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tv   NBC 10 News Today at 430a  NBC  October 24, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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(barking...) (meowing... & more barking) this is just too good to keep quiet! petsmart's low prices on your favorite food brands just got lower! shop a wide assortment of food, and now save up to $7 on select natural and specialized nutrition for dogs. at petsmart®. . ebola is now on the east coast. a cdc team is rushing to new york city to help contain the virus after a sick doctor tested positive. we're on the scene of this breaking news as well. an out of control driver led police on a chase that ended in gunfire and a person is dead.
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drying out. nic nicer, warmer weather is ahead for friday. it's friday. good morning. this is "nbc news 10." >> let's not yurpd state the fact it is friday. bill henley, as he promised, we got the rain out of the way. >> after all, it's friday, it should be nice. there are still clouds overhead. we're seeing breaks but we should get dry. 55 degrees at nbc 10. the winds will be picking up this afternoon. the radar view completely clear. 55 northeast philly. wilmington, 57. dropped down into 40s for mill vail. pocono mountains are gusting to 30 miles an hour. the wind won't be as strong for most of the day as compared to
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yesterday. 53 degrees at 7:00. 60s by noontime. let's check in with first alert traffic reporter jillian mele. >> we don't have too many details about this axe did not but it's a good idea. things are looking great at mid-county. your drive time is looking very good. 95 to 76, 18 minutes. 76 to 476 is 14 minutes. from woodhaven to the vine, about 13 minutes. breaking news from november kite. a doctor from new york city is in isolation, being treated for
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the ebola virus. that diagnosis came last night, just days after this doctor came from west africa. the dr. craig spencer, preliminary tests show he did test positive for the ebola virus. the cdc is in new york confirming those test results. he left guinea ten days ago after working with ebola patients. flu into jfk a week ago. on wednesday, he felt tired, ran errands and even went bowling. yesterday he developed a high fever and diarrhea where he was diagnosed with ebola. >>-r. >> reporter: new york city mayor bill de blasio confirms ebola arrived in the most populous city. >> testing confirms a patient here in new york city tested positive for ebola. the patient is now here in bell view hospital.
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we want to state at the outset there is no reason for new yorkers to be alarmed dr. around noon thursday he confirmed with doctor without borders. a hazmat team whisked him from harlem to new york city. >> he had a very orderly removal from his home with workers in full protective gear. came here had a smooth transfer up to the isolation ward. >> reporter: he returned to the u.s. last friday but had not returned to his job as an emergency room doctor. he had 103-degree temperature and notified officials as soon as he started feeling sick. >> he has been in close contact with his fiancee and with two friends. >> reporter: spencer went to a
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brooklyn bowling alley the night before he got hick. his fiancee is in quarantine and two friends are in quarantine. no one outsides of that group is in danger of contracting that disease. >> the more facts you know, the less frightening this situation is. >> reporter: it's unclear if he'll be moved to a hospital where other ebola patients have been treated. today the u.s. house of representatives will hold a hearing on the ebola crisis. here's what we know, like the senate has done, committee on oversight and reform will look at the ebola reform, and look at whether front line health care workers have been trained to deal with the virus. gloucester county will get free
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training. our ebola coverage continues online. you can logon to we answer questions like how long can the virus live, how can travelers protect themselves. in northampton county, one person is dead after a police chase came to an end with shots being fired in palmer township, ended in easton around 1:00. katie zachary hustled to the scene. she's live. what do we know although this point about how all of this started? >> reporter: just seconds ago a state police investigator, lieutenant joseph, came up to the police state. he's going to give us a brief synopsis of what happened. >> they requested pennsylvania state police resume the investigation of a police
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shooting. we arrived on the scene about a half hour ago -- >> reporter: is it correct to say this began in palmer county and ended where the dreier crashed into a pole at spring valley. did the driver shot as well? >> i'm not sure who initiated pursuit but police agencies were involved in the shooting. >> reporter: one person dead on the scene, the driver. i'll have more information in 25 minute. a live look at the spring. easton police, state police, northampton district attorney is involved is and we'll have an update in 25 minutes. new this morning, ocean county teacher and another man face sex child abuse charges.
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raymond walters were arrested saying he abused a freshman at toms river high school north in 2002 and introduced the victim to another suspect, who also assaulted him. the rest of a football season canceled because of allegations of hazing. central high school west, doylestown. police are telling us team members as part of hazing were forced to grab the privates of other players while fully clothed and subjected to waterboarding in locker room. also there's a new alert for people who subscribe to the morning newspaper. >> we'll tell you what subscribers need to look for in their mailboxes. from the casino to the classroom, the local college thinking of reviving one of the
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shuddered buildings. a local town's warning to parents about what could be in their kids' trick or treat bags net week.
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what's the truth on taxes? says it's tom corbett who's being dishonest. they say tom wolf has a plan to reduce income taxes for the middle class and cut local property taxes. and tom corbett? it's corbett who slashed education by a billion dollars... ...and now almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes.
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and it's corbett who's increasing gas taxes by 28 cents a gallon. tom corbett. desperate and dishonest. where the vice president will be speaking and when. as soon as we find out, we'll put that information on we'll also have reports on nbc 10 at 4:00. philadelph"philadelphia inq warning people with renewal subscription scam. they are get subscription renewalals under a clue of names. they say you should make renewal payments to their official address.
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finally the radar screen is clear and but it is windy. future radar shows tomorrow will be in in upper 50s and climbing. clouds will be in and out. winds out of the northwest not as strong as yesterday. by 3:00, we'll be at the 66 degree mark in philadelphia. allentown, 64. pottstown, 65. 65 in wilmington. tonight the skies will clear and that will allow temps to come down into the 50s. full seven-day forecast coming your way in less than ten minutes. it is about 18 minutes until 5:00. we've had a couple accidents already. >> let's get an update from jillian. >> one accident in westchester
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pike and providence area. the majors around philadelphia looking pretty good. 55 on the blue. 55 on 76. and 55 is the average speed on pennsylvania turnpike. roosevelt boulevard things are quiet near fox street. and heading into center city, vine street expressway, east side as drivers make their way way out and entire length of the vine is clear. preparing for a possible accept success shutdown. the move this weekend meaning buses and subways won't be working next week. how this tiffany bracelet landed a local judge in handcuffs. a new ebola case is confirmed.
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message. impornews a lot lately.en in the for chicken that hasn't crossed an ocean, look for perdue. we're the first company to have the usda verify that our chickens are raised in the usa. to bring your family a fresh-tasting chicken. perdue. we believe in a better chicken.
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breaking news, a new york city doctor is treated for ebola. dr. craig spencer just returned from west africa where he worked for doctors without borders. we'll have a live report from the hospital in about 15 minutes. largest union will take a vote to see if they will take a strike. if they vote saturday to authorize the strike, they could walk off the job and that would affect subways and buses in the city. it would not affect regional raillines. we'll keep you posted. 4:46. unionized casino workers are holding a rally on the boardwalk. the workers this heir health and pension benefits cut when a bankruptcy judge ruled the taj mahal can void their contract
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with the union. the taj said yet it will stay open until at least the end of november. this was a show of support last night for some casino workers laid off. a vigil held, union coming to pray for thousands of workers losing their job as casino and another possible shutdown is in the future. a college near atlantic city says it may buy one of the closed casino. they are thinking of buying atlantic club or showboat. the college is considering using the real estate to build a new campus for 10,000 students. new jersey lawmakers are trying to get sports gambling back on track in time for this weekend. yesterday the state responded in a court filing from request from major sports leagues and ncaa that would have prevented betting from starting. governor chris christie signed a
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law last friday that rolls back prohibition but the leagues have asked a federal judge to issue an injunction. franchione are expected to hold a legislative round table. they want answers after leaders decided to lay off six police officers, roughly half the department. they are 235ising $900,000 budget shortfall and cuts are necessary. 4:48. this former philadelphia traffic court judge at the center of a scandal. they caught her leaving court yesterday. she surrendered on charges of bribery. district county attorney accused her of taking a $,000 tiffany bracelet from a lobbyist, who
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was an undercover officer. charges are filed against tynes. this again with a state investigation four years ago. kathleen king decided not to prosecute her because she said there wasn't clear enough evidence. after seth williams reopened the case, it's been given new life by the da's office. the rain has ended. we still have clouds in the area. you can see this on this view from center city. they'll be blowing through the area. the winds are lighter in the city at 5 miles an hour. seeing stronger gusts north and west into pocono mountains. 56 in philadelphia. dry for a change at the shore. no puddles to deal with. clouds overhead but sunshine will be breaking through. temperatures will be warmer,
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pottstown, wilmington, in the fits. langhorne, levintown may drop down into the 40s before it warms up. 50s for doylestown, rich burrow and quakertown all above 50 degrees to start with. we've got some clouds, but no rain coming from these clouds. i don't expect to see any raindrops today or this weekend. stand by for a big improvement. we were in the 50s yesterday. middle to upper 60s tomorrow. saturday, lots of sun schein, high of 67. plenty of sunshine, brilliant sunshine for monday and tuesday. here comes even warmer weather tuesday afternoon into wednesday, temperatures in the 70s. ten minutes before 5:00.
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it's friday, so we have to get to work first to enjoy the weekend. >> a few more hours to get through. for some, there's a problem on the road if you're hitting the road early that will affect your morning commute. >> i got word it cleared out of an accident of delaware county. within the last five minutes i found this accident at westchester pike and providence has cleared. we have other problems, including overnight construction. route 202, the ramp to get on 76. we have roadwork. it is wrapping up. you can see all of the cones have been picked up. for now, one lane blocked on the ramp. new jersey, 275, nothing to look for. the length of 42, 55 miles per hour. 4:51, new information on that air bag recall we've been
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following for the past couple of days. two u.s. senators are calling for a nationwide recall of cars because of that air bag problem. they were installed in cars including gm, ford, toyota and subaru. senators are requesting why it only covers those in high humidity. they say the air bags can rupture causing metal fragments to start flying. the warning that parents need to be on the lookout for. this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side.
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i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant! (yawn) (ding!) toaster strudel! more fruit in the filling, ya? mmm! ya! warm, flaky, gooey, toaster strudel! now, with more fruit!
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a local father is fearing the worst for his doctor who is reported for missing. police foubd her car parked outside her apartment in atlantic city earlier this week.
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her dad says his daughter had a young son and he believed she was happy. she was planning to marry her boyfriend, kevin shelton. police became concerned for the woman's safety after shelton was found of apparent suicide in camden counter. investigators are concerned wiggins was taken against her will and is now a crime victim. now per family members are preparing for the worst. >> my other daughter, her sons, they're all concerned where she is and want her home. >> if you've seen her, atlantic county prosecutor want to see her home. this morning police are trying to find out if a car stolen in the pocono was stolen by frien. the porch was reported in bovine, new york. so far, investigators say they
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have not established a connection between the stolen car and frien. police and federal agents have been looking for him for 42 days after he ambushed two state troopers, killing them. there may have been a sighting near east pocono high school on monday, two days after that car was stolen. a new warn for something that could show up inside your child's treat or treat bag, marijuana candy. they say it poses risks, especially to children. parents are to check for strange odors on the candy children get. there will be the focus in montgomery county. the rotary club is giving out free candy and safety kitts kits. it runs from 5:00 to 8:00 at
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craft life home. "usa today" owner of joe boxer will hang brightly covered ties, dangling from helicopter, creating the illusion lady liberty is wearing them. nick graham says the faa has given the okay for that. a state lawmaker is demanding an investigation into missing college exams in delaware county. 122 a.c.t. exams were lost. they say a testing coordinator mailed them incorrectly, instead of using them fedex. the state inspector asked the postal service to reinvestigate. all affected students will get a refund. some local high school
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students will be able to get a taste of higher education. leaders at rowen college and gloucester county will have a shared senior scholarship. the historic tavern will reopen at lunchtime today, after a fire shut it down for a week. nbc 10 was there on the scene when a fire started outside in a dumpster. the smoke caused damage to the interior. the exhaust system and electricity. no damage to the building itself, which is part of independence national historic park. don't be surprised if you see dozens of people scaling down the side of a building. >> i would be. this is for a good cause. the annual fund-raiser for philadelphia's chapter of outward bound. supporters have raised enough to
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repel down one logan square. mayor michael nutter did it yesterday and made it look easy. no hands. outward bound offers bereavement program for teenagers throughout the year. that's what the money raised will go to support. >> outward bound changes lives. it brought me out of a dark time in my life and gave me confidence and kind of strength to believe that i could carry on and that i could continue to make a difference in the world. >> so, the charity came up with this creative way to raise money after the philadelphia school district cut some funding because of a budget shortfall. >> a lot of charities are becoming more creative in how they get them to donate. >> and creatively daring in that case. >> you're watching "nbc 10 news." ebola has hit new york city.
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a doctor there is diagnosed with that potentially deadly virus. this morning we're learning more about where he had beened in hours just before he started showing symptoms. a cash crash and shots fired. we're foelg more breaking news in hee lie valley where a police chase ended in gunfire. and we're drying out this morning. look at wind blowing flags on top of the aramark building. it looks like the start of what should be a very nice weekend. good morning. i'm chris cato. >> i'm tracy davidson. let's find out more from bill henley. good morning. >> we're seeing no rain in the area. the clouds are clearing out during the day. won't clear out completely today but we'll get enough sunshine toe warm us into the 60s. you can see the clouds over center city at this hour. we're still seeing gusty winds. increased in the over the pocono