total frame, hey, and don't yet city. inferior to the 27000000 men, women and children soldiers punches ons that last night and lives during the great patriotic war across the soviet union and the majority of them in russia. the scale of the last is the sky of the sacrifices is simply staggering. stone, yet city itself was under nazi occupation for 2 years. between 19411943 stock
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chosen memorial as to the heroes of that time can be seen across the city. now this morning we heard news of the shedding of the outskirts of a don't yet city. there are a number of people, a wounded and very savvy, and lucky i have a mind lost his life off to his home came under ukrainian attack. i shop reminder the bottles between the ideological successes of the nazis that were defeated. $8080.00 is a go, i'll still will taking place today. many families serving soldiers and veterans came to life. fine was the total flavor as they pay their respects to those who sacrificed so much. in the words of the american water, ernest hemingway, anyone who loves freedom. oh such a debt to the red army that it can never be repaid. this is steve sweeney fidelity and don't yet city. russian foreign ministry spokesman maria's a heart of it has accused the west of waging a hybrid war against moscow. that's after
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a polish prime minister donald task admitted may the troops are already on the ground. a new crane to nature, today's help and as much as it can, without nato's help, your claim would not have been able to defend itself to so long as well. there are some troops there. i mean, soldiers, there's some soldiers there. absorbers. engineer, an ex nato commander, has called on the block to quote, neutralize rushes, western most ex clave of clinton grad if moscow in dangers regional security. that does more european leaders demand further military aid to cab, including manpower, or t correspondent, marina post ray of a has more. and what are they wanting to warn you all to your parents are being dragged into the conflict with ukraine with more countries now calling for boots on the ground to reverse keeps losing street for us. france, poland. and now let's the way the i'll choose has been straightening ukrainian ukraine before the war. and we've been doing the so many years. so returning to
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a booster, they send might be quite doable. this could be a 1st step in presence, not cross initiative. pressing the cross chalk the world when he said that the west shorter rollouts sending troops to ukraine and it sounded like a crazy idea at 1st, but it's become increasingly more we'll keep hasn't especially asked for european boots on the ground. so there is an online petition calling for european military assistance as here. what is calling on e u. countries to send their men? as you can see here, only a few people have signed the file. that doesn't matter because we've already seen just how willing so i'm countries are to help them. and why are they so willing? because they are afraid of the boogeyman who could only knew clear how russia has threatened with the nuclear arms before. and the so far these have been only threats. can we tell for certain that he's not going to use them? no,
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we can't because they have done know that those sorts of crazy things before. but we must understand why is they are making these threats to make us refrain from the decisions that we would otherwise make. so i think we soon to, given to that the only given keep going and support you crate or you'll get it. that is the mon front and it seems to be working the opponent, presidents already said that his country is ready to host nuclear weapons from its nato allies. and they know must go science on that matter. it's been the same for decades and it's partly what brought us to this place, but they refused to accept that. the problem is foreign minister seems to understand or precautions. so it's, i'm clear why they're doing this to themselves. i might as well. yeah, as push you and president, i have as the president privately and publicly not to discuss such delicate and secret matters in public because it does not help poland from what i know. it has
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already been communicated to the previous government and to the president that these id is not on the table. so i don't understand what this is about and no one can because it doesn't make sense. and it only complicates matters and says more europeans and americans are starting to wonder why. oh, this is necessary. they are amplifying their senior mongering. it's not just about us being aggressive, which we would not do as your opinions, but it's about defending our peace order. and this is our responsibility. and this is why we are supporting heavily ukraine also with weapons. so they can defend themselves, but also defend the european p saw because 14 is also made very clear. it's not the end if the war in ukraine. yeah. but he is also threatening, but your p and p sorta. well, that's a lie, as lot of reports and never mentioned, extending the military operation be on the claims borders, but it's
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a scare tactics up the west likes to employ. so explain why it's so necessary to fund and are losing and never asked their citizens expense. we can't let you crane fall, because if it does, then there is a significant likelihood that america will have to get into the conflict. not simply with our money, but without service limited on surface me a way to believe that in the face of this kind of consistent regression. but he's only going to stop and ukraine. of course not. it's okay for americans. they're far away. it's the european. so this son, so the slaughter 1st bull thankfully there are some voices of reason who are trying to defuse the situation and get the warmongers to stall of the game. jeffries joins the macro and congress by suggesting that american troops may need to fight in ukraine. no matter how many times they repeat this idea, we cannot let it become normalized. it would be world war 3. if
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a nato member commits ground troops, it will be a direct and nato russia confrontation and it will then be world war 3. let's be clear. if there is a nuclear war, everything and everyone will be lost. if there is a nuclear war, everyone will die and everything will be destroyed, which no one with any common sense can wish for us have done that before. so who's to say they won't do it again? yes, it's a russia that everyone's worried about once again, another result of the west p. r machines. because if the was actually cared about the crane or european security, this all would have been over a long time ago. but this is about russia, and it will stop at nothing until russia is defeated because that's the ultimate goal. no matter how many ukrainians or europeans it takes international defense consultants. earl rasmussen says western countries are only interested in damaging russia not helping new crane. if the west really wants to settle this and to,
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to come to peace, then they need to withdraw funding. they need to put pressure on on key of the course. we know they can't really doesn't control or destiny. that's controlled mostly by, by the west. they're using ukraine to attempt to reach and russia. that's what it is. ukraine is just a tool. they really don't care about the country. they don't care about the lives being lost. i really think they're all living in a different world parallel universe and, and they're not thinking through their actions at all whatsoever. it's, it's unfortunate that we're, we're really heading in a very dangerous direction. and you listen to the bill, mister brother, the chrome, you listen to minister. com or on your listen to several of our representatives. congressman jeffries, the senator graham and,
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and you shake your head and go, these are people leading major nations, it just in the stocks. meanwhile, cubans asked at the top commander of all i raise the loosely has been appointed ukraine's ambassador to the u. k. the move puts a damper on the deep rivalry between the former general and president vladimir zalinski. the public raft between the 2 officials began emerging after the failure of the cranes counter offensive disagreed over t military goals and how to achieve them. so there's near acknowledge russians battlefield advantages and shortly before his firing, he offered little hope for ukraine to gain an advantage on the battlefield to all while president zalinski had been demanding more results using every chance to paint a positive picture to cabs of western backers. western media have been closely watching the power struggle between the 2. for months, the failure of the you create in counter offensive and all friends apparently stirred up the pod. ultimately,
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the generals rising popularity coupled with the presence declining poles, added to the tensions strategic affairs expert in journal estimated con, almost reduces, zalinski is move was unwise, and may come back to haunt him. you may never heard of us. do you see an easy deal? especially when he is he has wished himself into an uncle and long and he's been uh, you know, already uh, you know, i would say that taking so many is wrong steps. it is very clear that, i mean it's uh. busy that's why it's deep 2nd to him and the somebody sitting in the united kingdom, the nato with united see your and you can then she says to be in the future, you have c o america and you'll be g, g, last 11. so maybe you can easily so that i'm not advisable from that,
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it's easy things either to him by the same medium. i'll go right maybe for him from the old but emotionally, if he gets a genetic support to the present, the american journalists, tucker carlson, has just dropped another interview recorded while he was in moscow. this time carlson speaks with tar read. who's accused us presidential by the end of sexually assaulting her while she worked for him in the 19 ninety's to are read, explained to carlos and how she's since have been targeted by the us government and forced to exile in russia. there is a sealed case against either investigating you for a crime. they won't tell you what the crime is. right, but it clearly is a felony or they claim it's a felony. right? correct. and i posted the sealed warrants and that's been in the media. so the sealed warrant is visible, you can see the case number journalists have tried to look it up. my attorneys tried to look it up. no one will tell them what it is. then they started coming out me in more silver ways, which was, you know, basically harassment death threats,
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particularly. it amped up when margery taylor green and representative mac k. it's asked me to testify and whistle blowers panel like i was going to talk about how difficult it is to be a whistle blower because i have been so targeted all earlier we spoke to tar read herself. she says people have been very supportive since the carlson interview came out a while. the 1st time i was interviewed we're more into the, you know, what actually happened and that was at his home studio in florida. so it was a different vibe. right. and then um, you know, and then other times it was just remotely, i was on his show. so this was quite different seeing him in person and it was really nice to see him. and he was very welcoming and we've been staying in touch. so it was good and i feel like some parts were left out. we talked for over an hour . the interview is only 23 minutes. and one of the things i had told him was my impressions of russia and how much i liked to hear. well, overnight it happened while i was sleeping and then so they entered a so i saw
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a bunch of reaction. um, overnight and call of course i've been getting some calls and whatnot. and it's all been really positive and supportive. because i think people are seeing the political weapon ization of the deal. jan f, b, i against american citizens and other citizens. one of the things i also talk about publicly is there other people here under asylum. their governments are coming after them and a weaponized way, the same way. the biden administration is using intelligence to go after americans . so it's not just me, it's january 6 supporters. it's people on the left to the who were group. so it's really important for me to continue to speak out and continue my legal action against the you know, f, b i n d o j, which i'm doing to stay with r t international. i'll be back with much more news and just uh, just about 30 minutes now by the
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or the you have been following this story before really happens to the man, women and children from cousin who was sent to us on. if it's fixed, i'm a nation camp the now.


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